How to remove paint from cement floor

Paint is often used to change the usually gray color of concrete. We see concrete block walls painted as a solid backdrop or a colorful mural. Concrete patios, basement floors, and garage floors are transformed by paint.

But whether the paint was intentionally applied or accidentally splattered during another painting project, there will come a time when it needs to be removed from concrete. Learn how to tackle everything from small drips to large removals.

Before You Begin

When you discover some paint splatters on untreated or sealed concrete floors, removal is necessary to maintain a clean look. But when you have an area of concrete that has been intentionally painted and you plan to repaint, you should decide whether the paint needs to be stripped completely away.

A painted concrete floor can be easily repainted without having to strip the old paint away if you use the same type of paint (oil-based or water-based) or use a primer. If you plan to repaint, simply scrape away any peeling or flaking paint, sand lightly, vacuum well to remove debris, and you are ready to paint the surface again.


  • Dishwashing liquid
  • Old cloths
  • Paint thinner
  • Water-based paint stripper
  • Oil-based paint stripper

How to Remove Paint Splatters From Concrete

  1. Removing Wet Paint Splatters

    • For small splatters, react quickly and use an old cloth to wipe up the paint. Start at the edges and wipe toward the center to prevent smearing and spreading the paint.
    • Mix a solution of one tablespoon dishwashing liquid and one-half gallon of warm water in a bucket. Use a wire or heavy-duty scrub brush dipped in the solution to scrub away any traces of the paint.
    • If the paint has dried slightly, soak an old cloth with paint thinner. Place it on the splatter and let it sit for 30 minutes. Use a paint scraper or wire brush to remove the paint from the concrete. Rinse the area with water.
  2. Removing Dried Paint Splatters

    • For older, dried paint splatters, begin by sweeping the concrete or using a shop vac to remove dust and loose debris.
    • Use a metal paint scraper to remove any flaking or peeling splatters. Sweep or vacuum again.
    • Use an old paintbrush to spread oil-based paint stripper on the splatters. Spread it on thickly and leave it to work for as long as directed by the product label (this can be 15 minutes to several hours).
    • Use a metal paint scraper, wire brush, or a pressure washer to remove the paint. If using a scraper or brush, finish by rinsing the area well with a hose.
    • Repeat the steps if needed.

How to Remove Paint From Concrete

  1. Scrape Away Loose Paint

    After you have removed any furniture or accessories from the concrete area, use a metal paint scraper or wire brush to remove any peeling, chipped, or loose paint.

  2. Remove Loose Debris

    Sweep the area or use a shop vac to remove dust and loose debris. If the concrete surface is muddy or coated with dirt, use a hose or power washer to clean the surface. After wetting, you will need to let the concrete dry completely (several hours) before moving to the next step.

  3. Put on Protective Gear

    To protect yourself, put on gloves and eye protection. While some paint strippers are more gentle than others, if you have any concerns, wear protective coveralls and a respirator mask.

  4. Apply a Paint Stripper

    For oil-based paint, use an oil-based paint stripper. For latex acrylic paint, use a water-based or plant-based stripper. If you don't know what type of paint was used on the concrete, opt for the oil-based stripper for the best results.

    Following the directions on the stripper label, apply a thick coat with an old paintbrush. Allow it to work for the recommended time, usually for several hours. You should begin to see the paint bubble away from the surface of the concrete.

  5. Scrape Away the Paint

    Working in sections and wearing protective gear, use a metal scraper or wire brush to remove the paint and paint stripper. It is helpful to have old newspapers or a bucket to hold the gooey mess.

  6. Rinse the Concrete

    Finish by rinsing the area with a garden hose or pressure washer. After this step, you will be able to determine if you need to repeat the steps with another coating of paint stripper.

Whether you have decided to take up a previous surface renovation or are moving into a new space that doesn’t quite fit your aesthetic, you might be looking at a concrete floor that needs the paint removed from it. If your concrete floor is painted, how can it successfully be removed?

To remove paint from a concrete floor, the method will depend on the type of paint being removed, but the removal methods include soap and warm water, paint thinner, acetone, graffiti remover, nail polish remover, a power washer, and a paint stripper with methylene chloride.

Painting a concrete floor is a great way to add warmth or color to an area that would otherwise be rather cold and dull, however, the paint you are dealing with might not be quite what you are going for in your area. Whether you are removing an intentional paint job or are trying to remove an accidental spill, continue reading below to see all the different ways you can remove paint from a concrete floor, no matter what type of paint you are dealing with.

