Buying a house as a single man

Understand the eligibility conditions, types of flats and CPF housing grants you may apply for if you are single, widowed or divorced, aged 35 and above, and are buying a flat on your own. You may also complete the questionnaire for a preliminary assessment.

If you are aged 55 and above and are looking to buy a short-lease 2-room Flexi flat or Community Care Apartment, please refer to the section on seniors.

If you intend to buy a new flat (3-room or bigger) or a resale flat with CPF Housing Grant (Families) with your parents, please refer to married couples and/ or parent(s) with child(ren).

If the information below does not apply to you [e.g. you are an unwed parent and would like to buy a flat with your child(ren)], please share your situation with us via our e-Feedback form. We will assess your request holistically based on the circumstances.


You are buying an HDB flat on your own.

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You may apply for a 2-room Flexi flat from HDB or buy a resale flat on the open market.

Eligibility conditions

CriteriaNew FlatsResale Flats
Flat type 2-room Flexi flat in the non-mature estates

All flat types (excluding 3Gen flats) in any location


Up to 5-room if applying for CPF housing grants

Citizenship You must be a Singapore Citizen (SC)
Age At least 35 years old
  • 35 years old or above if unmarried or divorced
  • 21 years old or above if widowed or an orphan^

^ At least 1 of your deceased parents was an SC or Singapore Permanent Resident (SPR)

Monthly household income ceiling

2-room Flexi flat (99-year lease): $7,000

For short-lease 2-room Flexi flat, please refer to seniors.

No income ceiling


Income ceiling applies to qualify for CPF housing grants (excluding Proximity Housing Grant) and HDB housing loan.

Ownership/ interest in property in Singapore or overseas other than HDB flat

All applicants and occupiers listed in the flat application:

  • Must not own or have an interest in any local or overseas private property; and
  • Must not have disposed of any private property in the last 30 months before the flat application to buy a flat from HDB or resale PLH flat on the open market.

Private properties include but are not limited to houses, buildings, land, Executive Condominium (EC) units and privatised HUDC flats. You have acquired an interest in a property through purchase or when it is:

  • Acquired by gift;
  • Inherited as a beneficiary under a will or from the Intestate Succession Act; or
  • Owned, acquired, or disposed of through nominees.

All applicants and occupiers listed in the resale application:

  • Must not own or have an interest in any local or overseas private residential property; and
  • Must not have disposed of any private residential property in the last 15 months before the resale application.

The above conditions do not apply to seniors (and their spouses) aged 55 and above who are moving from their private property to a 4-room or smaller resale flat. Nevertheless, these seniors must dispose of the property within 6 months of the completion of the flat purchase.


If you own or have an interest in any local or overseas private property or have disposed of any private property in the last 30 months before the resale application or application for an HDB Loan Eligibility letter, you are not eligible for CPF housing grants (excluding Proximity Housing Grant) and/ or an HDB housing loan.

Previous housing subsidies

Only first-timers may qualify.

If you have taken a housing subsidy, you are a second-timer and will not be eligible. A subsidised housing unit refers to:

  • A flat bought from HDB
  • An HDB resale flat bought on the open market with CPF housing grant
  • A Design Build and Sell Scheme (DBSS) flat bought from a property developer
  • An EC unit bought from a property developer
  • Other forms of housing subsidy (e.g., enjoyed benefits under the Selective En bloc Redevelopment Scheme (SERS), privatisation of HUDC estate, etc.)

Any previous housing subsidy taken does not affect the eligibility to buy a resale flat.


If you have taken any housing subsidies, you are not eligible to apply for CPF housing grants (excluding Proximity Housing Grant).

Ownership/ interest in HDB flat If you or any person listed in the application owns or has an interest in any HDB flat, you must dispose of the flat within 6 months of the completion of the flat purchase.
Additional amount payable

$15,000, incorporated into the price of the booked flat

Not applicable

CPF housing grants

Eligible buyers may apply for the following CPF housing grants for their flat purchase:

  • Enhanced CPF Housing Grant (Singles)

Eligible buyers may apply for the following CPF housing grants for their flat purchase:

  • CPF Housing Grants (Singles)
  • Enhanced CPF Housing Grant (Singles)
  • Proximity Housing Grant (Singles)

Two or more singles

You are buying a flat with up to three other singles.

Arrow down icon

You may apply for a 2-room Flexi flat from HDB or buy a resale flat on the open market together with other single(s) as co-applicant(s).

