Gift ideas for someone starting a business

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Running a business isn’t easy. All business owners are grateful for the help from their friends and family. If you know a small business owner, you probably know that he/she needs many useful things for everyday work.

If you are looking for an original gift that will please any small business owner, read our top 35 useful gifts that you can buy on Amazon or at local stores. This is a creative list of 35 helpful gift ideas for new entrepreneurs.

Top Gift Ideas for Small Business Owners

1. A great business book

A gift that is guaranteed to do well for an entrepreneur is some interesting reading material. This can be a hard-cover business book, or you could buy them an e-book if you know the SMB owner is an e-reader enthusiast. Some of the best business books are written by famous entrepreneurs and business owners, so he can read about their stories and gain some inspiration.

A good place to start is Amazon’s small business section. Some recommendations are “Zero to One“, “The Hard Thing About Hard Things“, “The 4-Hour Work Week” by Tim Ferris, and everything written by Seth Godin.

2. A journal

A business owner can never have too many journals for jotting down ideas and making to-do lists. You could also go with a leather-bound notebook and some pens and pencils if you know their style preference (or even help them create one).

Here are some nice journal options for your business owner friends:

3. Hourglass or Pomodoro timer

Small business owners often won’t realize how fast time passes, but realize that office time is limited every hour. Your boss will be able to see exactly what time of day it is at any moment. This way you’ll know to take a break and get outside or come back home for lunch.

Hexagon Rotating Productivity Timer with Clock, Pomodoro Timer

4. Subscription box service

Small business owners are just like the rest of us. A subscription box service is a gift that shows you know they have busy lives and need to make time for things like skin care, healthy snacks, or crafts. Who doesn’t like a surprise in the mail like a dark chocolate bar?

GQ Box

5. Gift card for their business

If the entrepreneur has a new business, give them a gift card as a kind of investment in what they’re trying to do with their small company. It allows them to spend the gift as they like, and can be a great way to support them even though it’s not obvious. Gifts for small business owners tend to fall into a couple of categories, if you give them a gift card for their new business, make sure you attach a personal note.

6. Non-Boring Watch

Dress watches that don’t require batteries are really cool. They tell the time exactly as the old-fashioned watches do. The entrepreneur will never have to take it off and he won’t be scared of breaking it by accident. A watch is especially stylish, if it has a bright color, and an analog face with lines.

7. Business Cards

Business cards are still very popular in certain industries and it’s an easy way to make a good first impression. Services like VistaPrint make it easy to create business cards and are quite cheap as well. Some business owners might be quite particular about the type of cards they want, it all depends. Just make sure you don’t forget important details such as business name, logo, email, and phone number.

8. Traveler’s Notebook

A traveler’s notebook is great for people who are always on the road or at least have some place where they meet other entrepreneurs – so if he wants to be reminded of something else than what his digital calendar has to offer, this can be useful!

Small business owners will need to be reminded that they have to slow down sometimes. Some gifts will encourage their loved ones to take a moment to get some rest. The presents encourage you into taking time off and unwind.

9. Gadget Bag

ProCase Electronic Organizer

A roll-up bag is perfect for the small business owner who likes gadgets but doesn’t want them all over the house or needs a special case for each one that only makes clutter look even more cluttered. A gadget bag holds everything neatly being too obvious.

10. A Personalized Bluetooth Speaker

A personalized Bluetooth speaker is a nice addition. These speakers often come with a sleek design, built-in microphone, and touch control buttons which makes it super easy to listen to music or business podcasts whenever the business owners want to enjoy some tunes or get inspired. With these, you can even make calls – without having to pick up your phone!

11. Connect them to their “entrepreneur Hero”

Everyone has a hero they admire in business. Set up a call with someone they know they find amazing. Having a real-life opportunity to ask someone really successful about their journey and what they would do differently if they could go back is priceless. Any young entrepreneur would have a lasting impression if they could meet their own hero. There are many speakers, writers, and CEOs who would be open to something like that and it makes a very rewarding gift.

A fun alternative is to host a lunch with a famous entrepreneur and the employees

You can often get in touch directly. Just try googling for their email address, or if they have a website or social media profile then you might be able to ask there too. It’s more personal than making an appointment through an assistant. Asking for 15min when you want them to talk about anything will get you the most interesting responses from the best speakers who are happy to help out young entrepreneurs.

12. Whiteboard

A great addition to any office is a whiteboard. Businessmen can put all the important dates and deadlines on this whiteboard so that they don’t forget anything important in their busy schedule! Whiteboards are great for brainstorming – working through multiple business ideas and having a tangible, real visual way. Whiteboard paint/stickers are a second type that gives the same small business advantage. Get ready for some intense standup meeting with sticky notes etc.

