If pregnant will ovulation test show positive

It can be overwhelming to take ovulation test, tests, and track your hormones if you are trying to get pregnant. But timing is everything if you are struggling to conceive, and ovulation prediction kits can help you determine your fertility window. May you have also wondered can ovulation tests detect early pregnancy?

Ovulation prediction kits (OPKs) detect a hormone in your urine, much like the pregnancy test kit. While the OPKs measure a sudden surge in a hormone called Luteinizing hormone just before ovulation, the pregnancy test kit measures a hormone called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG).

Although both tests detect different hormones, can the LH surge remain detectable by an OPK even if you are already pregnant? Let’s discuss ovulation test kits and how they work and find out what result they show once you get pregnant.

Can You Use an OPK as a Pregnancy Test?

Can You Have a Positive Ovulation Test if You Are Already Pregnant?

The luteinizing hormone (LH) surge is the final stage of ovulation. It signals that the egg is ready for fertilization, and your period will start if it doesn’t happen.

It’s normal for your body to produce high levels of LH during pregnancy; however, some factors can change how much LH you produce and when it peaks.

Knowing when your LH peak occurs is important because it helps you know when you ovulate if you’re trying to get pregnant. If you’re unsure whether or not you’re ovulating, taking an ovulation test can help by providing information about when you should have sex to conceive — or when you should do something else to increase your chances of getting pregnant.

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Will an ovulation test be positive if I’m pregnant?

Will, an Ovulation Test, Be Positive If you are Pregnant

Ovulation tests are primarily used to predict ovulation. The test will not be positive until the hormone level has reached the correct threshold. If you are pregnant, the test will not be positive until you have conceived.

The easiest way to find out if you are pregnant is to take a home pregnancy test. Most women become aware of their pregnancy within two weeks of conception. However, it is possible not to realize that you are pregnant until your period is late or even missed entirely.

It may seem like an obvious answer, but if you have been trying to conceive and have been unsuccessful for several months, it’s worth getting yourself checked out by your doctor if there’s something wrong with one of your reproductive organs or hormones.

Understanding Ovulation Tests

Ovulation tests detect the presence of the luteinizing hormone (LH) in urine. The LH surge is a sign that ovulation will happen within 24 hours.

Ovulation tests are good at detecting the LH surge, but they aren’t perfect. They can be used as part of a fertile window calculator to help you maximize your chances of getting pregnant. Using a fertility app like Natural Cycles or Glow, you can use this information to determine when you’re most likely to be fertile each month.

For accurate pregnancy results, check out our pregnancy tests in Australia today!

Can An Ovulation Test Detect Pregnancy?

How Ovulation Test Work

Ovulation tests work by detecting the presence of the luteinizing hormone (LH). LH is a hormone released when the ovaries are ready to release an egg. Ovulation usually occurs around 24-36 hours after receiving the surge in LH, which is why ovulation tests work best if you take them at least one day before expected ovulation.

The first thing that happens when you use a midstream ovulation test is that the plastic stick picks up your urine and sends it through a small hole into a container with a special reagent that reacts with the LH in your urine. The reagent will change colour if enough LH is present in your urine. If there isn’t enough LH present, it won’t change colour, which means you’re not ovulating yet.

Ovulation Predictor Kits (OPKs)

Ovulation Predictor Kits (OPKs) are a common method of tracking ovulation. They work by detecting the hormone luteinizing hormone (LH), which increases just before ovulation. You can buy ovulation tests at pharmacies and online. Here are a few things to consider when you’re looking for an ovulation predictor kit:

Cost of ovulation tests

Ovulation predictor kits can be inexpensive, but the price can vary widely depending on the brand, type, and the tests included. Some kits may be more expensive but at Fertility to Family we aim to keep all our OPK and fertility kit bundles at a low price making them the cheapest ovulation test in Australia.

Ovulation tests Accuracy and Reliability

The most accurate ovulation predictor kits detect LH levels at 25mIU/ml as these are the least likely to give false positives when detecting LH. Ovulation tests in Australia have been trailed and tested by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) to ensure only high-quality ovulation tests are available to purchase.


