How much mcg of folic acid should i take


What is folic acid?

Folic acid is one of the B vitamins your body needs for good health. The vitamin is also called folate or B9.

  • Folate is the natural form of this vitamin. It's found in leafy green vegetables, oranges, nuts, and beans.
  • Folic acid is the synthetic form. It's put into vitamin pills and fortified foods, such as fortified breakfast cereals.

Getting enough of this vitamin prevents folate deficiency anemia. It also prevents certain birth defects.

Most people just say "folic acid" for either form of this vitamin.

What is the recommended daily amount?

Folic acid is measured in micrograms using Dietary Folate Equivalents (DFE). Here are the daily recommended amounts of folic acid:footnote 1

  • Babies 0–6 months old need 65 mcg (micrograms) DFE each day.
  • Babies 7–12 months old need 80 mcg DFE each day.
  • Children 1–3 years old need 150 mcg DFE each day.
  • Children 4-8 years old need 200 mcg DFE each day.
  • Children 9–13 years old need 300 mcg DFE each day.
  • Children over 13 years old need 400 mcg DFE each day.
  • Most adults need 400 mcg DFE each day.
    • Pregnant people need 600 mcg DFE each day.
    • Breastfeeding people need 500 mcg DFE each day.

How much do adults need?

Folic acid is measured in micrograms using Dietary Folate Equivalents (DFE). The recommended amounts of folic acid are:footnote 1

  • 400 mcg DFE if you're not pregnant.
  • 600 mcg DFE if you're pregnant.
  • 500 mcg DFE if you're breastfeeding.

If you don't get enough folic acid before and during pregnancy, you're more likely to have a child born with a birth defect, such as:

  • A neural tube defect, like spina bifida. Neural tube defects are some of the most common types of birth defects in Canada.
  • A cleft lip or cleft palate.

Even if you eat a well balanced diet, you may not get the extra folic acid you need to prevent birth defects unless you also take a supplement. Some experts say that everyone who is able to get pregnant should take a daily supplement that has at least 400 mcg of folic acid.footnote 2

Some people need even higher doses. People who have a higher risk for certain birth defects need higher doses of folic acid before, during, and after pregnancy. footnote 2 Talk with your doctor or midwife about the amount that is right for you.

Follow your doctor's advice about how to get higher amounts of folic acid. Don't just take more multivitamins. You could get too much of the other substances that are in the multivitamin.

Folic acid recommendations for people who aren't planning to get pregnant

Even if you aren't planning to get pregnant, your doctor may recommend a daily supplement.

Many pregnancies aren't planned. And the birth defects that folic acid can prevent start to form in the first 6 weeks of pregnancy. This is often before you even know you're pregnant.

This is why getting enough daily folic acid—even before you get pregnant—is so important. If you are pregnant and you have not been taking a vitamin containing folic acid, begin taking it right away.

What foods contain folic acid?

Folic acid is found in vitamin supplements and folic-acid-fortified foods such as breakfast cereals and breads. The natural form of folic acid is called folate. Foods high in folate include liver, citrus fruits, and dark greens like spinach. Read food labels to see how much folic acid or folate the food contains.

Folic acid and folate are measured in micrograms using Dietary Folate Equivalents (DFE). Here is a list of some foods that contain folic acid or folate.footnote 3

Estimates of folic acid or folate in certain foods


Serving size


Fortified breakfast cereal

½ cup (30 g)

40 mcg (micrograms) DFE or more

Spinach, cooked

½ cup (125 mL)

139 mcg DFE

Beef liver, cooked

75 g (2.5 oz)

195 mcg DFE

Frozen peas, boiled

½ cup (125 mL)

50 mcg DFE

Asparagus, boiled

6 spears

134 mcg DFE

Wild rice, cooked

½ cup (125 mL)

23 mcg DFE

Frozen broccoli, cooked

½ cup (125 mL)

29 mcg DFE


1 small

39 mcg DFE

Bread, white

1 slice

60 mcg DFE

Folic acid tips

  • In Canada, breads, breakfast cereals, pasta, and flour must be fortified with folic acid.
  • Multivitamins often contain folic acid.



  1. Food and Nutrition Board, et al. (2011). Dietary reference intakes (DRIs): Recommended dietary allowances and adequate intakes, vitamins. National Institutes of Health. // Accessed October 29, 2019.
  2. Wilson RD, et al. (2015). Pre-conception folic acid and multivitamin supplementation for the primary and secondary prevention of neural tube defects and other folic acid-sensitive congenital anomalies. SOGC Clinical Practice Guideline No. 324. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada 37(6): 534–549. // Accessed July 20, 2015.
  3. Health Canada (2008). Nutrient value of some common foods. Ottawa: Health Canada. Also available online: //


Adaptation Date: 3/2/2022

Adapted By: Alberta Health Services

Adaptation Reviewed By: Alberta Health Services

Is 1000 mcg folic acid too much?

It's unlikely that women will be hurt from getting too much folic acid. We don't know of an amount that is dangerous. Yet, for most women, consuming more than 1,000 mcg of folic acid daily is of no benefit. Unless their doctor advises them to take more, most women should limit the amount they take to 1,000 mcg a day.

Is 5000 mcg folate too much?

The tolerable upper intake level (UL) for folic acid was established at 1,000 mcg/day (one-fifth of the LOAEL) to prevent individuals from taking so much folic acid that they reach the LOAEL risk level of 5,000 mcg/day 15.

How much folic acid should I take a day?

The recommended daily amount of folate for adults is 400 micrograms (mcg). Adult women who are planning pregnancy or could become pregnant should be advised to get 400 to 1,000 mcg of folic acid a day.

Is mcg too much folic acid?

You should not get more than 1,000 micrograms of folic acid a day, unless your doctor prescribes a higher amount. Too much folic acid can hide signs that you lack vitamin B12, which can cause nerve damage.


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