Can i use wild growth oil everyday

Thousands of amazing results told and shown by users for over 10 years. With Wild Growth Hair Oil, you can enjoy complete root to end growth protection (growth enabled by reducing breakage and shedding) for hair, eye brows, eye lashes, nails and beards.

As a result, experience first time ever appearance and filling in of bald areas, edges, and your hair line. Yes you can grow your hair including the top, front, kitchen and temple. You will experience overall thickening, and first time shoulder and below lengths, Using Wild Growth Hair Oil properly will give you lasting moisture, anti-grab, glide-through handling, and breakage protection.

Wild Growth Hair Oil can be used in shampoo, hot oil treatments, in your co-wash or simply on wet or dry hair.

If you want to have thick, healthy, long, luscious, vibrant hair, then Wild Growth Hair Oil is what you have been looking for.  Wild Growth is one of the best kept secrets in almost every salon across the world.

People that use Wild Growth Oil know how it promotes hair growth, but if you are experiencing issues like thinning or hair loss then this product is specifically designed for you!

The first step in your hair growth journey is to understand the difference between the two products, Wild Growth Hair Oil and Wild Growth Hair Oil Light Oil Moisturizer. Both products work together to give you the best results possible. You can purchase both products here at, the official wild growth hair oil website.

What’s in Wild Growth Hair Oil?

The first question most people have about Wild Growth Hair Oil is what is in the product? We only use natural ingredients in Wild Growth Hair Oil.  You can learn more about the ingredients here.  

Wild Growth Hair Oil Contains: Oils of Coconut, Olive Oil, Jojoba, Rice Bran, Cocoa Butter, Acerola, Pomegranate, Rosehip, and Pumpkin Seed, Mushroom Extracts, Chick Pea, Lentil, Cocoa Mass and Sesame seed, Essential Oils of Clary Sage, Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Geranium, Grapefruit, Lavender and Peppermint.

Wild Growth Hair Oil is a heavier than most other hair oils on the market and that's because it works. Wild Growth Light Oil Moisturizer is the lighter version and contains a few different ingredients than the original.

Does Wild Growth Hair Oil Work?

If you are a bit skeptical and want to know if wild growth hair oil really works then a quick google search can help you decide.  You can get the hair growth results you've dreamed about using Wild Growth Hair Oil in a relatively short period of time, but please remember, to get the best results, you have to use it consistently. When you stop using wild growth hair oil, unfortunately you also stop your hair from being shiny, and healthy, and protected.

What Are the Steps in Applying Wild Growth Hair Oil?


  1. Shake well, but no need to remix occasional dark sediment.
  2. Apply sparingly throughout entire hair and scalp.
  3. Observe results daily, gradually increase frequency from once a week to three times per week over the course of the first month.
  4. After, maintain a light coating of moisture throughout hair and scalp by applying on an average of 3 times per week.

Wild Growth Hair Oil helps you obtain the hair of your wildest dreams that is both easy to achieve and maintain. As an added bonus, a small amount of oil will last you a very long time so your first bottle will last throughout the first few months of your hair growth journey. A small amount really goes a long way!

Wild Growth Hair Oil is the gift that keeps on giving. Wild Growth Hair Oil is a product that nourishes the hair and scalp leaving your hair thicker and fuller longer. Wild Growth gives you the inches you really care about the most.

Instructional Videos

 More Videos About How To Use Wild Growth Hair Oil

Combine Wild Growth Hair Oil (White Bottle) & Wild Growth Hair Oil Light Moisturizer (Yellow Bottle) together into your weekly hair care regimen to see maximum hair growth results!

    Can you put growth oil in your hair everyday?

    How often should you oil your hair? Ayurveda recommends oiling hair almost every day as part of dinacharya, or a daily routine, though this may not be realistic for everyone. Varalakshmi suggests oiling at least twice a week, ideally a night before you plan to wash your hair.

    What are the side effects of wild growth hair oil?

    Before using any hair growth product, you should be aware of potential adverse side effects. Thankfully, I didn't experience any terrible side effects with Wild Growth Hair Oil, however, others have reported hair loss, thinning hair, and even bald spots.

    Does wild growth oil make your hair grow?

    Wild Growth Hair Oil consists of an uncompromisingly rich plant based formula that hydrates, conditions and softens for more manageable hair. Dry, tangled and hard to manage hair will become soft, healthy and less prone to split ends and hair breakage. The hair oil promotes strong, thick hair growth for all hair types.


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