How does the circulatory system work with the endocrine system

Write a paragraph explaining how each of the following systems are connected to the circulatory system.  

Nervous System:  The nervous system is made up of the brain, spinal cord and nerves.  The brain sends messages to the heart telling it to beat.  The heart beat pumps blood throughout the body so that nutrients and oxygen can be brought to cells and waste can be removed.

Digestive System: The digestive system breaks down foods and takes out needed nutrients.  These nutrients are put into the blood stream for the cells to use as energy.  Minerals and vitamins are also put into the blood stream to strengthen bones and the immune system.

Muscular System: The heart is a muscle.  The expanding and contracting of this muscle is what pumps blood throughout the body.

Respiratory System:  The respiratory system is how oxygen is brought into the body.  It enters through the lungs into the alveoli.  From there it is sent through blood vessels into the blood stream for the body to use.  At the same time, carbon dioxide is brought to the lungs through the blood to be exhaled.

Skeletal System:  Marrow inside of bones produces red and white blood cells.  These blood cells are parts of the blood stream and are responsible for carrying oxygen and fighting off disease.

Endocrine System:  The endocrine system is where hormones are produces.  Hormones and other chemicals produced by these glands use the circulatory system to travel to needed parts of the body.  Example:  Adrenaline, created by the Adrenal gland, travels through the blood stream to the heart causing an increased heart rate.

Immune System:  The immune system is made up of white blood cells and antibodies.  These things travel inside the blood so that they can be transported to the site of infection/invasion to remove and/or hopefully destroy it.  This is how you fight off sickness.

The endocrine system and circulatory system work in tandem, forging a production-and-distribution network for hormones. Production of hormones is the domain of the endocrine system, which consists of a collection of glands that secretes special chemicals that modulate various functions in the body. Unlike exocrine glands, which use ducts for transporting hormones, endocrine glands release these chemical messengers into the bloodstream, thereby using the circulatory system as a carrier.

Customized receptors on the cells of organs immediately recognize and receive the hormones designed to guide their functions, ignoring all others. Excess hormones that do not bind to receptors remain stored in the bloodstream. This coordination between the endocrine system and circulatory system is so efficient that scientific reports suggest that endocrine systems are unlikely to evolve in animals that don't have circulatory systems.

The circulatory system.

Glands that rely on this specialized relationship include the thyroid gland, the pineal gland, the gonads, and the two adrenal glands. The Islets of Langerhans and the pituitary gland also benefit from this arrangement. Endocrine glands produce hormones classified in three categories: amines, steroids, and peptides. Glands such as the thyroid and adrenal glands often produce hormones in multiple categories. Scientists estimate that more than 50 different hormones are produced by the endocrine system.

The structure of the aorta, part of the circulatory system.

One of the adrenal glands — the adrenal medulla — and the thyroid gland secrete amines, which are a type of hormone derived from the amino acid tyrosine. Characterized by their short amino acid chains, peptide hormones are secreted by the pituitary gland and thyroid. These are growth hormones that are used by the pituitary gland to govern body maturation and by the thyroid to govern metabolism. Flaws in the regulation of these peptide-based growth hormones can induce dwarfism or its opposite, gigantism.

A person with visible blood vessels, which are part of the circulatory system.

Gonads, which consist of the testes and ovaries, secrete steroids, as does the second adrenal gland, the adrenal cortex. The steroid released by the adrenal cortex causes a person to experience the classic flight-or-fight response during episodes of fear and over-excitement. Ovaries release a steroid form of estrogen known as estradiol, which governs the development of feminine features in women. Testes release testosterone, the steroid that guides the development of masculine traits in males. A surge in the delivery of these steroids by the endocrine system and circulatory system occurs at the onset of adolescence, marking the start of puberty.

How does the endocrine system and circulatory system work together to maintain homeostasis?

Hormones are secreted from endocrine organs such as the thyroid gland, the adrenal gland, and the pancreas. These chemical signals travel through the circulatory system to organ systems such as the digestive and muscular systems. They also control processes that maintain homeostasis.

Is the endocrine the circulatory system?

The circulatory system is the transport system for endocrine information. While the nervous system uses neurons, the endocrine chemicals and hormones must circulate through the body via blood vessels. Many glands in your body secrete hormones into the blood.


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