Master degree letter of recommendation for masters program

A letter of recommendation (LOR) for a master’s is undoubtedly essential to gain admission overseas. LORs, SOP, and CV/resume are key documents along with your application and transcripts that help admission committees determine your candidature. LORs are references provided by past employers or faculty members that help shed light on the candidate’s traits, previous performance, achievements, and eligibility. They are hence vital for an applicant’s profile and add sizable weightage to the application. 

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  • Sample Letter of Recommendation for Masters
    • Letter of Recommendation Sample – Strong
    • Letter of Recommendation Sample – Weak
  • Vital Tips For Writing a Stellar Recommendation Letter for Graduate Students
  • Difference between LOR, SOP, and Letter of Reference
  • Who Should you Ask for a Letter of Recommendation for your Master’s Application?
  • Structure/ Format of LOR
  • How to Submit your Letter of Recommendation?
  • How to Ask for LOR
  • It is only natural for students to be hesitant about asking for letters of recommendation from their teachers, mentors, or employers. Thus, irrespective of how nervous you may feel about asking for a recommendation letter, you must remember that it is a normal part of the admissions process. Let us discuss further how you can ask for a LOR:
  • Frequently Asked Questions
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Here is a template of the letter of recommendation format for master’s. This sample recommendation letter for graduate students will help you understand the tone and tenor to be followed for the LOR. 

Letter of Recommendation Sample – Strong

Dear Admissions Team,

It is my pleasure to write this letter of recommendation for XXX. Her relationship with ABC organization dates back to 5 years and I have professionally been associated with her for the past five years. During this time, she/he has worked with us as a Consultant and has supported the organization by leading a gamut of research studies that have informed our program and organizational strategies.

In every assignment, XXX has shown a particularly good understanding of the issues that ABC works on. In fact, she/he does not follow a linear way of thinking through social issues but instead follows an intersectional approach. Thus, in my observation, when she/he works on the issue of Women, Business, and Human Rights: she/he draws insights from comprehending the issue by looking at it from an objective point of view such as sexuality, age, gender, caste, class, disability, and religion. As a result, her/his recommendations emerged from her inspiration – Queen Mary, University of London Blog. “Trade unions still fail to lure women leaders, study finds”. It helped the organization tweak its curriculum based on the needs of an array of communities that the organization works with. In fact, her/his recommendations have helped the organization to be conscious of keeping the community and individual at its core while creating strategies in tandem with programs and implementing those in the community.

XXX is quite driven and keeps marginalized young people at the core of every work

that she/he has engaged with. In this world that is dominated by the narrative created by adults,

XXX has helped us bring out the realities of young women and has supported ABC in creating a counter-narrative by bringing out the voices of young women.

During her five years of engagement with ABC, she/ he has supported us by designing a MMM, NNN, and providing M&E support to the KKK program. She/He has also carried out a couple of scoping studies that have informed our program strategies and have provided continuous documentation support to the Organization.

I have personally found her/him full of zeal and diligence in her/his work. She/He always

delivers quality work and keeps up with the timelines set by the organization. She/He strongly

feels about the rights of the women and ensures that their voices get captured through her work.

In case, the university wants me to elaborate on any specific information with

respect to my engagement with her, please feel free to get in touch.

Yours Sincerely, 

Recommender’s Full Name 


College, City 

Contact No- 

Email ID-

Note:  This letter is strong for many reasons. It elucidates how and in which capacity the letter writer knows the student. It highlights the specific examples of the student’s performance, including aspects that made him stand out in comparison to other batchmates. It also highlights an estimate of how this student ranks among all students with whom the letter writer has worked over the years. 

Letter of Recommendation Sample – Weak

LLL Program

Well‐Known University

1234 University Way

Big City, Florida 54321

August 20, 2022

Dear Program Director,

It is my great delight to back the candidature of Kristen Stewart, who was first introduced to me when he came to Max Hospital as a third-year student in 2015.

I found Kristen Stewart to be a conscientious and hard-working individual. She meticulously took care of patients who were aligned with her, and she made sure that all the work‐up was done before the morning rounds, where she actively participated. Her responsibilities comprised – writing SOAP notes, garnering lab reports from the previous day, writing transfer and discharge summaries, noon conferences, participating in morning reports, and more. She has impeccable clinical skills and displays them with mature mannerisms.

Kristen Stewart is a very humble individual who gets along well with his peers and the entire medical team. I recommend her to you for any residency program that she may be seeking. I am sure she will be a valuable asset to your organization. Please feel free to contact me if you need further information. 

Sincerely Yours,

YYY, M.D. 


Note: This letter is weak for a plethora of reasons. It is non-specific and vague, explaining what any medical student would do. There is no specific example of Kristen’s work provided. It reflects that the writer does not even know about the specialization. Furthermore, the letter clearly does not reflect the qualities of the applicant and is of little value in assessing the application. 

