Google certified educator level 1 exam questions and answers 2022

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Google Certified Educator Level 1 Exam Answers

This exam certifies or recertifies educators who have the fundamental skills for implementing Google for Education tools in the classroom.

Some questions:

You are keen to move to a paperless class. How will shifting to Google Classroom help?

  • Teachers can grade and comment on assignments directly in Classroom and students will immediately receive their feedback and scores
  • For all assignment types, teachers can define answers when they set each assignment to auto-grade
  • Students can support each other to help clear up any assignment misunderstanding without having to ask their teacher
  • When a student completes an assignment, Classroom automatically emails all related documents to peers in their class for review
  • When a teacher sets an assignment or post in Classroom all work can be collected there too

What is one benefit of establishing a Personal Learning Network (PLN)?

  • By subscribing to a Personal Learning Network, he would get paid access to educational material and advanced digital teaching tools.
  • By forming a Private Learning Network, he would get access to an exclusive website that allows for cloud-based resource sharing and messaging between local educators.
  • By joining a Professional Learners’ Network, he would get access to teacher training courses, and join regular seminars conducted by teacher training specialists
  • By establishing a Personal Learning Network, he would develop links with other local and non-local educators to share ideas and best practices, and to call upon for teaching advice.

Although textbooks are useful resources, they have multiple drawbacks when compared to digital content. Drag and drop the attributes of digital content and textbook content to the correct row to highlight their differences.

  • Information can go out of date very quickly
  • Limited amount of information on a given topic
  • A finite number of copies so students may need to share
  • Physical damage can make content unusable
  • School policies can restrict the removal of school property from the site
  • Information is continuously being updated
  • Additional information can be found to support the primary subject for a broader understanding
  • Information can be accessed by anyone, anywhere
  • Multiple sources available to verify and challenge information
  • Vast amount of information available on a given topic

You manage multiple classes and clubs for your school and receive an overwhelming volume of emails from teachers, support staff, students, and parents. How can you use the search function in Gmail to locate emails more efficiently?

  • Search for emails containing hyperlinks
  • Search for keywords within emails
  • Filter emails by word count
  • Filter emails that have attachments
  • Search for emails within a label
  • Search for emails by sender or recipient

Use Google Forms to build surveys, measure student success, administer quizzes, and more. Which of the following is NOT a question option?

  • Multiple choice with grid
  • Date
  • Drop down
  • Flash cards

You are editing a presentation in Google Slides and want to improve the appearance of the slides. What visual elements can you incorporate into you presentation to make it more visually appealing

  • -  Insert fonts and color combinations intentionally to attract attention to key elements of the lesson
  • - Use as much text as possible to provide a more thorough understanding of the content
  • - Change the background color of the slides so they are all different colors
  • - Embed relevant YouTube videos to break up the text and presentation

Your students are starting to think about their future careers and which digital skills they need to develop. Use drag and drop to separate digital skills from traditional ones.

-        Looking up an answer in a textbook

-        Filling paper-based documents in a physical storage area for safe-keeping

-        Pinning printed projects in wall displays around the school

-        Working in groups in-person during set hours to collaborate on a joint project

-        Remote collaboration and teamwork with multiple people for the best results

-        Finding the best online resource, information and method to solve a problem

-        Communicating to a wide audience by publishing work online

-        Storing documents in the cloud for easy retrieval and editing

Students already familiar with a web-connected world will feel immediately at home with Google Classroom.

What benefits will they enjoy from their assignments going online?

  • Students can see at a glance when assignments are due
  • Students can discuss assignments in a collaborative environment
  •  Assignments and resources are kept organized in one place
  • Students can view each other’s assignments if they need ideas
  •  If students are sick from school they can cancel pending assignments from home using the Cancel button
  • Students can choose to have assignment results sent direct to their phone as a text message

Multiple Choice Question  - Please select 3

You can add a video to a Google Slide presentation and customize how that video plays. Select all the video play options found in Google Slides.

  • Play (automatically) Video plays when you say 'play'
  • Play (automatically): Video plays without any clicks.
  • Play (manual): Video plays when you click specifically on the embedded video in the slide.
  • Play (on voice command): Video plays when you say 'play'
  • Play (on click): Video plays when you advance the slide.

You can find all the Google Meet controls in the bottom bar of the meeting window. Which of the following is NOT a control in Google Meet?

  • Microphone
  • Drive
  • Presentation controls
  • Captions
  • Camera
  • Hand raise

Multiple Choice Question  - Please select 3

When you type @ symbol in a Google Doc, a smart chip shows you recommended information you can add like:

  • People
  • Restaurants
  • Dates / Events
  • Files
  • Map locations

There are several ways to stay organized in Gmail like using labels and stars. To easily find emails, you can use search operators to filter your Gmail search results. Match the search operator to the search criteria by moving the rows up and down.