Some ovulation predictor kits allow you to see what day of your cycle you’re in at a glance. Others have reminders that tell you when it’s time to take your next reading. You may also want to consider whether the test comes with its instructions on using it correctly or if there’s a website where you can get more information about using it properly.

Ease of Use

Some ovulation predictor kits require taking multiple readings over several days before they become accurate enough for you to count on them accurately predicting your ovulation cycle. Other tests only require one reading per day and will show an exact date when your peak fertility occurs so that you know exactly when to try having sex. We suggest using ovulation test strips as they are the cheapest ovulation tests you can buy in Australia and allow you to test as often as needed to detect your ovulation surge.

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How many times a day should you test for ovulation?

When should I take an ovulation test?

OPKs are most helpful for women who have a regular 28-day cycle. It is because the peak day for a woman’s LH surge usually occurs on the 14th day of your menstrual cycle (when an egg is released from the ovary). The closer to ovulation you test, the more accurate your results will be.

To get reliable results, you should use the OPKs as follows:

Collect your urine in a clean cup or container between 10 am and 8 pm of the day. You can also use a small amount of clean toilet paper as a collection device.

After wiping yourself from front to back:

  1. Hold the urine collection cup in one hand and urinate into the container 
  2. Do not use any lubricant on yourself or your fingers (if necessary, wet them with recent urine).
  3. Make sure you don’t touch anything else — including the inside of the toilet bowl — with your hands after you’ve collected your sample.

Wipe yourself with toilet paper and discard any excess urine in the toilet bowl before placing your sample into its designated container.

The Luteinizing Hormone Surge and Pregnancy

During the luteinizing hormone (LH) surge, your body produces the highest LH in one day. This surge happens around mid-cycle, usually around day 14 of your monthly cycle. Your body releases LH in response to a rise in estrogen.

The LH surge signals your ovaries to release an egg from one of your follicles. The egg travels through the fallopian tube, where it may be fertilized by sperm if you have sex around this time.

The length of each stage varies from woman to woman and cycle to cycle. For example, some women may only have short luteal phases that last for just a few days, while others may have longer ones that last up to 1 week or more after ovulation.

Track your cycle with our Australian Ovulation tests and increase your chances of falling pregnant

Ovulation Test Strip detects the Luteinizing Hormone (LH) in your body. Can you have an LH surge and be pregnant?

What Are my LH level if Not Pregnant

When you are not pregnant, your level of LH will vary throughout the month. It is usually at its lowest when you ovulate, which is when you can get pregnant.

If your level of LH is not high enough to cause ovulation and pregnancy, you may have hypothalamic amenorrhea. This condition is characterized by a lack of periods for at least three months in women who have not lost a significant amount of weight or who have not stressed their body by exercising excessively or restricting calories.

What Are my LH level if Pregnant

If you are pregnant, the increased level of estrogen and progesterone will raise your blood LH levels.

Is LH elevated when pregnant? Taking an Ovulation Predictor Kits when Pregnant

What Can Cause High Levels of LH?

Several different things can cause high levels of LH:


Increased estrogen and progesterone levels prevent your body from releasing an egg each month. The increase in these hormones causes a rise in your blood LH levels. This rise usually occurs about ten days after ovulation (about two weeks before you expect your period).

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS):

PCOS is a hormonal disorder affecting approximately 8 per cent of women between 18 and 44 years old in the US alone! It occurs when there isn’t enough insulin present to help regulate it.

Want a fast, accurate, and convenient way to predict fertility? Check out our fertility kit today from Australia!

Can an ovulation test detect early pregnancy?

An ovulation test isn't as sensitive as a pregnancy test, so it won't pick up hCG as early as a pregnancy test will, and it requires higher levels of hCG to turn positive. In addition, there is no way to distinguish whether the test is detecting your LH or HCG levels.

Can an ovulation test be negative if you are pregnant?

It's unlikely an ovulation test will be positive if you're pregnant but it's not unheard of. Ovulation tests are not meant to detect pregnancy and work differently than home pregnancy tests. They detect a completely separate hormone and using an OPK as a pregnancy test is not recommended.


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