How to see who doesnt follow u back on instagram

If you want to know How to see who doesn’t follow you back on Instagram then you are at the right place just follow us till the end. Every single follower counts! And no one knows this better than those who strive to become an influencer on Instagram. Fan acquisition is an essential activity that one must perform. 

As an Instagrammer, it is just as significant to check your follower count and for a drop in the numbers.

It would help if you were diligent about the behavior of your followers. Their reception is directly connected to your content. So it becomes more important to you to know how to see who doesn’t follow you back on Instagram? This blog will get everything you need to know about Instagram followers. 

List of Methods On How To See Who Doesn’t Follow You Back On Instagram

  1. Check Who Unfollowed You Through Phone
  2. Check Who Unfollowed You Via PC
  3. Check Who Unfollowed You Manually
  4. Use Third-Party Apps To Check Who Unfollowed You

Methods To See Who Unfollowed You On Instagram

1. How To See Who Doesn’t Follow You Back On Instagram On Phone? 

It is the method that only works if you want to check for a certain person who unfollowed you. To check if a specific person has unfollowed you, visit their Instagram account. Now click on Following next to their username at the top of your screen.

Now, Instagram lets you search through another user’s Following list. So click on the search bar at the top of your screen, and type in your name.

If your name does not appear in their Following list, it simply means they have unfollowed you.

Suppose you see that your number of followers is less than before. You can check who unfollowed you by scrolling the list of your followers. Anyone who is missing from the list is the one who must have unfollowed.

But, this process is time-consuming. Also, if you have followers in thousands or lakhs, possibly this method will not work.   

How To See Who Doesn’t Follow You Back On Instagram On PC?

Go to the Instagram website and log in to your account. Tap on your profile photo on the right side of the page. From the menu that opens, tap on Profile. 

On the profile page, select the follower count. 

Here, a list of all your followers will appear in the next window or browser tab. Scroll through to check who is following you and who the ones who were following but not visible in the list. That means, they unfollowed you.

3. How To See Who Doesn’t Follow You Back On Instagram Manually? 

While checking the followership of users known to you is simple enough. But, it becomes an entirely different scenario when you have thousands of followers. And, you are on the influencer track. These are those strangers that you need to keep track of. Moreover, there is no way to check who left as you do not know them.

Suppose you must know who is following and unfollowing you. Then, we have a solution for you.

Create a monthly Excel sheet or Google Sheets. In this sheet, add your complete follower base and the follower count. Update it as and when any user follows you.  When there is a decrease in followers number, cross-check your Instagram account followers list with the Excel sheet.

But, it could be hectic, and you may lose track sometimes. It would help if you were vigilant enough to keep proper track of all your followers daily. Rather, on an hourly basis.

Indeed, there is grunt work involved in this process in the beginning. It becomes easier to put the manual method in place once your sheet is ready. Then, you would need to update it in months.

But for the initial stage, you would need an assistant who tracks this as you must be busy creating content.  This method is foolproof and more effective than using third-party apps. 

Still, if you feel unsatisfied with this method, you can opt to check followers and unfollowers through third-party apps.

4. Use Third-Party Apps To Check Who Unfollowed You

Another way to find out who unfollowed you is by using a third-party app. Before proceeding further, please note that these apps are not foolproof. You can not 100% rely on such apps.

They work pretty well most of the time, but they have been known for many glitches. Furthermore, these apps notify you only about the users who unfollow you after setting up the app.

In this tutorial, we will be using the app Followers Assistant. You can easily find this on both the Apple and Google Play Stores. This app not only lets you see who has unfollowed you. It also lets you unfollow or block users in bulk.

Download the app launch on your device. Then, you must log in to your Instagram account.

Please note that you will get analytics only for the account you sign in with.

Now click on Check Lists. Then the Followers list of your linked Instagram account will be scanned. After that, could you save a copy of it? The app will then regularly compare changes to the original list.

