How to get popcorn oil out of clothes

Most of us love a nice piece of toast in the morning, but it’s tricky to keep that warm, melted butter where it should be — on the bread. Knowing how to remove butter stains is certainly an important skill to have if you’re partial to a couple of slices with your morning coffee, but a butter stain can pop up at almost any time. From Saturday afternoon baking activities with the kids to getting the children’s sandwiches prepared for their school lunch, butter is a very common ingredient in the home. So, do you know how to get butter stains out of clothes?

If not, don’t panic. It’s simple to remove butter stain marks. Here are three methods to try:

Method 1: Butter stain removal with detergent

If you’re unsure how to remove butter stain marks, then this detergent method is the first technique you should try out. Why? Because it’s a method that really is so quick and easy.

  • Select a detergent. It’s a good idea to use a product that’s designed to tackle tough stains like butter and margarine, such as Persil 3in1 Capsules (bio or non-bio).

  • Wash your clothing with a Capsule (that’s all you need), and choose a slightly warmer wash than usual — about 40°C — to help melt the butter stains.

  • Always check clothing before drying it (especially if using a tumble dryer). If the butter stain is still visible, try pre-treating before washing again with Persil liquid.

Method 2: Butter stain removal with soaps

Another option for how to remove butter stains from clothes is to use regular household soaps. Butter is a grease stain, so products designed to cut through grease are ideal.

  • Select your soap. Anything especially designed for tackling greasy marks and stains can work wonders, such as hair shampoos, and even dishwashing liquids for plates.

  • Before using soaps, it’s a good idea to check the clothing care labels to ensure they’re not made from any delicate fabrics that could easily become damaged.

  • Use the soaps in the same way you’d pre-treat stains with a Persil liquid; apply a small amount and gently massage the soap into the fabric to ensure it soaks in.

Method 3: Butter stain removal with baking soda

If the clothing care labels suggest that your garments are quite fragile, don’t worry. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to remove butter stains from delicate clothing using baking soda:

  • Select a highly absorbent powder to use on your clothing. Baking soda works very well, although you could also use talcum powder, baby powder, or even coarse salt.

  • Blot any butter stains with a paper towel (don’t rub, you don’t want to spread the stain). You can remove butter stain marks quicker if you soak up any excess first.

  • Generously sprinkle the powder onto any butter stains and leave the clothing overnight. In the morning, shake off the powder and wash as normal in the machine.

Persil – Protecting your clothing

There’s no need to throw your favourite clothing out just because your buttery garlic bread was a little juicy one night, or because your hand slipped as you were buttering a cracker. Knowing how to get butter stains out of clothes means that you can enjoy all sorts of delicious foods and fun activities with the family without worrying about troublesome stains.

Whether it be a movie night or a casual day out, It is very easy to get Popcorn butter stains. Popcorn butter may be the most amazing thing in the world but popcorn butter stains can spoil the game. Undoubtedly, Butter makes the popcorn more delicious but the oils present in it leave stubborn stains on your clothes. It can happen if you touch the cloth unknowingly or it falls on it.  These stains are stubborn but can be removed by following certain steps. Yes, Popcorn lovers, Today we have come up with a few ways through which these popcorn butter stains can be removed easily and effortlessly.

How to Get Popcorn Butter Out of Clothes

Try to remove the stain as soon as possible otherwise, it will get dry and will increase your effort in cleaning it. Don’t wash it with normal water as it will not work in removing such stubborn stains. If you are outside and you have paper towels in your bag. It can help to deal with popcorn butter stains. Just, Blot those stains with paper towels and keep continuing the process until the stain or oil disappears.

1) Baking soda and water

Things needed: old toothbrush, Baking soda, a few drops of water, Non-toxic dish soap

How to do:- Mix Baking soda with a few drops of water and place it on the popcorn butter stain area. Leave it for two to three minutes. Afterwards, Rub that particular area with an old toothbrush. Avoid being harsh on the fabric as it can ruin the cloth. You should apply multiple coats while gently scrubbing t the stained area. Apply a layer of non-toxic soap and rinse it well. Dish soap works perfectly in removing such stains from the fabric. Wash the cloth three to four times and you are ready to wear it on your next movie Day.

2) Hydrogen peroxide and water

 If you find popcorn butter stains on the carpet, you can use a carpet cleaning machine or spot stain removing machine. If you don’t have such machines, You can use this DIY carpet cleaning method.

Things needed:- Hydrogen peroxide or carpet cleaning solution, Towel

How to do:- Add any of the solutions in water and apply to the stained area. Wait for a few minutes ( Probably five to ten minutes) and then clean it with the help of a towel and your carpet will be stain free in a few seconds.

3) Hot water, laundry detergent

 Things needed:- Any detergent, Hot water, a Few drops of lemon juice

How to do:- Add a few drops of laundry detergent into the hot water and squeeze a few drops of lemon into it. Soak the cloth or popcorn butter-stained area in the water. The hottest the water, the stains will easily come out. Make sure to check the tag of the cloth, whether it can bear high temperature or not. After that, Wash the cloth with normal water.


Whether you are cooking or eating your favourite popcorn butter snacks, you should be careful otherwise your clothes can get stained easily. Although, the above-mentioned ways of getting popcorn butter out of your clothes work great prevention is always better than cure !! In case it falls, you should treat it as soon as possible before it sets into the fabric. Now, you don’t need to throw away your favourite piece of cloth just because of the stain. You can treat it with the right product and methods which are very simple to apply. It just needs a little bit of effort and patience and you can get your favourite cloth back in a few minutes. I hope You find this information helpful, Keep visiting our website Don’t Get Serious for more how to tips and tricks.

How do you get popcorn butter oil out of clothes?

You can apply baking soda and a bit of water to the popcorn butter area. Use an old toothbrush to rub the area to remove the stain. Apply multiple coats of baking soda while you scrub the fabric. Rinse it and apply non-toxic dish soap.

How do you get cooking oil out of clothes?

Here's how:.
Remove any excess oil with a paper towel or cloth..
Sprinkle baking soda on the affected fabric and allow it to sit for 24 hours..
After a day passes, vacuum or brush the baking soda away..
Spray the affected area with a vinegar and water solution..
Scrub with soap and a brush, then rinse..

How do you get popcorn oil out of sheets?

Steps to get rid of oil stains.
Apply dish detergent to the stain..
Wait 5 minutes..
Rinse the stain..
Machine wash with bleach. Tip..
Air dry and check for success..


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