Can acid reflux cause pain in throat

Can acid reflux cause a sore throat?

Wondering why you have a sore throat can be frustrating, especially when you don’t know how to treat it. If you have a sore throat paired with heartburn, an unpleasant taste in your mouth or a dry cough, you may be wondering if your sore throat is caused by acid reflux.

Does acid reflux cause a sore throat? 

Acid reflux is a condition where acid from your stomach travels up your oesophagus (your digestive tract) into your throat and mouth. The word reflux means ‘flowing back’ – in this case it means that your stomach acid is going in the opposite direction to where it should. If you get acid reflux repeatedly, it is known as gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD or GERD).

While the acid remains in your stomach, your body is protected against it by a thick lining which acts as a defensive barrier. However, when it enters the oesophagus and travels up to your mouth, it can damage the tissues around it which aren’t protected like the stomach is. This is what causes the pain of heartburn – and if the acid reaches your mouth, it can also cause a sore throat. 

How to get rid of a sore throat from acid reflux

The most effective way to stop a sore throat caused by acid reflux is to prevent acid reflux in the first instance. However, this can take time, so you may also benefit from treatments that ease the symptoms of acid reflux in the meantime. Here, we’ve listed some methods you can use to try and ease a sore throat from acid reflux.

  • Eat little and often

Acid reflux can often be triggered by eating large meals in a short period of time. If this is something that affects you, one thing you could try is eating smaller meals more frequently. For example, instead of eating a regular-sized breakfast, lunch and dinner, try eating a smaller-portioned breakfast, elevenses, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner and supper. 

  • Elevate your head

Often, acid reflux gets worse at night or when you are lying down, as gravity makes it easier for the acid to travel up your oesophagus. You may be able to combat this by adding an extra pillow to your bed, but this might give you a stiff neck in the morning from the unnatural position. A better remedy would be to place something under the ‘head’ end of your bed so your whole mattress is raised.

For the same reason, it’s also best not to lie down or bend over soon after eating, as this can also trigger acid reflux. Where possible, give yourself a couple of hours after eating to let your food go down – don’t do heavy exercise or go to sleep during this time. 

  • Identify your triggers

Many people who suffer from acid reflux find that their symptoms come on after eating particular foods. Sometimes this can be spicy foods, fatty foods, chocolate, coffee, alcohol, tomatoes, or it could be something else entirely. Experimenting with your diet can help you to spot any foods or drinks that cause a flare up of acid reflux, so you can avoid or limit them in future. 

  • Use a numbing agent

If you need short term relief from the sore throat your acid reflux has caused, why not try a numbing agent? Ultra Chloraseptic’s soothing honey and lemon throat spray contains a numbing agent that eases pain in a small, specific area – so you won’t have to worry about your whole mouth going numb. Using a topical numbing agent such as a throat spray can help you to manage the pain and get on with your day.

  • Try a soothing lemon drink

Alternatively, you may find a lemon drink helps to ease the pain. Drinking a hot lemon and honey mixture or a cool lemon water drink can lubricate your throat, soothing any pain caused by friction on the damaged tissue. Lemon is also good for sore throats as it helps to boost your immune system. Be careful, though – if lemon is one of the foods that triggers your acid reflux, it may do more harm than good.

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Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, can have a variety of symptoms we do not typically associate with acid reflux. GERD is caused by a weakness in the lower esophageal sphincter, the muscular valve that separates the stomach from the esophagus. When functioning properly, the LES opens only to allow food and liquids to enter the stomach. However, a loose LES can allow gastric acid to backflow into the esophagus, and heartburn is only one of many symptoms.

Here are some hidden symptoms of GERD that you might not recognize as being caused by reflux:

  1. Hoarse or husky voice — A deeper-sounding voice after a meal might mean that you are experiencing reflux of acid into the esophagus or throat.
  2. Sore throat — GERD can also cause your throat to become sore after eating.
  3. Bitter taste — A bitter or sour taste in your mouth after eating might be gastric acid from the stomach caused by GERD. In severe cases, acid reflux can cause choking.
  4. Asthma — Wheezing and coughing can be caused by stomach acid reaching the lungs.
  5. Chest pain — Heartburn or chest pain can be due to repeated acid reflux.
  6. Nausea — Feeling queasy after a meal could also point to reflux.
  7. Excessive saliva — Extra saliva may be produced to wash acid from the esophagus.
  8. Bad breath — The acidity of reflux can cause bad breath.
  9. Difficulty swallowing — A feeling of a lump in the throat that won’t go away could indicate inflammation of esophageal tissue and strictures.
  10. Ear ache — Ear aches and ear infections are not uncommon for GERD sufferers.

If you have several of the symptoms above, make an appointment with a gastroenterologist. Undiagnosed GERD can cause long-term complications that can lead to serious health problems so make an appointment today. 

What does a sore throat from acid reflux feel like?

A burning sensation in the throat. Feeling like you have a lump in your throat. Regurgitating food or stomach acid. Vocal hoarseness.

Can acid reflux cause sharp pain in throat?

As well as cause the common burning sensation of heartburn, the acid from reflux can also damage the esophagus. A sore throat is one symptom of GERD that may be caused by this damage.

How long does it take for throat to heal from acid reflux?

If you have reflux, medicine that reduces the stomach acid helps your body heal. It might take 1 to 3 weeks to heal.

How do you know if your throat is damaged from acid reflux?

How acid reflux and GERD may damage the throat.
chronic throat clearing..
feeling of a “lump” in the throat..
chronic cough or cough that wakes you from your sleep..
choking episodes..
“rawness” in the throat..
voice problems (particularly in singers or voice professionals).


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