13. Portable or wireless charger

Another thing that every entrepreneur should have is a portable charger for their smartphone. This way no chance to run out of juice. Wireless chargers can be great to put in your phone or other devices. Some of the most interesting products that benefit small businesses are portable wireless chargers or power banks.

Manufacturers are making some really interesting charging pads for mobile devices. This is because the market for wireless charging has taken off in these past few years. The kind of device you have should be compatible with the Portable Wireless Charger so it’s important to check this out before buying one. Some phones can’t be charged wirelessly because they don’t have the technology.

14. A Life Coach

If the SMB owner has a lot on his plate already, maybe they could use some personal direction in terms of how to work more efficiently and do better in life. This is one of the best ideas if you know that they are passionate about self-development. This could be an awesome gift idea for your friend who owns a business establishment.

15. Green Employee Motivation with plants

Things are probably run by one person in most businesses, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of employees working hard to make it successful day in and day out. A great way to motivate them is to get something uplifting like a plant or flowers for them to look at. A good office plant is not only an object that can provide aesthetic pleasure, but it is also capable of bringing some oxygen into the air that results in increased mental stimulation and concentration.

16. Promotional Travel Mugs for Employees

Employees are perhaps the most important part of every business because they are the ones who help customers to feel comfortable when they enter your place. If you want to express your gratitude towards them for achieving what you could not without their hard work every single day, why don’t you consider buying (promotional) coffee mugs? They can be handy in cold or hot drinks, so employees will surely enjoy drinking their coffee while making sure your brand stays constant in the workplace.

17. Business Cards with Logo Stickers

Tired of handing out the same old business card every time you meet someone new? Why not try something unique and personalize it so they have something physical that represents your business? Also, are you looking for a way to stand out from other small businesses in town? Get custom stickers printed to stick on the back!

18. Market Research

There are probably certain aspects of your business that could use improvement. Or you’d like to know what would go over really well with customers, but how do you figure this out without asking too many questions? Is there even a way to find this information without having to ask anyone… The answer is yes – the survey! You can make an online survey – give them the gift of knowledge (of their customer)

19. Tablet

A tablet is another must-have for any businessman or woman who wants to stay ahead of the game. They can watch tutorials, listen to music, view photos or videos, or send emails without having to carry a laptop around. Business tablets make life much easier, to say the least.

You can use it when you go on a trip If you want entertainment, there are many devices available with multi-user modes and connectivity options that help you in handling emails and surfing the net without any problem. If you’re hard-pressed for time and need to work fast, just grab your tablet to stay efficient wherever you go! 

20 . USB Flash Drive

A flash drive, USB drive, or thumb drive is an extremely portable data storage. These days a lot is stored in the cloud but every computer has got USB ports it isn’t like this gadget will be very difficult to find if lost… But what do we lose more often than pen drives? This is why every small business person could invest in at least a couple.

18. Logo Design

A logo is a way your brand is identified in any business or even for a product. It is an important tool that helps small businesses communicate their message and stand out from everyone else. Get them a graphics designer that will help them do this professionally.

19. Content Writer for their blog

If your business does not have a dedicated person that writes content then you should definitely get this for your friend or partner – it is an amazing gift especially if they run a blog or vlog. You can also hand over the task of coming up with ideas and thoughts if you know nothing about blogging yourself but still want to give something nice!

20. Time Tracker

Time tracking software allows you to track time spent on tasks, analyze productivity and calculate billing rates. The best part? It can help your small business owner work more efficiently, improve productivity, and ensures you get paid accurately for their time! If you know that this is what they are struggling with at the moment, it is a great business gift.

21. WordPress Themes and website design

Don’t forget about the most popular blogging platform out there – if they are working on getting a new website designed online WordPress is often the platform they’d go with. There are simply too many themes to choose from, so it is better if they pick one themselves exactly tailored to their own business.

22. Beer / Wine or distilled drinks

Yes, here comes the truth. If you don’t know them very well (and I hope that it doesn’t happen), you can always buy them alcohol. A nice bottle of wine is one of those awesome gift ideas that almost never gets wasted. A beer basket is way more fun than a fruit basket and still can be something new to explore. They will certainly appreciate it in the end.

It is not the wisest choice but people do like alcohol and they will be grateful for your gift! You can choose either beer, wine or other drinks like Vodka, etc.

23. Personalised key ring with their name or initials on it

It is not like you can order one here, but if you find one, don’t hesitate even for a moment – buy it! I am pretty sure they won’t return this gift… unless you place your own name there instead. A key ring that is personalized can have the entrepreneur’s name, and initials but also pictures or a favorite saying.

24. Underwear or socks

This may seem like an unusual gift at first, but believe me – it will be appreciated! People love underwear (you know that you do) and they also want to feel comfortable in their own homes. If you decide to purchase only one thing from this list, let it be snuggly socks. You can choose from many online shops ranging from small businesses to large brands such as Abercrombie & Fitch or Nike.

