I have lost control of the day meme

The end of a long and blissful summer for the whole population of school kids and their teachers must only mean one thing, back to school you go! Though kids might cry about the end of carefree summer days, it's so much harder for the teachers. Imagine dealing with a horde of wild and unruly kids times 30, listening to their parents' complaints, dealing with all the paperwork, and getting ready for lessons for most of the year for a salary that's not so amazing. We bet that even the best teachers can lose their heads sometimes.

Now it doesn't have to be all doom and gloom, as it's a time to reconnect and share the funny stories with colleagues and classmates, discuss all the new and funny school happenings and maybe make some teacher memes. A fresh start full of optimism for the new semester. To get the right mood going, we here at Bored Panda have collected our favorite school memes and memes for teachers; they are guaranteed to give you a chuckle, students especially but teachers perhaps a little painfully.

Scroll down below to check the funny memes about school out for yourself!

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HOW TO SET YOUR WRISTS FOR BENCH PRESS When you bench, the ⬆line of drive goes through the forearm. For best force transfer, you want that drive going from the forearm and directly into the bar. But subpar wrist positioning can throw off this line and hinder your progression. And let's be honest, bringing up our poverty bench is hard enough already.🙁😢😭 . There are 3 common positions we see: . ❌Overextended: This is the common culprit in causing wrist pain when benching. You have 8 carpal bones as a part of the wrist joint. And the compression of the weight coupled with overextension can quickly lead to pinching irritation.😣💥 . ❌Too Straight: This position is less common to see and often happens when people try to overcorrect their wrists. Here, the line of drive is behind the bar and you have an increased chance of losing control and dropping it on your chest.😲 . ✅Slightly Extended: Here you see the bar and forearm line up beautifully. You are in a good position to avoid impingement and you get optimal force transfer to make all the gainz!💪 . So start working on your wrist positioning and get that bench press moving on up! Tag a friend who needs to improve their bench and share the wealth! . MyodetoxOrlando Myodetox: @dr. jacob harden SLIGHT EXTENSION LINE OF DRIVE GOES THROUGH THE BAR BENCH PRESS WRIST POSITION OVEREXTENDED TOO STRAIGHT LINE OF DRIVE IN FRONT N I LINE OF DRIVE BEHIND OF THE BAR THE BAR HOW TO SET YOUR WRISTS FOR BENCH PRESS When you bench, the ⬆line of drive goes through the forearm. For best force transfer, you want that drive going from the forearm and directly into the bar. But subpar wrist positioning can throw off this line and hinder your progression. And let's be honest, bringing up our poverty bench is hard enough already.🙁😢😭 . There are 3 common positions we see: . ❌Overextended: This is the common culprit in causing wrist pain when benching. You have 8 carpal bones as a part of the wrist joint. And the compression of the weight coupled with overextension can quickly lead to pinching irritation.😣💥 . ❌Too Straight: This position is less common to see and often happens when people try to overcorrect their wrists. Here, the line of drive is behind the bar and you have an increased chance of losing control and dropping it on your chest.😲 . ✅Slightly Extended: Here you see the bar and forearm line up beautifully. You are in a good position to avoid impingement and you get optimal force transfer to make all the gainz!💪 . So start working on your wrist positioning and get that bench press moving on up! Tag a friend who needs to improve their bench and share the wealth! . MyodetoxOrlando Myodetox

HOW TO SET YOUR WRISTS FOR BENCH PRESS When you bench, the ⬆line of drive goes through the forearm. For best force transfer, you want tha...

The FBI assassinated MLK... Here is one of their subsequent-current operations for the destruction of Africans... Mainstream media demonises Africans in order to: To justify use of police force (brutality) To influence popular opinion To create suspicion and a divide between the African Middle class and working class. To discredit the campaign for justice against an oppressive and racist system. Did you hear about cointelpro ? Well it's still going on, it's just more classified, the US government knows the influence African could have in government and they are scared. Here is how the US Government thinks. Below is Extracts from operation cointelpro stolen from the FBI by Africans Americans and Europeans American activists. NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL MEMORANDUM-46 MARCH 17, 1978 Presidential Review Memorandum NSCM-46 TO: The Secretary of State The Secretary of Defense The Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT: Black Africa and the U.S. Black Movement II. A. U.S. INTERESTS IN BLACK AFRICA A multiplicity of interests influences the U.S. attitude toward black Africa. The most important of these interests can be summarized as follows: 1. POLITICAL If black African states assume attitudes hostile to the U.S. national interest, our policy toward the white regimes; which is a key element in our relations with the black states, may be subjected by the latter to great pressure for fundamental change. Thus the West may face a real danger of being deprived of access to the enormous raw material resources of southern Africa which are vital for our defense needs as well as losing control over the Cape sea routes by which approximately 65% of Middle Eastern oil is supplied to Western Europe. Moreover, such a development may bring about internal political difficulties by intensifying the activity of the black movement in the United States itself. It should also be borne in mind that black Africa is an integral part of a continent where tribal and regional discord, economic backwardness, inadequate infrastructures, drought, and famine, are constant features of the scene. In conjunction with the artificial borders imposed by the former chakabars: First they criminalize you, then they kill you, then they act like they agreed with you all along BIRMINGHAM ALA The FBI assassinated MLK... Here is one of their subsequent-current operations for the destruction of Africans... Mainstream media demonises Africans in order to: To justify use of police force (brutality) To influence popular opinion To create suspicion and a divide between the African Middle class and working class. To discredit the campaign for justice against an oppressive and racist system. Did you hear about cointelpro ? Well it's still going on, it's just more classified, the US government knows the influence African could have in government and they are scared. Here is how the US Government thinks. Below is Extracts from operation cointelpro stolen from the FBI by Africans Americans and Europeans American activists. NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL MEMORANDUM-46 MARCH 17, 1978 Presidential Review Memorandum NSCM-46 TO: The Secretary of State The Secretary of Defense The Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT: Black Africa and the U.S. Black Movement II. A. U.S. INTERESTS IN BLACK AFRICA A multiplicity of interests influences the U.S. attitude toward black Africa. The most important of these interests can be summarized as follows: 1. POLITICAL If black African states assume attitudes hostile to the U.S. national interest, our policy toward the white regimes; which is a key element in our relations with the black states, may be subjected by the latter to great pressure for fundamental change. Thus the West may face a real danger of being deprived of access to the enormous raw material resources of southern Africa which are vital for our defense needs as well as losing control over the Cape sea routes by which approximately 65% of Middle Eastern oil is supplied to Western Europe. Moreover, such a development may bring about internal political difficulties by intensifying the activity of the black movement in the United States itself. It should also be borne in mind that black Africa is an integral part of a continent where tribal and regional discord, economic backwardness, inadequate infrastructures, drought, and famine, are constant features of the scene. In conjunction with the artificial borders imposed by the former chakabars

The FBI assassinated MLK... Here is one of their subsequent-current operations for the destruction of Africans... Mainstream media demoni...

Losing Control: A taxi passenger taps the driver onthe shoulder to ask him a question. The driver screams, loses control of the car, nearly hits a bus, goes up on the footpath, and stops centimeters from a shop window. For a second everything goes quiet in the cab, then the driver says, "Look mate, don't ever do that again. You scared the daylights out of me!" The passenger apologizes and says, "I didn't realize that a little tap would scare you so much." The driver replies, "Sorry, it's not really your fault. Today is my first day as a cab driver. I've been driving a funeral van for the last 25 years."


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