How to write a resignation letter without 2 weeks notice

If you want to leave a job, the standard practice is to give your employer two weeks' notice. This 14-day period allows you time to complete current projects and your employer time to plan for your replacement.

However, we don't live in a perfect world. And a variety of circumstances can come up that would require you to leave a job immediately. What are the steps to take when you need to leave a job right away? How do you write a resignation letter that goes into effect immediately? Will a sudden departure impact you professionally? This article will examine these and other questions about resigning without notice.

What is a No Notice Resignation Letter?

If you find yourself in a situation that requires you to leave your employment immediately, you can still act in a professional manner. The best way to maintain your professionalism is by writing an immediate resignation letter.

An immediate resignation letter informs your employee that you must depart right away without the standard two weeks' notice. The letter should use a business letter format, a formal writing style, and be brief and to the point. Typically, the final date of employment is the day of the letter's receipt or the next business after the receipt of the letter.

There are many circumstances that could cause someone to forego the standard two-week notice period in favor of an immediate departure. Here are some examples:

  • You have a personal or family crisis.
  • You are experiencing a physical or mental illness.
  • Your place of employment has an unsafe or hostile work environment.
  • You have been asked to do something illegal, unethical, or dangerous.
  • You are not being paid the agreed-upon wage, or your pay is being withheld for an unreasonable time.
  • Your employment contract has been breached.

While it is not necessary -- or recommended -- to go into too much detail about your reasons for leaving immediately in your resignation letter, it is essential to have a clear reason that you can state simply in your letter. If you choose, you can always explain your decision in more detail in person.

How to Resign Without Notice

Making the decision to leave a job can be difficult at any time. Leaving a position suddenly can be even more challenging. It is essential to take the following steps before turning in your resignation letter.

  1. Review your employment contract. If you have a contract, read over the terms carefully to be sure you are not in violation of any of them. Some states have rules regarding the last paycheck and accrued paid time off of you quit without giving notice.

  2. Speak with your employer. In many cases, it will help ease this awkward transition if you speak with your supervisor or Human Resources before you officially resign. This meeting may be uncomfortable for both parties, but, in the end, it can help you maintain a professional relationship and a future reference.

  3. Create a financial plan. In some cases, you may be ineligible for unemployment benefits when you quit a job. Review your options and make sure your budget can handle the loss of income.

  4. Seek support. Carve out a support network of family and friends who will be there for you during this time. You may wish to consult a counselor or therapist to help you cope with the stress of this challenging situation.

After you have taken these steps, it is time to turn in Hand in your resignation letter.

What will happen if I don't give notice when resigning?

As we have seen, many unforeseen circumstances can force you to leave a job immediately. However, this method of leaving a job is not without its risks. Depending on the details of your employment contract, here are some of the potential pitfalls of immediate resignations.

  • You may lose your unused vacation pay or a planned bonus.
  • You may lose a positive reference for your next job.
  • You may undermine professional relationships with co-workers.

Can a resignation be rejected?

Although an immediate resignation usually puts employers in a bind, they typically accept these forms of resignation. That acceptance is because most states have what is called "at-will employment". This term means that either the employer or the employee can legally resign with no notice and for no stated cause.

Under at-will employment, your boss cannot stop you from walking out the door – with or without notice -- even if the employee handbook states that two weeks' notice is standard for the company.

However, when an employee is under contract, the employer may refuse to accept an immediate resignation and might instead remind the worker of the terms stated in the contract, which is considered a legal document. There may be clauses in the contract that list circumstances (such as withholding of pay) that justify immediate resignation.

Other reasons that may cause an employer to refuse an immediate resignation letter include the following:

  • Retention Bonus. If you have agreed to a retention bonus to stay with the company for a set period, the employer may have the right to refuse your resignation. In addition to violating a contract, an employee's decision to resign after receiving a retention bonus may seem unethical.
  • Sign-on Bonus. Your employer also may refuse your resignation letter if you have accepted a sign-on bonus and have a contract that stipulates the terms of this acceptance.
  • Insufficient or unspecified reasons for resigning. An employer also may refuse an immediate resignation letter of the worker does not make their reasons for leaving clear.

A concise, well-written immediate resignation letter gives you the best chance to leave your place of employment on as good terms as possible. This document also provides both you and your employers with a valuable written record of this no notice of termination of employment.

Here are the steps for writing a professional immediate resignation letter:

  1. Begin with the date. Your letter should clearly state the date of your departure from the company. If you list today's date, you can use the phrase "effective immediately."

  2. Explain only what is necessary. Give a clear reason for leaving, but there is no need to over-explain. For example, you can say you are resigning "due to illness" or "for personal reasons." You do not need to go into details of your health or your personal life in this letter. You may share that information when you meet in person with your employer if you wish.

  3. Use a professional tone. No matter the circumstances that have led to your resignation, maintain a positive and professional written voice in your letter.

  4. Express gratitude. It never hurts to thank your employer for the opportunity the job has given you and to apologize for the inconvenience your sudden departure may cause.

  5. Include questions. Ask about how you will obtain your last paycheck or any other concerns you may have in this letter.

  6. Provide contact information. Even though your employer probably already has these details on file, it is courteous to include your mailing address and email address in your letter.

  7. Proofread, Read over your letter carefully for spelling and punctuation errors. You might ask a close friend or family member to check it over as well.

  8. Print and sign. Print copies of the letter for your employer, HR representative, and yourself and sign each one before hand-delivering them. If it is impossible to hand-deliver the letter, you may send it via email.

Sample resignation letter

A successful immediate resignation letter follows a standard business letter format. Here is a template you can use for writing your own immediate resignation letter:

[Your name] [Your mailing address] [Your personal phone number] [Your personal email address]

[The date]

[Name of employer] [Company mailing address]

Dear [Mr./Ms./Mrs. Surname],

This letter serves as formal notice of my immediate resignation from [company name] as of [date of your departure]. I apologize for not providing the standard two-week notice, but I am afraid I must resign immediately due to [reason for leaving].

Would you please let me know the best way for me to receive my last paycheck? I can collect the paycheck from human resources, or you can mail it to me -- whatever works best for you.

Thank you for the opportunities and support you've given me during my time with [name of company]. I know it has helped me grow in my career.


[Handwritten signature] [Typed name]

Leaving a job without giving at least the standard notice period is not ideal, but some situations require it. By writing a courteous immediate resignation letter, you can still leave your job in a way this is both professional and graceful. For more help with writing an effective immediate resignation letter, visit

Can I just quit my job without 2 weeks notice?

In California, there is generally no requirement that an employee or an employer give two weeks notice, or any notice, before quitting or terminating a job. This is because California is an “at-will“ employment state.

How do I resign immediately?

How to Immediately Resign from a Job.
Call employer promptly. Time is of the essence, so communicate as soon as it becomes clear that a departure is imminent. ... .
State reasons for sudden leave. ... .
Try to give 2-weeks notice. ... .
Submit your Immediate Resignation Letter..

How do I write a 1 day resignation letter?

Immediate resignation letter template Dear [Mr./Ms./Mrs. Surname], I am writing to give my formal notice for immediate resignation from [company name] as of the [date of departure]. I sincerely apologize for not being able to provide notice, but due to [reason for leaving], I must resign immediately.

How do I resign in less than 2 weeks?

How to write a short notice resignation letter.
Tell your manager first..
Use the business letter format..
State the position you are resigning from and the effective date..
Explain why you are resigning..
Express gratitude..
Close with your signature..


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