Concrete floors are durable, are uniform, and provide a stable foundation no matter where they are placed, however, concrete floors don’t always have the visual appeal people are looking for, which is why some may be led to paint them. If you have concrete floors and are wanting to remove that paint, for whatever reason, the task might seem a bit daunting at first glance. To see how to remove paint from concrete floors, continue reading below.

To remove paint from a concrete floor, the method will depend on the type of paint being removed, but the removal methods include soap and warm water, paint thinner, acetone, graffiti remover, nail polish remover, a power washer, and a paint stripper with methylene chloride.

The important thing to remember when removing paint from concrete is that you need to identify the type of paint on the surface before choosing a method of removal. Depending on the base of the paint, the method for removal will vary and though one removal method might work for an oil based paint, it will not work in the same way for a water based paint. Therefore, be sure to know exactly what paint is on the surface before choosing a removal method.

How to Remove Acrylic Spray Paint From Concrete Floor

Spray paint is one paint material that many people tend to sweat over when they notice it is on a surface they did not intend for it to go. Whether you were in your garage and a project got away from you or someone took liberties with a spray paint can that shouldn’t have, removing acrylic spray paint from a concrete floor is actually much easier than you might believe. If you have acrylic spray paint on a concrete floor that needs to be removed, how can this be done?

To remove acrylic spray paint from a concrete floor, soak the affected area with warm water. Once covered, combine warm water with mild dish detergent and add the soapy solution to the area. In circular motions, scrub the area with a stiff bristle brush until removed completely.

If the soapy solution mentioned above does not remove the acrylic spray paint from the area you are working with, try this next method, especially if you are working with paint that has been there for a while. Using graffiti remover, follow the instructions on the can for application. Once applied, use a stiff bristled brush and in circular motions, scrub the area. Once you have the paint blot the area with a rag and then remove any leftover paint with warm water and a mop or disposable towel or rag.

How to Remove Dried Latex Paint From Concrete Floor

Latex paint can be used for a variety of different projects, but when it comes to having this type of paint on surfaces you do not want it to be, removing the paint, especially when dried, may seem almost impossible as dried paint is another monster altogether when it comes to removal. If you have dried latex paint on your concrete floors that needs to be removed, take a look below to see how you can successfully clear it from your space.

To remove dried latex paint from concrete floors, soak a rag in acetone and lay the rag overtop of the area blemished with the paint. Wait for 20 minutes to allow the solution to soak the paint and once this time has passed, scrub the area with warm soapy water.

It is important to soak the rag in the acetone solution, as pouring acetone directly on top of the paint will cause spreading and will not allow for absorption over time, which is what aids in breaking down the bonds of the paint so that it can be more easily scrubbed and scraped away. If acetone is not working to remove the paint, try following the application directions of commercial paint remover, which should effectively remove the paint.

How to Remove Dried Oil Based Paint From Concrete

Oil based paints are notorious for being incredibly difficult to remove, as the bonds that are made when this paint is applied are incredibly strong and thus, much more difficult to break apart when the time comes to do so. If you have accidentally spilled oil based paint on your concrete floors and are scrambling to find a way to remove it, continue reading below to see how hot this can be done.

To remove dried oil based paints from concrete, with protective gear on, mix paint stripper with methylene chloride and sawdust and spread it over the area. Wait 30 minutes, scrape the area, then apply an abrasive cleaner and scrub any remaining patin away.

With this method, the most important step is to make sure you have all the proper safety gear before starting, as methylene chloride is an incredibly toxic chemical. Be sure you have gloves, goggles, and a mask that will prevent you from inhaling the fumes while you are in the middle of this process. If the area you are working in also has any windows or doors, be sure to open them to allow for proper ventilation while the solution is sitting.

Copyright protected content owner: and was initially posted on 2022-03-05.

How to Remove Epoxy Paint From a Concrete Floor

Epoxy has quickly become an incredibly popular material, as its durability and versatility makes it something that can work for just about any project. However, due to that same durability, this can be a material that makes taking it up concerning for some. If you are looking to remove epoxy from your concrete floors but don’t know how, take a look below to see the steps you need to take to remove this material without damaging the surface below.

To remove epoxy paint from a concrete floor, soak a rag with acetone and gently press on the area repeatedly for a few minutes. This will work to soften the epoxy paint to a point where you can either rub the material away gently or can use a plastic paint scraper to take away larger areas.

If you are looking for a way to remove epoxy paint from concrete but want a method that doesn’t involve you having to leave the house to purchase acetone, you can use nail polish remover as a replacement remover. Nail polish remover will not be as strong of a solution and it could take more time to break down the surface of the epoxy paint, but if you have this one hand, simply follow the steps listed above to remove epoxy paint from your concrete surface.

