How do you say rubber band in spanish

Detailed Translations for rubber band from English to Spanish

rubber band:

Translation Matrix for rubber band:

Synonyms for "rubber band":

Related Definitions for "rubber band":

Related Translations for rubber band

A noun is a word referring to a person, animal, place, thing, feeling or idea (e.g. man, dog, house).


a. la goma

(f) means that a noun is feminine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


There are rubber bands in the top drawer.Hay gomas en el cajón de hasta arriba.

b. la banda elástica

(f) means that a noun is feminine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


Do you have a rubber band for this open bag of salad?¿Tienes una banda elástica para esta bolsa abierta de ensalada?

c. la liga

(f) means that a noun is feminine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


I need a rubber band to tie my hair back.Necesito una liga para recogerme el cabello.

d. la gomita

(f) means that a noun is feminine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


Regionalism used in the Caribbean: Cuba, the Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico


(River Plate)

I tied all the cords together with a rubber band so we won't lose them.Até todos los cables con una gomita para que no los perdamos.

During endoscopic band ligation, a rubber band is tied around the bulging veins to prevent ruptures or stop bleeding.

Durante la endoscopia, se ata una liga alrededor de las venas abultadas para prevenir las rupturas o para detener el sangrado.

Sam suggested tying the two brooms

[...] together with a large rubber band.

Sam le propuso que uniera los dos

[...] rastrillos con una gruesa goma el�stica.

A special rubber band is then used to maintain the [...]

erection during intercourse.

Luego se utiliza una banda de caucho especial para mantener [...]

la erecci�n durante la relaci�n sexual.

[...] place a small rubber band around the hemorrhoid.

La banda corta el cauce de sangre, haciendo [...]

que se desvanezca la hemorroide.

A pulse of laser light feels like a small pinch or sting

[...] similar to the snap of rubber band against the skin.

Un pulso de luz l�ser se siente como un pinchazo o picadura peque�a

[...] similar al de una cinta el�stica contra la piel.

a rubber band is placed around the base of the [...]

hemorrhoid inside the rectum to cut off circulation to the hemorrhoid.

se coloca una cinta de goma alrededor de la base [...]

de la hemorroide dentro del recto para cortar la circulaci�n a la hemorroide.

The new 'shockcord' masts by Buddipole are made from


short aluminium segments, which are held together by a

[...] strong shockcord band (a rubber band, like with some [...]

Los nuevos m�stiles 'shockcord' de Buddipole est�n compuestos por segmentos cortos de aluminio, que se


mantienen unidos mediante una resistente cuerda

[...] el�stica (una cinta de goma como la de las varillas [...]

de las tiendas de campa�a).

If you have long hair, tie

[...] it up with a rubber band, so that it does [...]

Si tiene cabellos largos,

[...] aj�stelos con una goma, con el fin de que [...]

A discreet rubber band or pony tail retainer [...]

Se permite una cinta de goma discreta para sujetar [...]

The sample tube containing the boiling


capillary is fastened either to the

[...] thermometer with a rubber band or is fixed with [...]

a support from the side (see figure 2).

El tubo de muestra con el capilar de ebullici�n debe estar unido al

[...] term�metro mediante una cinta el�stica o un soporte [...]

lateral (v�ase la figura 2).

To review the efficacy and safety of the


two most popular conventional methods

[...] of haemorrhoidal treatment, rubber band ligation and excisional haemorrhoidectomy.

Revisar la eficacia y seguridad de los dos m�todos


convencionales m�s populares

[...] de tratamiento hemorroidal: la ligadura con banda el�stica y la hemorroidectom�a [...]

As a person gets older, the plantar fascia becomes less like a rubber band and more like a rope that doesn't stretch very well.

A medida que la persona envejece, la fascia plantar pierde su elasticidad y se convierte m�s como en una cuerda que no se estira muy bien.

Make sure to use a covered rubber band to protect the hair.

Aseg�rate de emplear un coletero revestido para proteger el cabello.

Surgery that may be done to treat

[...] hemorrhoids includes rubber band ligation or surgical [...]

La cirug�a que se puede hacer para tratar las hemorroides

[...] incluye ligadura con banda de caucho o la hemorroidectom�a [...]

For example it can be made with: a saltshaker, a mesh/metal tea ball, or a non transparent glass cover with aluminium foil with tiny holes or cotton gauze held in place by a rubber band.