  • Specify the sender
  • Messages that have a certain label
  • Messages that have a Google Doc
  • Messages that include an icon of a certain color
  • label:professional development
  • has:document
  • from:[email protected]
  • has:blue-info

A teacher would like to improve communication and discussion between teachers and support staff.

What is the most appropriate tool to fulfill this need?

  • Use Google Groups to easily create an online discussion forum and invite all relevant people to start conversations and participate in different discussion topics in one accessible place.
  • Use Google Sheets to take minutes during faculty meetings and share them with participants and missing faculty members.
  • Use Google Sites to build a website containing all of the school's policy documentation and set up a contacts page so staff members can send their comments directly to her to distribute to relevant people.
  • Use Google Drive to create a shared folder containing school leadership and policy documents, useful templates and other shared resources.

You want to use Google Forms and Google Sheets to collect and track different aspects of your students' work. Use drag and drop to show how you could use these Google tools effectively.


  • Analyze trends on a record of books read by students
  • Create a gradebook to track student scores


  • Check class understanding of a topic
  • Protect collected data from change
  • Collect anonymous feedback

Students should use the right tools for each of their classroom tasks. Match the most appropriate Google tool for each task by moving the rows up and down.

  • Data analysis and organization for market research projects
  • Viewing assignment details and turning in work digitally
  • Creating images, charts, and mindmaps
  • Online research for an essay
  • Creating a group presentation

A teacher wants to create screencasts to differentiate instruction for her students. What can the teacher do?

  • Use Google Search to find appropriate videos for her students
  • Find and share relevant videos on YouTube
  • Search the Chrome Web Store for a screen recorder extension
  • Subscribe to relevant YouTube channels

You have bookmarked a large number of webpages in Chrome while researching class topics.

Unfortunately, you’ve bookmarked so many that you’re struggling to find relevant content quickly. What can you do within the Bookmark manager of Chrome to simplify and organize your list of bookmarks?

  • Use the search function in the Chrome Bookmark Manager
  • Create a Doc that lists all favorite websites with links
  • Rename and organize bookmarks into themed folders so they are labeled clearly
  • Delete bookmarks that are not urgently required and search for them again when they are needed

You're using Google Slides to introduce a new class project. You want to embed and link to Docs, Forms and Drawings in order to make your slides more interactive. Use drag and drop to match the Google tool with a way that it can be used within Slides to encourage student participation.

Google Docs Google Forms Google Drawings

  • Suggestion notepad
  • Additional reference material
  • Gauge understanding
  • Rate the content that is being presented
  • Graphically design ideas

Multiple Choice Question  - Please select 3

When editing a Google Calendar event, under 'More actions', what options do you have?

  • Publish event
  • Email participants
  • Print
  • Duplicate

Multiple Choice Question  - Please select 3

Select all the ways a student can join a video meeting in Google Classroom.

  • On the Gmail app, select Meet, then click 'New Meeting'
  • On an announcement or post, click the link for the class video meeting
  • On the Classwork page, at the top, click Meet
  • On the Stream page, at the top, click the Meet link

Multiple Choice Question  - Please select 4

You can change the look and style of your website with the features of Google Sites. Select all the ways you can personalize your site.

  • Change the font
  • Change how a section looks
  • Change the color of the menu
  • Move the navigation menu to the top or left
  • Import fonts from your computer

You'd like to customize your Google Classroom class banner by uploading your own image. Drag and drop the options below to correspond with the steps for customizing your Google Classroom banner.

  • Click the button 'Select Class Theme'
  • Crop the image as needed
  • Click the 'upload photo' button
  • Select photo from your computer

Why explain the importance of digital citizenship in a digital classroom?

  • So students maximize opportunitiesto earn money online
  • So students understand what they should and shouldn't do online, and to act in a safe and respectful manner
  • So students understand how to get the most views and interaction to make their online content go viral
  • So students can connect with the most relevant people through social media

Multiple Choice Question  - Please select 3

To organize files in Drive, you can create folders to make files easier to find and share with others. Select all the ways that you can organize files into folders.

  • In Drive, click the item you want to move. Drag the item over the folder and release it.
  • In Drive, right-click the item you want to move. Click Move to. Choose or create a folder, then click Move.
  • In Drive, right-click the item you want to move. Click Save to. Choose or create a folder, then click Save.
  • Right-click the file you want to make a shortcut for. Click Add shortcut to Drive. Choose the folder you want the shortcut to be in. Click Add shortcut.

Multiple Choice Question  - Please select 3

Which of the following are relevant uses for Google Forms in education?