24. Baked goods & kitchen stuff

Depending on what the person is into baking, they might really appreciate a good cooking book if the small business owners don’t already have one. Or well-deserved professional kitchen knives, and cooking utensils. It can be a very thoughtful gift, reminding them about a delicious dinner you once shared at a local business restaurant.

25. Glasses/goblet set

Ask them what kind of glass(es) they prefer and order something similar to it. You can always choose plain ones rather than having their initials or name engraved. It depends on how close are you to the person though… If you know him very well, then with no hesitation get glasses engraved to make it an even more personal gift.

26. House office vacuum Cleaning Robot

Though this one falls under the category of luxury gifts, if you know someone who wants to leave their day job and become an entrepreneur, or simply start a business – this is what he needs! Why? Because running a business means doing many different things at once. And what better than to automate/delegate some of the harder tasks like vacuuming the office?

27. Startup Books 

Amazon has a great selection of books for entrepreneurs, but you know what’s even better? A gift card to the local bookstore so they can choose one themselves! Or get them 3-5 different books at once and create your own book bundle – here are some ideas:

  • Habit Stacking: 127 Small Changes to Improve Your Health, Wealth, and Happiness
  • Nail It Then Scale It: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Creating and Managing Breakthrough Innovation
  • The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It
  • The Personal MBA: Master the Art of Business

28. PR/Marketing Company 

While it’s definitely not your average gift idea – you could consider getting a marketing coach for your entrepreneur friend. There are many benefits of coaching that can help boost his business performance. If nothing else – hire someone to do the marketing! Yes, I know that is something very specific and it does cost a pretty penny to get someone who knows their thing. But you know what? Why not hire someone to do the actual work for him?

29. Stock Photos 

If you want to create high-quality images for blog posts or even business presentations, there really is no way around stock photos anymore. However, buying a single photo license can sometimes cost an arm and a leg – this is where stock photo foundries come in handy with affordable fonts, design assets, and stock photos. Now I would always go for the less stock photo-looking sites because usually the professional photos work so much better and are less recognized as being stock.

30. Wall art

Getting wall art for your office is an easy way to make any dull space more interesting. Find the perfect artwork, means narrowing down the search by style (impressionist or abstract), color scheme, size, and price tag. Any office might have a specific taste in art, making it even more important to choose the perfect piece – possibly with a custom frame.

The key is to not go for some generic, mass produced art like Nike-type paintings or posters which will make your office look like any other. Get specific and unique – there are a ton of amazing modern artists who can paint or sculpt anything you wish. But if that is too much hassle, or you are strapped for time, there are plenty of places where you can get great prints made.

31. Online courses

Personal development is big in the small business world, and an online course is a great way to show that you’re supportive of their efforts at self-growth. This is also a good option for new business owners who can’t afford to offer too much additional time off, as taking online courses won’t require too much travel time and can often be done at their own pace.

32. Massage therapy

Repeat offenders take advantage of some great massage benefits often. But that is actually great. A massage is the summit of relaxation of the body for the relaxation of the mind. It’s well worth the price tag because healthy people are happy working and that means a better mindset than those who feel overworked and stressed out.

33. Gym Membership

If you can give a gym membership it will go a long way in giving a better work/life balance. Sports and physical exercise is the best way to destress and just chill out. The more hours in the fitness studio, the healthier and that doesn’t only mean less sick, but often also a way better mood and clearer mind to make those important business decisions. Now we were saying Gym, but the perfect gift can also be a yoga class pass

34. Personalized gifts

One of those small things that can go a long way specifically with an executive, is getting personalized gifts with their names on them. It is the personal touch. Something personalized says that you have really taken the time to consider them as a person. Often it is something that they never thought of getting on their own, just because they usually don’t look into it themselves.

Personalized mugs or tumblers are also great gifts for both men and women at any level. Getting personalized mugs or tumblers with their last name printed on is one of those unique gifts they will use every day even long after you’ve given them this gift leaving you with them permanently! 

35. Membership to Toastmasters

Many people are often discouraged from their journey to success because they have nobody there to support them along the way. Sometimes, even the closest friends and family can’t understand what it is exactly that you do or why you need to spend so much time doing it. With Toastmasters, you’ll find yourself developing relationships with other entrepreneurs who are on the same path as you through training sessions and weekly meetings. At the same time, the new business owner will appreciate it and tweak their ability to speak and present well. Get them a membership to Toastmasters so they can master the art of speaking.

What should I consider when giving a gift to an entrepreneur?

You want to think about what sort of business they are in, you in finding the perfect present. People working at a workplace might like office organizers or colorful wall art better than those working from a home office. Do not forget to take into account their personal interests like books on business or free online courses. A yoga mat or stylish water bottle is a perfect gift for a new business owner. Consider giving them something to keep an eye on their busy calendar like a productive planner or some helpful planner.