If you are buying a flat with your sibling(s) who are orphans and single, refer to orphan siblings.

Eligibility conditions

CriteriaNew FlatsResale Flats
Flat type 2-room Flexi flat in the non-mature estates All flat types (excluding 3Gen flats)

You must:

  • Be a Singapore Citizen (SC)
  • Include at least 1 other co-applicant who is an SC
Age At least 35 years old
  • 35 years old or above if single or divorced
  • 21 years old or above if widowed or an orphan
Monthly household income ceiling

2-room Flexi flat (99-year lease):

  • $7,000

For short-lease 2-room Flexi flat, please refer to seniors.

No income ceiling


Income ceiling applies to qualify for CPF housing grants (excluding Proximity Housing Grant) and HDB housing loan.

Ownership/ interest in property in Singapore or overseas other than HDB flat

All applicants and occupiers listed in the flat application:

  • Must not own or have an interest in any local or overseas private property; and
  • Must not have disposed of any private property in the last 30 months before the flat application to buy a flat from HDB or resale PLH flat on the open market.

Private properties include but are not limited to houses, buildings, land, Executive Condominium (EC) units and privatised HUDC flats. You have acquired an interest in a property through purchase or when it is:

  • Acquired by gift;
  • Inherited as a beneficiary under a will or from the Intestate Succession Act; or
  • Owned, acquired, or disposed of through nominees.

All applicants and occupiers listed in the resale application:

  • Must not own or have an interest in any local or overseas private residential property; and
  • Must not have disposed of any private residential property in the last 15 months before the resale application.

The above conditions do not apply to seniors (and their spouses) aged 55 and above who are moving from their private property to a 4-room or smaller resale flat. Nevertheless, these seniors must dispose of the property within 6 months of the completion of the flat purchase.


If you own or have an interest in any local or overseas private property or have disposed of any private property in the last 30 months before the resale application or application for an HDB Loan Eligibility letter, you are not eligible for CPF housing grants (excluding Proximity Housing Grant) and/ or an HDB housing loan.

Previous housing subsidies

Only first-timers may qualify.

If you have taken a housing subsidy, you are a second-timer and will not be eligible. A subsidised housing unit refers to:

  • A flat bought from HDB
  • A resale flat bought on the open market with CPF housing grant
  • A Design Build and Sell Scheme (DBSS) flat bought from a property developer
  • An EC unit bought from a property developer
  • Other forms of housing subsidy (e.g. enjoyed benefits under the Selective En bloc Redevelopment Scheme (SERS), privatisation of HUDC estate, etc.)

Any previous housing subsidy taken does not affect the eligibility to buy a resale flat.


If you have taken any housing subsidies, you are not eligible to apply for CPF housing grants (excluding Proximity Housing Grant).

Ownership/ interest in HDB flat If you or any person listed in the application owns or has an interest in any HDB flat, you must dispose of the flat within 6 months of the completion of the flat purchase.
CPF housing grants

Eligible first-timers may apply for the following CPF housing grants for their flat purchase:

  • Enhanced CPF Housing Grant (Singles)

Eligible first-timers may apply for the following CPF housing grants for their flat purchase:

  • CPF Housing Grants (Singles)
  • Enhanced CPF Housing Grant (Singles)
  • Proximity Housing Grant (Singles)


  • Financing a Flat Purchase

    Plan your finances and understand the different housing loan options.

  • Finding a Flat

    Find out more about the types of HDB flats available for sale and design features of new flats.

  • Buying Procedure for New Flats

    Get started with your flat purchase by finding out about the buying process of a flat from HDB.

  • Buying Procedure for Resale Flats

    Understand and follow the resale procedures to ensure a smooth flat buying journey. Find out more about the process before committing to a flat purchase.

Can I buy a house if I'm single?

There are currently 2 schemes single Singaporeans can apply under and two types of HDB flats they're eligible for. Under the Singles Singapore Citizen & Joint Singles Scheme, singles can purchase either new or resale flats. However, for BTO (new flats), singles can only buy 2-room Flexi units at non-mature estates.

How can a single person afford a house UK?

Help to Buy for a single person Help to Buy is a range of government schemes for first time buyers. One option is an equity loan, which is like those offered by developers, but it comes from the government. The scheme is designed to help you create a 20% deposit (40% in London), but you'll need to put down at least 5%.

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