How to Remove Water Based/Latex Paint From a Concrete Floor

As previously noted, when it comes to oil-based paints, the process and involvement is a bit more when it comes to the removal of such a paint, as the bonds formed with this substance is strong, which is also why many people opt for water based paints instead. If you have water based paint or latex paint (which is water based) on your concrete floors and you want to remove it, what might this process look like?

To remove water based or latex paint from a concrete floor, you can either use an acetone soaked rag and lay it over the surface for 20 minutes then scrub the area with soapy warm water, or you can use a paint stripper that is designed specifically to remove water based paint.

If you choose to use acetone for the removal, simply soak the rag in acetone and lay it on top of the area you wish to remove from the concrete. Once 20 minutes have passed, remove the rag and scrub at the area with a hard bristle brush that has been dipped in warm soapy water. For those of you that choose to use paint stripper, follow the removal instructions on the bottle and then be sure to clear up the solution with warm soapy water as well.

How to Remove Spray Paint From Concrete

There are a multitude of different reasons as to why spray paint may end up on concrete, but if you are not looking to have such a substance on the concrete area you are working, removing it may become a top priority. Removing spray paint from concrete is not something that should be daunting though, as there are multiple methods to ensure that the paint goes away and the surface of the concrete isn’t damaged. Read on to see how this can be done.

To remove spray paint from concrete, soak a rag with paint thinner and begin blotting the area. Once the area has been noticeably soaked, you can then start to gently rub at the area and wipe away the paint. Once completely removed, simply clean the area with warm soap and water.

If you don’t have paint thinner on hand and the spray paint spot is relatively new, you can try removing the spot by scrubbing a warm water and soap soaked bristle brush. If this does not work for you, graffiti remover can be purchased, simply follow the directions on the product to remove the paint. If you have spray paint on a concrete area that is outdoors, you can also remove the spot by using a power washer.

How to Remove Washable Paint From Concrete

When it comes to removing paint from concrete, the most perplexing type of paint is one that is oil based, however, if you have a washable paint that has made its way onto the concrete, you are in luck because this is certainly the easiest product to remove. If you are looking to remove a washable paint from concrete but aren’t sure of the exact process, continue reading on to see how this can be done quickly and effectively.

Copyright article owner is for this article. This post was first published on 2022-03-05.

To remove washable paint from concrete, simply apply warm water that has been mixed with dish soap to the area and scrub the solution with a stiff bristle brush. Use circular motions over the area to create the most agitation and once removed, clean with warm water.

If the washable paint is still wet, you may not even need warm water to remove the paint. If the paint has made its way to an area of concrete that is outside, there might be enough water pressure from you water hose to be able to spray the area and remove the paint without having to worry about warm water, soap, or even a bristle brush to clean the surface of the concrete in a matter of seconds.

How to Remove Wet Paint From Concrete

When tackling dry paint on the surface of concrete, you might look at it and think that a dried material will be more difficult to remove than paint that is wet, however, there are pros and cons to each state. Dry paint may take a bit more effort to remove, but the advantage of removing dry paint from concrete is that you don’t have to worry about spreading it. With wet paint, how can you remove it without spreading the paint even more than it already has?

To remove wet paint from concrete, identify first if you are dealing with a water based paint or an oil based paint. From there you can use a variety of different options to remove the paint, but be keen to dab the paint rather than scrub it to avoid spreading.

To remove paint from concrete, first, confirm whether the paint is water or oil based. Once identified, it can be removed through different methods that include soap and warm water, paint thinner, acetone, paint stripper, a power washer, or paint stripper with methylene chloride.

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ReadyToDIY is the owner of this article. This post was published on 2022-03-05.

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What removes dried paint from concrete?

If the paint has dried slightly, soak an old cloth with paint thinner. Place it on the splatter and let it sit for 30 minutes. Use a paint scraper or wire brush to remove the paint from the concrete. Rinse the area with water.

Can you remove paint from cement?

Apply a thick layer of paint stripper using a brush, broom, or squeegee, following the manufacturer's instructions. Let the stripper sit until it fully penetrates and the paint begins to soften (anywhere from 4 to 24 hours). Remove the paint with a scraper or wire brush once it is visibly wrinkled or puckered.

What is the best paint remover for cement?

Rust-Oleum 1 gal. Paint Stripper for Concrete removes layers of paint, stain, sealers and epoxy coatings. Effectively removes coatings on both interior and exterior surfaces. Convenient and easy to use water-based formula cleans up easily with soap and water.

Will vinegar remove concrete paint?

Yes, cleaning concrete with vinegar will remove paint from concrete. Vinegar is a natural and eco-friendly way to remove even the most stubborn paint from concrete. Vinegar dissolves both water-based and oil-based paints. It can even remove spray paint!


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