Can i feed my dog chicken feet

  • Chicken feet are packed with glucosamine and chondroitin, which helps relieve pain and promotes bone and joint health. They are a natural alternative to joint supplements.
  • Chicken feet is a good source of collagen that also promotes joint health, reduce inflammation and benefits dogs with arthritis.
  • Chicken feet also promote dental hygiene.

  • Chicken feet have 25% fat content. Dogs that are prone to pancreatitis should avoid having chicken feet.
  • Chicken feet might cause digestive issues to dogs with a sensitive stomach; symptoms include vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Chicken feet have multiple small bones, they might cause choking especially for small dogs.
  • Raw chicken parts may be contaminated with bacteria, including salmonella. Dogs are mostly resistant to salmonella infection. However, a dog with a weak immune system or existing digestive issues could be more susceptible to the infection.


  • Chicken feet can be given to your dog raw; most dogs can digest the feet with the nails on; however, some dog owners prefer to have them removed before feeding them to dogs.
  • Store-bought chicken feet treats for dogs are mostly dehydrated or air-dried; if you have the choice, it is better to choose air-dried chicken feet as they retain more nutrients.
  • Give 1-3 chicken feet to your dog a day, dependinging on his size; it is recommended to give dogs a variety of offals throughout the week.

Chicken Feet have been quickly growing in popularity as more owners look for natural treats for their dogs. And, there are some very good reasons why!

Not only are Chicken Feet a super tasty treat for your dog, but they are also loaded with essential nutrients for your dog’s health and general wellbeing. We should add that Chicken Feet also go without nasty additives or preservatives.

Here we will look further into some of the key health benefits of chicken feet for dogs, and assess their general suitability.

What are the benefits of chicken feet for dogs?

Improves Joint Health (Treats Osteoarthritis)

Did you know that Chicken Feet are loaded with naturally occurring collagen? Around 70% of the foot is cartilage where the main protein is collagen, with a further 5% glucosamine. Talk about a super food!

Collagen is the most abundant protein in your dog’s body. However, as dogs get older, they produce less and less collagen leading to stiff joints and ligaments. The painful result of these stiff joints is also known as osteoarthritis.

Anyone with an older dog suffering from osteoarthritis will know how expensive collagen supplements can be. But it doesn’t necessarily have to be the case if you were to add a few chicken feet into your dog’s diet.

It’s never too early to start topping up your dog’s collagen intake, as even puppies will love these treats!

Improves Dental Health (natural toothbrush)

Dehydrated chicken feet also provide a great chewing or gnawing treat for dogs. We explained further in another article how certain treats can clean your dog’s teeth.

Essentially, when your dog chews on a harder treat like a dehydrated chicken foot, the built-up tartar is scraped away from the teeth. It’s an entirely natural toothbrush for dogs!

Furthermore, while chewing dental treats such as chicken feet, your dog mouth produces extra saliva. This saliva has its own antibacterial abilities to kill bacteria in your dog’s mouth and improve stinky dog breath.

Improves Coat, Skin, and Nail Health

Another benefit of the collagen in chicken feet is that it helps to improve the health of your dog’s coat, skin, and nails.

If your dog has been suffering from itchy or flaky skin, then consider including a regular serving of chicken feet in their diet. Dehydrated or raw chicken feet can both provide the benefits here.

Are Chicken Feet Safe for Dogs?

You’ve probably heard advice, like most people, that chicken bones are no good for dogs. That’s generally true, especially with larger cooked bones like the drumstick (or thigh) that can splinter when chewed.

But chicken feet are quite different.

As mentioned above, chicken feet are over 70% cartilage which is mostly comprised of the collagen protein. While this is quite hard when dehydrated, this cartilage is quite easily and safely digested.

If you are feeding chicken feet to your dog for the first time, or you have a younger puppy that may be prone to swelling treats whole, then we suggest supervision. However, most likely you’ll find that your dog is sensible and chews them properly.

How often can I give my dog chicken feet?

Chicken Feet should complement but not replace your dog’s daily diet. Generally, giving your dog one or two chicken feet per day is perfectly fine.

After a short while you should notice improved dental health, freshened breath, and possibly even improved skin health if that was an issue to start with.

If you’d like to find some mentally stimulating ways of giving chicken feet to your dog (and make the chewing last even longer) then be sure to check out our article on these creative dog treat enrichment ideas. Enrichments are a great way for your dog to engage in their natural instincts and become more mentally, physically, and emotionally satisfied (i.e. happier and less destructive).

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions on the suitability of chicken feet for your dog.

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Can I feed raw chicken feet to my dog?

A Very Safe Treat So long as they aren't cooked, chicken feet present very few risks. The nails can be sharp, so if they haven't been trimmed you may want to do that. But if your dog is fit and healthy, these treats should not cause any problems.

How do you prepare raw chicken feet for dogs?

Place the feet in a single layer in the dehydrator and dry at 170 - 200 degrees for 24 hours. To oven bake, prepare the feet and place them on parchment paper lined baking sheet. Slightly spray them with a dog friendly cooking oil and bake at 200C/400F for 30-40 minutes until the feet are crispy.

Is chicken feet healthy for dogs?

Chicken feet are naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin, which are both known to support the joint health and mobility of dogs and cats. In addition, chicken feet can act as edible and fully digestible toothbrushes, supporting gum and dental health.

Do dogs eat chicken feet raw or cooked?

You should only give your pet raw or dried chicken feet. When they are cooked, the bones become easier to splint, which becomes dangerous for dogs.


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