  • - Performing basic calculations with numeric data
  • - Gathering feedback on field trips
  • - Create formative quiz checks at the end of each lesson
  • - Surveys for collecting data for group projects
  • - Creating an interactive presentation
  • - Designing a logo for a school football team

Integrating technology in the classroom can benefit a school in many ways, and for various groups of people. Match the benefits of a digital classroom with the pain points they overcome by moving the rows up and down.

  • Prescriptive teaching methods that do not allow for teacher creativity in class instruction or materials - Students given access to different types of information from a range of sources for enhanced problem-solving
  • Students limited to school hours when working with other students on collaborative projects - Students limited to school hours when working with other students on collaborative projects
  • High volume of printing for assignments and worksheets, and photocopying from textbooks for take-home resources - Lower printing and copier costs with online resources and file storage
  • Standardized teaching resources for all students regardless of learning speed and abilities - Access to resources and information relevant for different learning speeds

Multiple Choice Question  - Please select 3

Google Sites can be used by teachers for sharing class information with students and parents. Similarly, students can use Google Sites to showcase their work or create a blog. Select all the ways you can create a site.

  • Create a new site from a template
  • Duplicate an existing site from the 'More' menu
  • Right click on an existing site and duplicate
  • Create a new site from a blank site

Multiple Choice Question  - Please select 4

You have divided your class into groups to work on different geography projects. Each group will present their project to the class using Google Slides. What are some benefits of using Slides in group projects?

  • - Students can collaborate on the slide deck at the same time
  • - Students can import videos from YouTube or Drive folder they’ve shared with each other without additional software
  • - Students can browse and copy slides created by any student at any other school
  • - Students can edit speaker notes to help improve each other’s presentation delivery
  • - Students can comment on slides to provide feedback for their group members

Multiple Choice Question  - Please select 3

Use comments in Google Docs to assign tasks and action items, leave messages or suggestions, or make comments visible to someone. Select all the options available for adding comments.

  • To add a comment, in the toolbar, click Add comment
  • To add a comment, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Option+C
  • To add a comment, click on the Insert menu and select Comment
  • To add a person to a comment, anywhere in your comment, enter ""@"" and their name or email address. When the correct person is suggested, click their name."

You need to speak with leadership, teachers, and parents to discuss a remote school event you are hosting at short notice. Your intention is to gain feedback on a planned program of events. Match the feature of Google Meet with its benefit by moving the rows up and down.

  • Video calling  - Meeting can be extended visually with up to 250 remote participants
  • Chat Participants - can communicate by text without disrupting the meeting and their conversations are saved
  • Screenshare - Any participant can share their desktop with the group Android and IOS app
  • People - can join the meeting even when mobile Calendar integration Meet details are simply added when creating a meeting

Multiple Choice Question  - Please select 4

When creating a Google Classroom assignment, what options do you have?

  • Post to additional classes
  • Create a poll
  • Add attachments
  • Add a YouTube video
  • Add a due date or time

You're looking at ways to reduce the amount of printing undertaken in class. How can Google Drive help?

  • - Google Drive makes files easily accessible from anywhere, so there is less need to print and carry documents into class
  • - Files in Google Drive can be shared with a simple link in an email. No need to print a copy for someone in class
  • - All class print requests can be rerouted in Google Drive to the school office
  • - Google Drive can automatically reformat documents before printing to save on paper
  • - Google Drive can be configured so the printing of files in class is password protected

Multiple Choice Question  - Please select 5

Students in your biology class sometimes struggle to understand biological processes, like digestion. What digital activities can help get students more involved in exploring a process?

  • Students print their findings and paste it in their workbook
  • Teacher provides useful videos in a YouTube playlist
  • Students use Google Search to research the subject
  • Students create a diagram in Google Drawings to explain the biological process
  • Teacher shares work completed by students the previous year that is shared on a Google Site
  • Teacher gives students relevant textbook chapters to research the subject
  • Students create a group presentation in Slides to present their findings to the rest of the class for discussion

Multiple Choice Question  - Please select 3

You can create Google Calendar events from your computer or device. Select all the ways you can create events.

  • Right click over an empty time on your calendar
  • Double click on the mini calendar
  • Create an event from a Gmail message
  • Click the create button
  • Click an empty time on your calendar

You like to leave written notes with motivational quotes for your students by writing them on paper and leaving them in different locations in his classroom. Occasionally your students will claim they didn't get a note or admit that they lost it.

What can you do to overcome this issue and still send these motivational messages?

  • Use YouTube to send links to relevant videos to help with their research
  • Use Groups to send group messages to all students in your class
  • Use Calendar to set up a task calendar for deadlines
  • Use Meet to video call your students when you need to talk to them urgently outside of school hours

Get Certified Google Educator Level 1 study guide answers

Drag and drop to match the feature of Gmail with a benefit of using the tool.