It may take time to generate the Followers list depending on how many followers you have.

Once the list is generated, use the arrow buttons (you will see on the side) to visit the tab Who stopped following. Here, you will get a list of users who have unfollowed you since installing the app.

The list increases as the users unfollow you. That means the most recent unfollowers of your account will be at the top of the list.

Pro Tip: You can check who is not mutually following you. Navigate through the arrow buttons on the side to go to Who doesn’t follow. Here, you will see all the accounts you follow but do not follow back.

In case this app is causing issues for your Instagram Account. Here are some other alternatives. Note: Some of these apps collect comprehensive data and other information. This information then goes beyond the follower count. You can take advantage of it as well. 

Reports: Follower Tracker (For iPhone and iPad)

Unfollow For Instagram Mass  (For iPhone and iPad)

Unfollow Users (For Android Users only)

Reasons Why Instagram Followers Drop And How Can You Keep Them?

It is very normal to see fluctuations in your followers count. Bot accounts that advertisers use to follow you for a short period unfollowing you. Instagram also sweeps for any fake or bot accounts that are not actually of any substance. Suppose these kinds of accounts are your followers.

Your follower count will drop naturally when you are removed from Instagram.

Suppose you are an Instagram influencer. A drop in followers could mean that your content has not been received well. You can analyze the period when you started losing followers. 

Then, compare that with your Instagram Feed. After that, try and figure out what content was posted. Do not forget that just because one post got old does not mean it can not come up in hashtag searches. That means you may have reduced followers due to an old post.

Do not be disheartened if you see the follower count decreasing. Users could be demanding, and it is pretty easy to recover since the user base of Instagram is too vast.

  • Stay active: If your followers come across your profile and realize you have not posted in a while. They perhaps are tempted to unfollow. Posting daily keeps your followers interested and wanting more.
  • Engage with your followers: Do like and comment on your followers’ posts. Show them that you are just another person on Instagram. Also, reply to comments on your posts to show that you care about what your followers think. People are more likely to connect with a person on Instagram rather than an ideology.
  • Go Live: Instagram’s Live feature is an amazing way to engage your audience. Going Live allows them to see the ‘real’ you. And the users like to see the reality on Instagram.
  • Utilize interaction stickers: Instagram has a vast library of stickers. A few of those stickers let you interact with your followers. Use the poll sticker, anonymous questions, and others.

Conclusion – Check Who Unfollows You

So, now you know how to see who doesn’t follow you back on Instagram. Knowing who unfollows you is difficult on Instagram. You can check your total number of followers fluctuating. If you have an Instagram professional account, you will see the analytics.  But analytics tell the numbers only.

It will not tell you the username of the one who unfollowed you. To check who unfollowed you, follow any above methods on your phone or PC. Hope this blog will serve you with the required piece of information.

FAQs – Instagram Followers

Who Are ‘Followers’ On Instagram? Why Are They Important?

Followers are the users of Instagram that follow your account. They can see all your activities, such as your feed, reels, and stories. Also, they get a notification whenever you go live. If you wish to become an influencer, followers play an important role. They are your Instagram audience.

Do We Get Notified When Someone Unfollows Us?

Instagram does inform you when you get a new follower. But unfortunately, Instagram does not notify you whenever you lose a follower. That is why many influencers use third-party apps to track their followers. Yet they are not 100% reliable either. 

How To Unfollow Someone?

To unfollow someone. First, open an Instagram app on your phone. Visit the user account which you want to unfollow. Just below the profile picture, you will see Follow. Tap on that at, and choose the option Unfollow.  A confirmation pop-up will come. Click on Unfollow. 

What Should I Do When Someone Unfollows Me?

Suppose you get to know that you have been unfollowed. You should check the last post you uploaded. Or is there anything you uploaded that might affect someone’s sentiments? If yes, immediately take action and try not to lose more followers. In brief, always try to know the reason behind unfollowing to improve your content.


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