Se puede hacer con: un salero, bolsitas para la infusi�n de t� o una vasija no transparente que podemos tapar con papel de aluminio, en el que habremos hecho peque�os orificios, o con una gasa de algod�n cercada con un el�stico.

[...] to the snapping of a rubber band.

Algunos dicen que es similar

[...] a golpearse con una liga de hule.

[...] fascia works like a rubber band between the heel and [...]

the ball of your foot to form the arch of your foot.

[...] plantar act�a como una banda de caucho entre el tal�n y [...]

la eminencia metatarsiana para formar el arco de su pie.

Blobs in the editing area can be selected using all the standard


techniques: clicking, [Shift]-clicking,

[...] marquee/lasso/rubber-band selection, etc. [...]

In addition, the edit menu offers a sub-menu


with a variety of selection commands.

Las notas dentro del �rea de edici�n se pueden seleccionar utilizando


las t�cnicas tradicionales: clic;

[...] [Shift]+clic; lazo, rect�ngulo, etc. Adem�s, [...]

el men� Edici�n ofrece un submen� que presenta


una variedad de comandos de selecci�n.

You can attach this rubber band around the GyroTwister [...]

to help grip it better, especially in case of hand perspiration during use.

Esta cinta que abarca todo el GyroTwister [...]

le ayuda a que el GyroTwister se sujete mejor en las manos, sobretodo si empieza


a sudarles la mano con su uso.

Putting a rubber band around your notebook to mark the [...]

next blank page makes it easy to find quickly.

Colocar una banda el�stica de goma en la libreta para [...]

se�alar la siguiente p�gina en blanco facilita la tarea de localizarla r�pidamente.

It is also fairly common for patients to experience a mild stinging sensation from the laser, which is most commonly compared to the sensation of a rubber band being snapped against the skin.

Es tambi�n bastante com�n que los pacientes experimenten una leve sensaci�n de escozor por el l�ser, que generalmente comparan con la sensaci�n que produce una bandita el�stica al pegar contra la piel.

Rubber band ligation can be used to treat [...]

La ligaci�n con caucho puede usarse para tratar [...]

NAVETTE BOOMERANG : Small polystyrene plane high density

[...] propelled by a rubber band.

NAVETTE BOOMERANG : Peque�o avi�n de poliestireno de alta

[...] densidad propulsado por una goma.

If you bond to the third surface, the "rubber band" will not be able to stretch back and [...]

forth and the sealant will crack.

[...] tercera superficie, la "banda el�stica" no podr� estirarse ni encogerse y el sellador se [...]

While laser treatments can create

[...] the sensation of a rubber band snapping the skin, [...]

people have still rated lasers less


painful than electrolysis needles.

Aunque los tratamientos con l�ser pueden crear la

[...] sensaci�n de una liga de goma pegando en la piel, las [...]

personas a�n han catalogado a los l�seres


como menos dolorosos que las agujas de la electr�lisis.

Working at Miami Children's Hospital is like

[...] living on a springing rubber band; you can't help but [...]

Trabajar en el Miami Children's Hospital es

[...] como vivir en una banda de goma el�stica: no puedes [...]

Secure with a rubber band, either without a rotation or only one rotation, to keep the ponytail open.

Suj�tala con un coletero, sin vueltas o con una sola vuelta, para mantener la cola de caballo abierta.

Some patients have reported that the light pulses feel similar to a light "snap" from a rubber band.

Algunos pacientes han informado que los pulsos de luz se sienten como el "chicotazo" suave de una bandita el�stica.

Do you say rubber band in spanish?

rubber band {noun} banda elástica {f} [Ven.]

How do you say bandaid in Spanish?

Band-Aid {noun}.
curita {f} [LAm.] ( de Curitas®) Aid (also: plaster, sticking plaster, Elastoplast).
cura {f} [Col.] ( apósito adhesivo) Aid (also: plaster, sticking plaster).
parche curita {m} (trademark) [Chile] Band-Aid..

What is the English of Liga?

noun. league [noun] a union of persons, nations etc for the benefit of each other. league [noun] a grouping of sports clubs for games.

What is a rubber band in slang?

But, in hip-hop slang, rubber bands is used in slang expression for lots of money (i.e., large stacks of bills held together by a rubber band).


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