Harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2 free stream


It all ends here. Part two of the climactic finale of the Harry Potter series (JK Rowling's last book, The Deathy Hallows, was split in two for the movies) brings the epic to a close, including the final showdown between Voldemort and Harry, and the destruction of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. More

  • 11 reviews
  • Directed by David Yates

2011Rating: M131 minsUK, USA


Streaming (4 Providers)

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II | Reviews


With its accelerated rhythm, relentless flow of incident and wizard-war endgame, Part 2 will strike many viewers as a much more exciting, involving picture than the slower, more atmospheric Part 1.

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This is the Harry Potter film I've been waiting for in many ways; perhaps, it was inevitable that it would be the final film which got it right, but as a closing chapter, it's near perfect and is the best send off it could ever have been given.

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Total Film

Fusing spectacle and emotion into a thrilling final chapter, director David Yates ensures that the series goes out with a bang. Finales don't come much grander than this.

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The Guardian

This is such an entertaining, beguiling, charming and exciting picture. It reminded me of the thrill I felt on seeing the very first one, 10 years ago.

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Sunday Star-Times

What becomes of the broken-hearted? We've made it to the final Harry Potter film. There will be no more goblins to gawk at, no more shouts of "Bloody hell!" from Ron – no more Harry!? Yet rather than having an empty yearning feeling inside, I feel satisfied.

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It all ends.

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Otago Daily Times

A treat for Potter fans...

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New Zealand Herald

A worthy finale to this epic series

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Hollywood Reporter

An outstanding capper to the most lucrative film franchise of all time.

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Empire Magazine

A worthy farewell that packs in as much action as its seven predecessors combined and manages not to stint on the emotional beats. Harry Potter leaves us as a quiet, bespectacled, corduroy-wearing hero for the ages.

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Christchurch Press

Whatever you think of JK Rowling's wizard creation, there's no doubt her stories have helped shape Generation Hex - the children who have grown up captivated by each instalment of the adventures of her school-age wizards and witches.

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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II | Trailers

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II | Release Details

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II is available to stream in New Zealand now on Google Play and Neon Rentals and Academy On Demand and AroVision.


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