Do we need passport number to book international flight

When will I need my passport:

If you are only booking flights (not a package) then copies of your passport need to be sent to the airline at least 72 hours before departure.

If you are needing to apply for a visa to a particular country, you will need your physical passport to process the application.

If you’re purchasing a holiday package, your travel agent will need passport copies of all travellers. Passport copies do not need to be certified.

Tips to keep in mind:

Always check the validity of your passport BEFORE you book. If the airline requires your passport number, check that your passport is valid for travel. For most countries, your passport must be valid for 6 months beyond departure date. If your expiry date is before then, you cannot book a flight on that passport number and will need to be issued a new passport.

The South African Department of Home Affairs no longer issues Temporary Passports. Only Emergency Travel Certificates (ETC) will be issued, if:

  • passport is lost/ stolen while abroad
  • travelling to countries accepting ETC for family emergencies

The waiting period for a new passport is less than one month, so factor this into your travel plans.

Some airlines do not allow for name changes – you will have to rebook a new ticket for the same flight on the same airline, or book a completely new ticket. Some airlines charge a penalty fee for name changes on flight tickets.

**Please note if you are making a booking on Cathay Pacific, the airline requires the full names of all travellers on the booking.

Book a package:

In search of that dream holiday with all the trimmings? Look no further than our exotic holiday packages to all corners of the world. Whether you’re wanting to sip coconuts along tropical palm-fringed beaches, or explore the historical architectural masterpieces of Europe, we’ve got you covered with our wide range of holiday packages. See the fantastic deals we have on offer.
Our friendly travel experts are waiting to assist you!

How to secure the cheapest tickets:

Don’t leave booking your flight to the last minute. Ticket prices typically increase one to two weeks before departure, and during peak seasons. Take advantage of lower prices by travelling during low season and booking your flights at least six months in advance.

How to secure the cheapest tickets:

Don’t leave booking your flight to the last minute. Ticket prices typically increase one to two weeks before departure, and during peak seasons. Take advantage of lower prices by travelling during low season and booking your flights at least six months in advance.

To secure the best flight deals, most people believe the best time to book is in the morning and late at night, when discounted flights are reloaded. Tuesdays are, ideally, the best days to book flights, when airlines usually launch their airfare sales. Flights departing at lunch time and on Saturday afternoons and evenings are generally cheaper than other flight times.

Be flexible:

While we do recommend booking flights in advance to make sure you get exactly what you want, keep in mind that it pays to be a little flexible with your travel plans. Feel free to adjust your travel dates to suit special promotions and flight deals.

With Travelstart, you have the opportunity to upgrade and book a “Flexi Ticket”, granting you 1 FREE date change to your booking. Simply tick the “Flexi Tickets” box in the More Options drop down. This option is subject to the same fare and class availability. Alternatively, you can select the “Rebookable Flight” option in Step 3.
Read more about how to book flights with flexible dates, and secure your peace of mind in the eventuality that you need to change your flight.

Compare airlines:

Choose travel dates that suit you without worrying about whether the airline can accommodate your travel plans. Travelstart’s platform allows you to compare multiple airlines, picking the flight that best suits your needs and budget. Enter your destination in the search box, and choose from a list of airports in that city. Although certain airlines may not serve smaller airports, you’ll find most major airlines serving all major airports around the world.

For domestic flights, low cost carriers like FlySafair and Kulula are significantly cheaper then full-service carriers, like SAA and British Airways. Smaller airlines are able to offer cheaper flights by charging for optional extras like baggage allowance and spacious legroom. See our list of international airlines and budget airlines, and save big on flights to various destinations.

Payment options:

Travelstart offers you a variety of payment options. Payments can be made via:

  • monthly installments with your budget credit card,
  • regular credit card transactions
  • debit card
  • EFT
  • SID (Secure Instant Deposit) EFT for an additional fee of R99 to ensure immediate, successful payment.

If you have a voucher code, simply complete payment details to redeem your voucher.

With Travelstart, booking flights without a passport is a simple and painless process. Just follow our easy steps and you’ll soon be on your way to the holiday of your dreams!


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