Can you cash advance a credit card

Credit card cash advances let you tap into your credit line to get cash when you need it, but it's important to understand the costs of a cash advance and to know how credit card cash advances work before you take one out.

What is a cash advance?

A cash advance is a loan offered by your credit card issuer. When you take out a cash advance, you're borrowing money against your card's line of credit. You must repay this loan and the amount you transfer cannot exceed the current balance available on your credit card. The amount that is transferred is then added to your credit card balance.

How does a cash advance work?

The amount of money you transfer or withdraw as a cash advance will appear on your credit card statement and interest will begin accruing right away. Cash advances typically come with a higher APR than regular purchases and you may also incur a cash advance fee.

How to get a cash advance from a credit card

If you have a credit card that allows cash advances, you can access cash in a few different ways.

Cash advances via an ATM

Getting a cash advance from an ATM requires your physical card, as well as a personal identification number (PIN) provided by your card issuer. You might also be subject to daily ATM withdrawal limits and fees similar to those imposed on checking accounts.

Cash advances via convenience check

Your credit card issuer may provide you with convenience checks linked to your card account. Like a normal check, convenience checks allow you to submit payments to a particular person or organization, which are charged against your credit account.

In-person cash advances

You might be able to use your card to take out cash advances in person at a branch. Remember to take identification with you, if this is something you can do.

What is the maximum cash advance limit you can withdraw from a credit card?

Cash advances are typically capped at a percentage of your card's credit limit. For example, if your credit limit is $15,000 and the card caps your cash advance limit at 30%, your maximum cash advance will be $4,500.

What are the costs associated with a cash advance?

Cash advance is an expensive way to access cash. Over and above the actual advance, which you will need to repay, cash advances come with the following charges:

  • Fees. Cash advance fees can be substantial, where a typical fee is 5% of each cash advance you request. In addition, you are likely to pay several dollars in ATM fees if you take out a cash advance via ATM. 
  • Cash advance APR. You will typically pay a higher interest rate on advances than what your card charges for purchases. And unlike purchases, which allow a grace period before interest begins to accrue, cash advance interest starts to accrue as soon as the advance is granted.

Does cash advance hurt your credit?

A cash advance that is promptly paid back shouldn't hurt your credit— although cash advances do count towards your credit utilization, or the amount of revolving credit you are using against your credit limits. Credit utilization is a major contributor to your FICO® credit score, making up 30% of the FICO® scoring model. 

Cash advances can lower your credit score if you fail to pay back what you owe. Payment history is the single biggest component of the FICO model, representing 35% of a person's FICO® score. 

Worrying about how a cash advance could affect your credit score is completely natural, Chase offers Chase Credit Journey® as a simple and free tool to keep track of what your credit score is and the different elements that contribute to it.

How do I pay less for credit card cash advances?

There is no way of paying less for cash advances. Cash advance fees and interest rates are typically higher than a regular charge on your credit card. For this reason you may want to consider using them infrequently and only for emergencies. If you need an alternative, consider taking out a personal loan. You may be able to find a personal loan with an APR that is less than a cash advance.

Credit card cash advances: Get all the facts

Credit card cash advances can be a lifeline when you need cash, but be sure you understand the full cost of a cash advance before you take one out. Closely read your card issuer's terms and conditions to learn how a credit card cash advance works as well as what it will cost you, and consider whether less-expensive borrowing options might be right for you.

When you need some extra cash to see you through emergency, you can ask us for any amount up to your available credit limit — and you’ll receive it in your account immediately!

Get instant cash anytime, anywhere

  • digibank online— simply log in to get cash via FAST
  • DBS/POSB ATM in Singapore and overseas — using your credit card PIN
  • DBS/POSB branch or any overseas bank displaying your card logo (American Express, Visa or MasterCard)
  • Phone6 – call us at 1800 111 1111 or +65 6327 2265 (for overseas call)

Forgot your credit card PIN? Just call our Customer Service Hotline at 1800 111 1111 or +65 6327 2265 (from overseas).


Apply now

Get instant cash through any of these convenient channels:

  • If you have digibank online

  • Visit any of our branches or ATM

  • Call our Customer Service Hotline at 1800 111 1111 or +65 6327 2265 (from overseas)

For all new credit card members, to enable your Cash Advance Facility, please follow the instructions on DBS Payment Controls here.

How do you get a cash advance off a credit card?

At your bank: You can ask your teller for a cash advance by using your credit card. At an ATM: You can insert your card, enter your PIN and receive your cash. With a check: If you've been given checks by your credit card issuer, you can fill one out, naming yourself as the payee.

How much of a cash advance can I take out on my credit card?

Cash advances are typically capped at a percentage of your card's credit limit. For example, if your credit limit is $15,000 and the card caps your cash advance limit at 30%, your maximum cash advance will be $4,500.

Do cash advances hurt credit?

Cash advances can impact credit scores like any other loan. While they don't inherently hurt your credit score, they can lead to future credit issues. For example, using too much of your available credit or paying your cash advance back late can ding your credit score.


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