Best cold brew to make at home

This cold brew coffee recipe is easy to make in just a few minutes of hands on time: then just wait overnight! Here’s how to make cold brew coffee.

Cold brew coffee: it’s ultra smooth, perfectly chilled, and guess what? It’s beyond easy to make at home! Over here we make pour over coffee every morning, but cold brew is something different altogether. The great thing about a cold brew coffee recipe: it requires virtually no special equipment and takes very little hands on time! It also makes a big batch of concentrate that you can keep in your fridge for days. With so many benefits, why not give it a try? Here’s how to make cold brew coffee.

Why make cold brew coffee?

What’s cold brew? Cold brew coffee is coffee made by soaking the grounds in water at cool temperatures. It’s different from drip or brewed coffee that’s made by percolating hot water over coffee grounds in a filter. Cold brew has become very popular at coffeeshops because of its deliciously smooth flavor. It’s great for summer, but you can drink it all year round! Here’s why to make cold brew coffee at home:

  • Smooth flavor. The top reason for drinking it? It has a deliciously smooth, refreshing flavor.
  • Makes a big pitcher. This recipe makes a big pitcher that you can drink off of for days! After hot coffee in the morning, it’s amazing to have a pitcher in the fridge for a quick afternoon coffee: which takes no time at all to make!

Best coffee for cold brew?

What’s the best coffee for cold brew? Dark roast coffee. Light and medium roast is great for drip or pour over coffee, but cold brew tastes the best with dark roast coffee. This gets just the right bitter flavor when it’s cold. Some brands recommend: Starbucks Espresso Roast or Intelligentsia Black Cat.

Equipment you need

To make cold brew coffee, you’ll need a few pieces of gear. But they are things that you’ll most likely already have in your kitchen! In contrast to making pour over coffee, making this recipe requires no special equipment. Here’s what you need, and links to what we use ourselves and show in the video.

  1. Coffee grinder or mill: To grind the coffee to a medium coarse grind. We use this Bodum electric burr grinder. It’s easiest with an electric grinder since you’ll need quite a bit of grounds! Or you can use a handheld coffee mill does the trick — it just takes much longer.
  2. Filtered water: Filtered water has the best flavor; we use this water filter pitcher.
  3. Large jar or pitcher
  4. Strainer
  5. Clean towel (keep in mind it will get stained from the coffee — see the video!)

The cold brew ratio

Last thing before we start: let’s talk ratios. What is the cold brew coffee ratio? There are two main ratios:

  • Grounds to water ratio: 1:4. For making coffee, use a 1:4 ratio of grounds to water. That means 1 ½ cups coffee grounds and 6 cups of water. (Unless you’re using a French press to make cold brew: see below!)
  • Cold brew concentrate to water ratio: 1:1. After you make cold brew, you’ll end up with cold brew concentrate. To drink the finished brew, use a ratio of 1:1. In other words, fill your glass with 1 part concentrate and 1 part water (or milk). Drinking concentrate on its own is much too strong.

How to make cold brew coffee

This cold brew coffee recipe is a very easy and forgiving method. Just make sure to make it 24 hours before you’d like to drink it! Here are the major steps in our cold brew coffee recipe (or jump to the recipe):

  1. Grind 1 ½ cups of dark roast coffee. Grind the coffee to a medium coarse grind.
  2. Add 6 cups filtered water and mix. Add filtered water to the coffee grounds in a large jar or pitcher, and give it a little stir.
  3. Refrigerate and wait 24 hours! Here’s where the brewing magic happens: and you don’t need to do anything! Just wait while the coffee brews.
  4. Filter the coffee. Pour the coffee into a strainer with a towel or cheesecloth placed inside, and filter it into a separate container. Then, your cold brew is ready to drink! It makes 9 servings: water it down with equal parts cold water and coffee concentrate.

Alternative method: French press

Here’s an alternative method: you can also make cold brew coffee with a French press! The advantage of this method is that it’s slightly cleaner and easier. The French press contains the coffee, and makes it easy to strain: no need to dirty your dish towels or cheesecloth. The ratio for cold brew is slightly different with that method. Go to French Press Cold Brew.

Watch this video first!

To show you how easy it is…we made a video! Before you start, watch this video of me showing you to how to make cold brew in our kitchen.

More coffee recipes

Are you a coffee lover? We’ve got a series on how to make coffee using all sorts of gadgets, and all the best coffee drink recipes:

  • How to Use a French Press
  • How to Use a Moka Pot
  • How to Make Espresso
  • How to Use a Chemex to Make Pour Over Coffee
  • How to Use an Aeropress
  • How to Make Iced Coffee
  • Try the top Espresso Drinks: Try the latte, Americano, macchiato, cappuccino, flat white, mocha, iced latte, iced espresso, iced mocha, iced white chocolate mocha or iced cappuccino and more

This cold brew coffee recipe is…

Vegetarian, vegan, plant-based, dairy-free, and gluten-free.



This cold brew coffee recipe is easy to make in just a few minutes of hands on time: then just wait overnight! Here’s how to make cold brew coffee.

  • 1 ½ cups dark roast coffee, medium coarse ground
  • 6 cups room temperature filtered water
  • Equipment: Large covered jar, strainer, clean towel or cheesecloth

  1. Grind the coffee: Grind the coffee to a medium coarse grind. 
  2. Mix coffee ground and water: Place the water in a large jar. Add the coffee grounds to the water. Twist on the top of the jar, and mix by shaking the jar a few times.
  3. Refrigerate 24 hours: Refrigerate the cold brew coffee for 24 hours. 
  4. Strain the coffee: Place a strainer over a clean jar, and line it with a clean towel or cheesecloth. Strain the coffee into the clean jar. Discard all coffee grounds. Place the cold brew concentrate back into the pitcher and refrigerate. Store refrigerated up to 1 week.
  5. Serve: To serve, dilute ½ cup cold brew concentrate with ½ cup water. If serving with ice, use the ice with ½ cup cold brew concentrate with ¼ cup water. 

  • Category: Drink
  • Method: Cold Brew
  • Cuisine: American

Keywords: How to make cold brew coffee

About the authors

Sonja & Alex

Meet Sonja and Alex Overhiser: Husband and wife. Expert home cooks. Authors of recipes you'll want to make again and again.

What coffee is good for homemade cold brew?

The short answer: This one's easy—use your favorite medium or dark roast. You can use your favorite coffee bean for cold brew. It's the size of the grind that matters more. (You'll need coarse ground coffee.

Is it cheaper to make my own cold brew?

Making cold brew at home is 100% easier to do than you might think, you don't need any fancy equipment, and it's 100% budget-friendly because it's so much more cost-effective than running to the coffee shop every day.

What is the best ratio for cold brew coffee?

Most people prefer to drink cold brew with a concentrate-to-water ratio between 2:1 and 1:1. If you like stronger coffee, use the 2:1 dilution ratio. We prefer a little less intense, so we would go with 1:1.

How can I make my home cold brew taste better?

How To Flavor Cold Brew Coffee (15 Flavoring Ideas).
Use Flavored Coffee Beans. ... .
Brew With Shredded Coconut. ... .
Add Spices While Brewing. ... .
Make Homemade Fruit Syrup. ... .
Top With Sweet Cream Cold Foam (like Starbucks) ... .
Mix In Sweetened Condensed Milk. ... .
Top With Coconut Cream. ... .
Use Honey As A Sweetener..


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