How long does withdrawal bleeding last after stopping birth control

Women's Health Data Verified

Published on Mar 31, 2022   -  4 min read


Every new menstrual cycle begins with a period, and this bleeding is triggered by certain hormones that cause the uterine lining to shed when implantation of a fertilized egg has not happened. And when the woman is on hormonal birth control, there can be spotting or light bleeding different from that of the regular menstrual period. This withdrawal bleeding happens when there is a change in the hormone levels.

What Is Withdrawal Bleeding?

Withdrawal bleeding refers to the bleeding that women experience while using hormonal birth control methods such as pills, patches, or vaginal rings. It may seem like menstrual bleeding, but it is not actually the same as a period. It is different from the menstrual period.

Usually, monthly courses of hormonal birth control are given for three weeks or for 21 days with a break for one week. During this break, the women can experience bleeding. This bleeding may resemble menstruation bleeding.

Women may also experience withdrawal bleeding when they discontinue or switch the methods of hormonal birth control. After they discontinue a certain contraceptive medication, it may take several months for the periods to regularize after discontinuation.

What Does Withdrawal Bleeding Look Like?

Withdrawal bleeding is not the same as a regular menstrual period. It is generally lighter and shorter. Some women experience menstruation-like symptoms while taking hormonal birth controls. Some of which include:

  • Breast tenderness.

  • Abdominal bloating.

  • Mood swings.

  • Weight gain.

  • Digestive problems like constipation or diarrhea.

  • A mixture of blood and mucus passes through the vagina during the break.

Are Clots Normal During the Withdrawal Bleeding?

Generally, clots are seen when the bleeding is heavier. In the case of withdrawal bleeding, if the person takes several birth control packs back-to-back with breaks, this can make the withdrawal bleeding to be heavier with more clots than usual.

Why Does Withdrawal Bleeding Happen?

In a normal menstrual cycle, when the woman is not using any hormonal birth controls, the fluctuating hormone levels cause thickening of the uterine lining, preparing the uterus for a possible pregnancy. And if the pregnancy does not occur, this uterine lining or the endometrium sheds along with the blood.

In women who are on hormone birth control, the hormone levels do not fluctuate throughout the 28-day period, and the uterine lining does not thicken and also does not shed. This is because the hormones in birth control prevent that from happening. And so, when the hormones are cut off during the break period, some blood mixed with mucus is shed out through the vagina.

Similarly, like a regular menstrual period, withdrawal bleeding is also caused due to drop in the hormone levels in the body. This drop in hormone levels triggers the release of some blood and mucus from the lining of the uterus out through the vagina.

How Long Does Withdrawal Bleeding Last?

The time period for withdrawal bleeding differs from person to person. And if the person is taking the medications as instructed, the bleeding should stop within a few days.

What Are the Birth Control Methods That Cause Withdrawal Bleeding?

There are a few birth control methods that have the potential to cause withdrawal bleeding. Here are a few:

  • Pills.

  • Vaginal rings.

  • Patches.

  • Injections.

Birth Control Pills:

The birth control pills come in different doses of hormones and as 21-day, 28-day, or 90-day packs with a break usually prescribed between these doses. These contraceptive pills cause withdrawal bleeding during the break week if taken as instructed.

Vaginal Rings:

Vaginal rings are also a 21-day estrogen and progestin vaginal ring. It is instructed to be worn for 21 days and causes withdrawal bleeding when removed.


Patches contain estrogen and progestin. These are to be applied on the chest, abdomen, buttocks, or upper arm every week for three weeks, and the fourth week is left free before the cycle starts. So during this break week, withdrawal bleeding occurs.


Injections that contain progestin are advised to be taken once every three months. These injections do not cause any withdrawal bleeding when taken as prescribed.

Does Ovulation Occur Even With Contraceptive Methods?

No, ovulation does not occur if the contraceptive method is used consistently and correctly. During the normal cycle, when the contraceptive method is not used, the body’s reproductive hormones fluctuate and prepare the body to release eggs, whereas on taking the contraceptive pill, the hormones in the pills prevent the ovaries from preparing and releasing eggs. Hence ovulation does not occur.

What Kind of Bleeding Is Considered Normal While on Contraception?

  • Spotting for the first few months on taking birth control.

  • Withdrawal bleeding that is lighter and shorter than the actual menstrual bleeding.

  • Having little or no withdrawal bleeding during the placebo week after taking birth control correctly.

What Does It Typically Mean When There Is No Withdrawal Bleeding During the Placebo Pill Week?

If withdrawal bleeding does not occur, it does not mean anything, but it could also be a sign of pregnancy. So, in that case, if you are not planning for pregnancy and if you do not have withdrawal bleeding, it is wise to take a pregnancy test.

Is It Safe to Have Sex During the Withdrawal Bleeding?

It is safe to have sex during the withdrawal bleeding if you have taken the hormonal birth control method as advised. If in case, the person uses patches, rings, or 21-day pills pack properly, the person is protected from unplanned pregnancy even during the break week. If in the case the person has missed any doses, it is always better to use a backup birth control method during the break week.

When Can the Regular Periods Be Expected After Stopping the Birth Control Method?

After discontinuing the birth control method, women will have withdrawal bleeding for two to four weeks. After the withdrawal bleeding, the natural regular menstrual period should resume the following month. The period in the following month will be heavier and longer than usual. And it may take several months for the period to regularize and become a monthly occurrence after the discontinuation of the birth control.


Spotting or light bleeding is fairly normal when being on hormonal birth control. This bleeding should not last longer than a couple of days. Having prolonged withdrawal bleeding or heavy bleeding that starts to interfere with everyday life may require medical attention.

  • Postponement of withdrawal bleeding in women using low-dose combined oral contraceptives
  • Women's attitudes to withdrawal bleeding and their knowledge and beliefs about the oral contraceptive pill

Last reviewed at:
31 Mar 2022  -  4 min read

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How long is withdrawal bleeding after stopping birth control?

Coming off the pill will result in a withdrawal bleed, which normally lasts for around a week. Think of it like your pill break. Often this will be similar to your monthly bleed as most women stop bleeding before the end of their seven day break.

How many days should withdrawal bleeding last?

You're likely to start having withdrawal bleeding during the first few days of your break week and have it last 4-6 days. If you take the pill and forget a day or two, you might also have some slight withdrawal bleeding due to the temporary drop in hormones.

Why am I bleeding so long after stopping birth control?

After stopping hormonal birth control, most women will have withdrawal bleeding within two to four weeks. After this withdrawal bleeding, your natural menstrual period should come back itself the following month. This period will be heavier and longer than withdrawal bleeding.

Does withdrawal bleeding go away?

The duration of withdrawal bleeding varies from person to person. However, if a person is taking the medication as directed, the bleeding should only last for a few days. If withdrawal bleeding does not occur within 3 weeks of when it is expected, it may be a good idea to take a pregnancy test or consult a doctor.


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