5 great tips for finding the best gifts for entrepreneurs

1. Give a gift that you’ll be happy to receive

How should we approach gift giving and what resonates with us best? An entrepreneur may see his new business as his home. The thoughtful gifts are those that are useful and can be personal instead of professional. After all, who you gift to is less significant than the idea underlying it. Gift ideas for businesses strike a balance between being thoughtful and having some personal touches on your business. The acid test is to give a gift that you would be happy to receive yourself.

2. Buy a gift you’re excited to give

Handpicked gifts will be appreciated. This really affects your selection while thinking about business gifts for entrepreneurs. Thoughtful gifts resonate in the hearts of your recipients. Taking extra time at once is worth it. In fact, Taking extra effort in picking out your personalized gifts is worth whatever extra time it takes. If you tell them how or why you picked especially this gift, will make the actual giving a lot more meaningful.

3. Choose gifts that will ‘wow’ or surprise them

I always encourage thinking about gifts more, because it is the visible part of a relationship. When picking out a gift try to find something that will impress them. Do you think you will be surprised if they receive it? Is it even “a bit too much” or something that you couldn’t have known they wanted?

4. Buy practical and useful gifts

Some practical gift ideas are always appreciated. Things that simplify the everyday life of people. The best presents for the opening of a business or for a special occasion are practical gifts.

Hope you have things that are appreciated by the other person, it doesn’t have to be expensive. Try to incorporate attributes of their personality in something they can use daily. This is much more impressive than getting a gift card with 100 dollars on it.

How much would you like this gift?

One way to make gift-giving meaningful is to take time for it and consciously think about why you give them this particular gift at this particular moment in time. So if you could give them any gift, what would it be? What do they deserve right now? And act upon that! It will result in a much better feeling toward your relationship than just buying another sweater or shirt (although

5. Make sure items tell a story

A gift is only a real gift if it tells a story of why it is chosen. Storytelling isn’t a fad, but it can enhance emotional value. So sit down and have yourself a good brainstorming session about the thing you’d like to convey.

When you give a great gift for their home office, for instance, make sure it is something that truly means something. It can be clothes, artwork, or even jewelry but make sure the items are chosen because of their meaning behind them.

5 types of gifts for small business owners, that are always a hit

For entrepreneurs whose offices could use a little help

Buying a Bose Bluetooth speaker is a perfect addition to a newly-designed home office. Larger versions are also perfect for an entrepreneur starting his new company and needing help settling his mood.

Gifts to keep track of ideas

Business owners need something to keep in sight of new ideas flowing through their minds. Tell me the best advice to get me started with putting together these documents.

Gifts to keep professionals connected

In general small businesses operate constantly. A good gift can be a laptop that keeps their mobile fully powered and the battery charged at all times when traveling.

Office Decor Gift Ideas

The best gifts are office decorations to announce new business. Some funny wall art, colorful plants, or inviting scents help create a welcoming, professional atmosphere.

Small businesses receive the gift of energy. They’ll get more incentive to continue working. The smaller business needs an amount of energy to get it going.

Conclusion: What are the best gift ideas for small business owners?

To conclude, the best gift ideas for small business owners always help create a wholesome atmosphere and be appreciative of the relationship. Thoughtful, personal, practical, or just plain old fun, it is always a good idea to have a gift instead of an excuse.

You don’t have to waste time looking for the perfect gift ideas for business owners. The above-mentioned items can be used in many different ways, so they are suitable for any occasion, regardless of the reason behind the celebration.

What to give someone who started a business?

Best Gifts for New Business Owners They Didn't Know They Needed.
A branded coffee kit for their office..
A branded water bottle for the gym enthusiast..
Personalized luggage tags if the entrepreneur travels frequently..
A ring camera to help them keep their premises secure..
Wall art..
Bluetooth speaker..
An essential oil diffuser..

What do you get someone for a business grand opening?

The following items make appropriate gifts for a grand opening:.
Insulated tote cooler..
Ceramic mug..
Leather padfolio..
Convertible briefcase..
Eco-friendly laptop sleeve..

What is a good business warming gift?

So here are some more classic and creative office warming gift ideas for the new business owner:.
Frame for their first dollar..
Fun pen holders..
Personalized planner/notebook..
Aromatherapy diffuser..
Gumball machine..
Cute succulent planters..
Coffee/espresso maker..
World's Okayest Boss mug..

Do you bring a gift to a business grand opening?

Business opening gift is a great way to show you care. It is one of the ways to show that you are excited and take a part of their happiness. It seems simple, but it actually brings a lot of advantages. First thing first, giving grand opening gifts for owners can really enhance the relationship between two parties.


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