Home remedies for white discharge during pregnancy

Vaginal discharge can be treated naturally with the use of guava leaf tea and by following a proper diet that promotes restoration of normal vaginal flora levels. However, if the discharge continues even after 3 days of home treatment, you should see your doctor.

Condoms should also be used during sexual intercourse while completing any home treatment for vaginal discharge to avoid the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases.

See the our recipes for our home remedies below:

1. Guava tea for vaginal discharge

Guava leaves, known scientifically as Psidium guajava L, are a great home remedy to stop yellow-greenish vaginal discharge with a bad odor, or milky white, cottage cheese-like discharge.


  • 30 g guava leaves
  • 1 liter (about 33 oz) of water 

How to prepare

Heat the water up until it boils, then turn off the stove .Add the leaves and allow to soak for 3 to 5 minutes. Then strain and take a sitz bath with this tea, carefully washing all the genital area. Repeat this procedure 2 to 3 times a day.

A guava leaf sitz bath is effective in treating vaginal discharge caused by Trichomoniasis which causes bacterial infections, and Candidiasis cells that causes yeast infections. This home remedy is safe and does not have any associated side effects. Learn more about what causes yeast infections and how they can be treated.

2. Guava and sweet broom tea


  • 1 handful of guava leaves 
  • 1 handful of sweet broom leaves
  • 2 glasses of water

How to prepare 

Place the guava and sweet broom leaves in a bowl and add boiling water. Cover and allow to soak until the water is cool, then strain.

Complete your usual hygiene routine and, when you are finished, wash the area with the infusion for a few minutes. Dry off with a soft, clean towel. You should repeat this every day for 1 week, before going to bed.

Foods that help fight vaginal discharge

The sitz bath along with a healthy diet can help in the treatment of vaginal discharge. You should avoid processed foods as much as possible and eat foods such as fruits, vegetables, natural yogurt, chicory, cabbage, lemon, melon or pomegranate, for example.

These types of foods alter the pH level in your blood and genital area, promoting the restoration of normal vaginal flora. However, if the discharge continues for more than 3 days, even with home treatments, a medical assessment is recommended.

White discharge or leucorrhoea problems faced by lots of women and this discharge problem occur in a specific time period of the menstrual cycle and mostly faced by young girl age groups. Girls or Women not to worry the amount of white discharge is low but if this white discharge flow in excess then needs to consult an experienced doctor. This white discharge problem also treated by natural remedies that are effective and offer relief to women. To know these home remedies to treate white discharge and its odor problem, read out the below information.

Top 9 Natural Remedies for White Discharge or Leucorrhoea in Females

Fenugreek seeds: This is treated as a natural home remedy for while liquid discharge in many ladies. You must consume it by diluting it with hot water. It will make you internally strong as you drink the liquid. You can also cook the fenugreek seeds in 1 liter of water. Cooking should be done in an uninterrupted way for a period of 30 minutes. You must drink after the water is cooled down.

Ladyfinger: Most people have ladyfingers in their stock of vegetables since it acts as common home remedies for white discharge and odor problems. You can boil the ladyfingers and consume its thick slurry to get relief from white discharge naturally. Some ladies also soaks lady finger with yogurt and tampons. Consumption of yogurt will naturally stop the growth of bacterial in the vaginal area.

Many women are accustomed to experience some amount of vaginal secretion. This is good for health as it cleans the bacterial and fungal growth in the vaginal area. Even during sexual intercourse, the lubrication is possible due to the slippery surface with white discharge. This is known as normal vaginal discharge.

Coriander seeds remedy: In order to avail stop the white discharge, coriander seeds can be used as natural remedies in ladies, it will be important to soak few teaspoons of coriander seeds in water for the whole night. Now strain the water from the solution in the morning and drink it early in the morning in an empty stomach. This is one of the natural remedies to treat white discharge with no risk at all.

Indian gooseberry/ amla: The other name for white discharge is leucorrhoea which has proved to have been treated well with amla or Indian gooseberry. You must slice the Indian gooseberry in pieces and dry them in sunlight. After a few days it will become dry. Grind them and get the powder out of it. Now take 2 teaspoons of such powder and mix it with the same quantity of honey. Once the paste is prepared, just consume it to get effective treatment. You must consume this paste of natural remedy 2 times a day to get better result. For a diluted form, you can include the amla powder and honey in water and drink it adequately.

Pomegranate: Pomegranate is a wonderful natural fruit that is not only tasty but also have a variety of health benefits. It is treated as one of the effective home remedies to stop white discharge in women. You can either consume it raw with seeds or extract juice out of it to get remedy out of white discharge in ladies. Even, the leaves of pomegranate fruit work as a wonder to stop white discharge when made a paste and combined with water and consumed in the morning every day.

Tulsi/ basil: Tulsi is one of the wonderful herbs which is not only worshiped but also has a variety of medicinal value. For long, people have been using it as a natural home remedy for treating vaginal discharge. Make a juice out of basil leaves and add honey with it. Drink this every day twice to eradicate the problem of white discharge totally. Alternatively, you can also consume it with milk every day to stay away from the problem of white discharge. You can also get basil juice with sugar syrup and stay away from vaginal white discharge.

Rice starch: You can now extract rice starch after preparing rice. This needs to be cooled down and drink on a regular basis to prevent the problem of white discharge in ladies. You just need to boil rice and filter water from rice. This starch is highly preferable when you are repeatedly suffering from the trouble of white discharge.

Guava leaves: One of the natural remedies for white discharge and itching problem is the use of Guava leaves. Pick some guava leaves from the tree and boil them in water till the water becomes half. Strain the boiled leaves from the water and drink water to reduce the problem of vaginal discharge. Drink this twice in a day and stay fit and sound.

Ginger: Use of Dry ginger acts as home remedies to treat white discharge or leucorrhoea issue. First, you need to cut ginger into pieces using a grinder. Make a powder out of it and avail this as a remedy for white discharge. You need to take 2 teaspoons of dried ginger powder and boil it the inadequate quantity of water. The next step will be to boil ginger in water and drink it once the boiled water becomes half. You need to drink this water regularly for three weeks and stay away from leucorrhoea. This is a proven remedy for white discharge.

13 people found this helpful

What can I drink to stop discharge?

You can drink rice starch (water in which rice is boiled) regularly to eradicate the problem of white discharge. The starch from the rice is highly preferable when you are constantly suffering from the problem of white discharge.

What is the best home remedy for white discharge?

Guava leaves: One of the natural remedies for white discharge and itching problem is the use of Guava leaves. Pick some guava leaves from the tree and boil them in water till the water becomes half. Strain the boiled leaves from the water and drink water to reduce the problem of vaginal discharge.

Can white discharge harm my unborn baby?

It does not harm the baby during pregnancy or childbirth. Having vaginal thrush can cause extreme itch and clumps of white discharge. Because of the hormonal changes, pregnant women often get thrush, especially during the third trimester of pregnancy.

What is the reason for white discharge during pregnancy?

Thrush is an infection that can cause unusual vaginal discharge. if you get thrush when you're pregnant, it can easily be treated - talk to your midwife or doctor. Thrush can cause: increased vaginal discharge which is usually white (like cottage cheese), and does not usually smell.


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