1. Canned Responses
2. Anytime, anywhere access
3. Labels


  • Sample Benefit
  • Sample Benefit
  • Sample Benefit

Students in your history class are having difficulty understanding the significance of World War II.
What activities could help students get more engaged? (Choose 2 answers)

Students create YouTube videos describing key battles in World War II
Teacher creates a final exam in Forms to give students a grade on what they know
Students use the Explore Tool to search for more information in Docs
Students answer questions at the end of the chapter on World War II

Mr. Yarmouth needs to contact a student’s parents to congratulate the student on improved progress. However, their first language is German and they are not fully fluent in English. What is the quickest action he could do to produce an effective email on his own?

  • Post the message text on Google+ to see if someone can help translate it to German
  • Use Gmail to send a message around the school to search for a student who can help translate the email to German
  • Use Google Search to find someone local offering German translation services to help with the email
  • Search the Chrome Web Store for the Google Translate extension for Chrome. Use the extension to provide a German version of the text within the email


The new Google Translate Chrome Extension lets you highlight just the text you want to translate. Just select the text and either click the Translate icon or right click on the selected text and select “Google Translate.” If you click on the translate button in the upper right hand corner of Chrome the extension will translate the entire page.

Mr. Perry has bookmarked a large number of webpages in Chrome while researching class topics.

Unfortunately, he’s bookmarked so many that he’s struggling to find relevant content quickly. What can he do to simplify this? (Select 3 answers.)

  • Delete bookmarks that are not urgently required and search for them again when they are needed
  • Use the search function in the Chrome Bookmark Manager
  • Rename and organize bookmarks into themed folders so they are labeled clearly
  • Create a Doc that lists all favorite websites with links

Related question: You have bookmarked a large number of webpages in Chrome while researching class topics.


Bookmarks in Google Chrome save a link to a website you want to return to later, much like when you put a bookmark in a book. Here are several ways you can create, view, and edit your Bookmarks.. On your computer, open Chrome. At the top right, click More More and then Bookmarks and then Bookmark Manager. Drag a bookmark up or down, or drag a bookmark into a folder on the left. You can also copy and paste your bookmarks in the order you want. If you use the bookmarks bar, you can drag your bookmarks into the order you want.

Mr. Jones is keen to move to a paperless class as he finds the process of managing assignments time consuming.

How will shifting to Classroom help? (Select 3 answers.)

  • When a teacher sets an assignment in Classroom, email notifications and the class Stream ensure students don’t need to be constantly reminded
  • Teachers can define answers when they set assignments to enable auto-grading
  • When a student completes an assignment, Classroom automatically emails all related documents to peers in their class for review
  • Teachers can grade and comment on assignments directly in Classroom and students will immediately receive email notifications to view their scores
  • Students can exchange messages with each other to help clear up any assignment misunderstanding without having to ask their teacher

Related question: You are keen to move to a paperless class. How will shifting to Google Classroom help?


Classroom is a free suite of productivity tools that includes email, documents, and storage. Classroom was designed collaboratively with teachers to help them save time, keep classes organized, and improve communication with students. When you create an assignment, you can post it immediately, save a draft, or schedule it to post at a later date. After students complete and turn in their work, you can grade and return it to the students.

Mr. Kapoor struggles to find inspiration from his peers. What is one benefit of establishing a Personal Learning Network (PLN)?

  • By subscribing to a Personal Learning Network, he would get paid access to educational material and advanced digital teaching tools.
  • By forming a Private Learning Network, he would get access to an exclusive website that allows for cloud-based resource sharing and messaging between local educators.
  • By joining a Professional Learners’ Network, he would get access to teacher training courses, and join regular seminars conducted by teacher training specialists
  • By establishing a Personal Learning Network, he would develop links with other local and non-local educators to share ideas and best practices, and to call upon for teaching advice.


Personal learning is one of the foundations of any educational institution – and any successful organizational change. This session focuses on tools that can be used by any educator to build their own Personal Learning Network (PLN), which not only support their own professional development but can also be an efficient means of diffusing innovation within their institution. Learn to connect with a community of like minded professionals, make contributions, have conversations, and make requests in your times of need. Powerful free tools and social media such as Google+, Twitter, and Facebook make this possible for you and your colleagues.

Is the Google Educator Level 1 exam hard?

The exams are challenging. Many educators do not pass the Level 1 and 2 exams the first time. There is a waiting period between each exam retake: Second attempt: 3 days.

Is the Google Level 1 Exam open book?

Learn more. Jennifer, Unless they have changed it, the Google Certified Educator exams are open browser. You are encouraged to use your computer skills to answer the questions.

What if I fail the Google Educator exam?

How long do I need to wait before retaking the exam if I fail one? If you don't pass an exam, you can take it again after 3 days. If you don't pass a second time, you must wait 7 days before you can take it a third time. If you don't pass the third time, you must wait 14 days before taking it a fourth time.


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