Find out who views your instagram profile

If you have used LinkedIn, you might have noticed that the social media platform notifies you whenever someone visits your profile. Ever wished to see this feature on Instagram too? Well, the answer is yes and no! But, let’s not get ahead. Read along to know if you can check who viewed your Instagram profile!

Is there a way to see if someone is stalking your Instagram profile?

Unfortunately, there’s no official way to see who has visited your Instagram profile. Since Meta’s Facebook was always in the dark about exploiting user data, the company doesn’t want the same to happen with Instagram and has introduced strong policies to protect users’ data.

Hence you won’t be able to see the profile viewers even with the help of third-party apps. According to Instagram’s data policy, it only shares the user’s name, username, bio, profile photo, and email address to non-verified third-party apps and nothing else like profile visitors.

This means you shouldn’t be trusting your Instagram login credentials with apps and websites that claim to help you find who visited your profile. And for your safety, I risked my data on some of these apps and websites to verify their claim! Undoubtedly, they were disappointing. Instagram blocked some apps from accessing my account’s data, while others displayed incorrect data.

Moreover, some apps even wanted me to let them monitor my activities on Instagram and phone. These all were enough to silence the curious me. So, there are no ways to know who visited your Instagram profile, you ask? Well, yes, there is, and I will only mention the official and safe ways.

Indirect way to check who views your Instagram profile via Story

The best way is to check who viewed your stories on Instagram. Because whenever someone visits your profile, they either click your profile picture accidentally or check your story. In both cases, Instagram will let you see who viewed your story (unless your account is private); that way, you will know who visited your profile.

But this method comes with its flaws. The main among them is the inability to know who visited your profile since one can view your stories without necessarily visiting your profile. Another one is that you can see the viewers until 24 hours after uploading the story.

If you only want to know about your common stalkers, this may work for you. Other than that, if you just want to know how many people check your profile, I have mentioned how you can do the same in the next part.

Use Instagram insight

If you are using an Instagram Professional account, you will see an option called insight. It enables you to see the number of people who visits your profile. Other than that, you will get additional features such as the ability to differentiate visitors from followers and non-followers and demographics.

You also can view how each of your posts performs and even run ad campaigns for better reach.

To make your account professional:

  1. Open Instagram and tap your profile.
  2. Tap three-line icons at the top right.
  3. Select Settings.
    Scroll down and see if you have the Switch to professional account option. If yes, tap it and if not, follow along.

  4. Tap Account.
  5. Here, tap Switch to Professional account.
  6. On the new page, tap Continue and go through the professional account features.

  7. Select the category for your account and tap Done.
    If you have a private account, you will be warned that your account will be visible to everyone.
  8. If you are ok with it, tap OK.

  9. Select Creator or Business and add necessary information to your account.

Note: You can only see insights information after activating it and won’t be able to know how many people who visited your profile before.

Now that your account has been turned into a Professional account, it’s time to check Insights. For that:

  1. Go to your profile on Instagram and tap the three lines at the top right.
  2. Tap Get insights.

Here you will see all the details, such as profile visitors. Other than that, you can also use Meta’s apps like Creator Studio or Business Suite to check the visitor counts.

Check who visited your Insta profile using Creator Studio/Business Suite

While you won’t know who visits your Instagram profile, apps such as Creator Studio or Business Suite can help you know how many people visit your profile each day. All you have to do is log in with your Facebook ID linked with the Instagram page or account. You will see the viewers under the insights tab.

Note: Your Instagram page or profile must be linked with a Facebook page and profile to use these apps.

Make your Instagram account private

The best way to prevent others from stalking your profile is by making your account private. With this, even if they visit your account, you can ensure they won’t see your story highlights, followers, the following list, or posts. All you have to do is:

  1. Open Instagram and tap your profile.
  2. Tap the three-line icon at the top right.
  3. Select Settings.

  4. Next, tap Privacy.
  5. Toggle on Privacy account.

  6. Confirm by tapping Switch to Private.

Note: If you are using a professional account, you will be asked to switch back to a regular account to make your account private.

That’s it! Now no one other than your followers can see your profile and access its content.


Q. Can someone see how often you viewed their Instagram profile?

No. Instagram users won’t be able to know how much time a particular user has visited their profile. But if you view their story, they will get information about the viewers.

That’s it!

I understand the curiosity to know who visits our profile every day. It also helps us to know if anyone is stalking us or not. I hope this article helped you understand how to check if someone viewed your Instagram profile. Do you think Instagram should let us see who checked our profile? Let me know in the comments below.

For more Instagram tips and tricks:

  • How to download Instagram videos and photos to iPhone Camera Roll
  • How to make and use Instagram Avatar on iPhone and Android
  • Change your Instagram password or reset it
  • How to hide your active status on Instagram (iPhone and Android)

Anoop loves to find solutions for all your doubts on Tech. When he's not on his quest, you can find him on Twitter talking about what's in his mind.


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