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Vital Tips For Writing a Stellar Recommendation Letter for Graduate Students

When it comes to pulling off a successful letter of recommendation for master’s programs, it is important to note the following points:

1. Get the recommender to talk about diverse accomplishments

If you have to furnish 2 or 3 recommendation letters, you should get recommenders to mention various aspects of your achievements, personality, and academic and extracurricular accomplishments. For example, one letter may emphasize your skills as a researcher while another letter may focus on your classroom performance. 

2. Provide relevant information to the recommender

Even if the recommender knows you very well, chances are that they will not have records of all your academic achievements, extracurricular achievements, and test scores. Help them out by providing all relevant information, including your CV, lists of your academic GPAs and achievements, volunteer/extracurricular activities, and the date by which the letter should be submitted by them. 

3. Letters should be example-based

Recommenders need to mention instances or anecdotes that help them see certain qualities in you. Simply stating that an applicant has good research attributes will not work unless there is an example included in a research project or discussion.

4. LOR should showcase your improvement over time

Admission officers have already witnessed innumerable applications. A letter that is solely praising you will sound unrealistic and unauthentic. It is hence important that the recommender also talks about how you improved over a period and capitalized on your strengths while taking care of your weaknesses. 

5. Letter should not have an overly dry tone

The recommendation letter is undoubtedly a formal document. It should not be equated with a dry tone while writing. Admissions committees usually appreciate personalized yet formal recommendation letters. Hence, a strong letter will speak about the candidate while avoiding any clichés. Moreover, the style and content of every LOR should be different without hindering the format.

6. Plagiarism is a big NO

Remember that admissions committees will easily detect whether your LOR has been written by the same individual or whether it has been plagiarized. Hence, you should not copy any content or LOR format blindly and send it to the universities in your applications.

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Difference between LOR, SOP, and Letter of Reference

Let us first look at what a LOR is:

LOR is an abbreviation of “Letter of Recommendation”. It is essentially a piece of attested document that is provided by an authorized person describing the potential and capabilities of a student or aspiring candidate who wishes to join a particular university for higher education. This document notifies the admissions department of that university with regards to the candidate’s achievements, prospects, skills, and qualities. A letter of recommendation from an accredited person plays an important role in the admissions process of students, especially in international universities.

Now, let us talk about SOPs:

SOP is an abbreviated form of “Statement of Purpose”. It is virtually one of the most important documents that support a student’s admission procedure to international universities. Typically, it is a document that holds a biographical essay that is to be written by the candidate about himself. In this essay, the candidate is expected to describe their principles, goals, and ambitions. They can talk about their long-term plans and discuss the passions and dreams that they wish to work towards. This statement of purpose helps the admissions staff get an idea about your overall personality and nature. 

Now, a letter of recommendation and a letter of reference are terms that are often used interchangeably by people. However, they differ in some key aspects which we will talk about now. As discussed above, a letter of recommendation is an officially attested document that supports a candidate’s admission application to an international university. It can also be used as a supportive document for job opportunities or other professional programs. A letter of reference is basically a generic affirmation or approbation of the candidate’s personality and character. A letter of recommendation is usually sent directly to the concerned university while a letter of reference is handed over to the concerned student. Finally, a letter of recommendation must be written by a certified person who is qualified to comment on your academic and professional skills, while a letter of reference can be written by friends or colleagues who can attest to your character and capabilities.

Who Should you Ask for a Letter of Recommendation for your Master’s Application?

If you are a student aspiring to pursue a Master’s program in an international university, it is important that you understand that most universities care a great deal about your past experiences, personal character, skills, and qualities in addition to your grades. This is where a letter of recommendation comes in handy. 

Now, coming to who you should ask for a letter of recommendation for your Master’s program, it depends largely on the university and the program you are planning to pursue. Some universities explicitly require letters of recommendation from Professors, professional mentors, and past employers. If you are asked to provide a recommendation letter from a professor, then this letter should fixate on your academic skills and accomplishments. Now, if you are expected to provide a letter from a past employer, then this document should focus on the specific skills that are pertinent to your respective Master’s program. Asking the right person for a letter of recommendation is a significant part of applying for a Master’s program.

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Structure/ Format of LOR

The content structure and format of your letter of recommendation are indispensable while drafting LOR. It should be phrased in such a way that the intended message is clearly communicated. It should be cohesively drafted and divided into 3–4 paragraphs with each portion addressing a unique facet backed by logic and rationale. Moreover, LOR should not have generic or overly vague descriptors. 

1. The first section

The first section should establish a concrete foundation with regard to the relationship between the candidate and the recommender. It should explain how the writer knows the candidate and indicate how qualified he is to attest to the candidate’s skills and capabilities.

2. The second section

This portion should focus on your essential qualities and credentials. It should bring across how competent and proficient you are with appropriate examples backing your claims. 

3. The third section

In this part, the writer can talk about a specific incident or unique experience that features your technical and professional skills and expertise. Here, one can also talk about soft skills if relevant.

4. The fourth section

This section should analytically highlight all the points discussed above. The letter should be concluded with the writer providing a considerable endorsement to the candidate for them to be accepted into the program they wish to enter.

How to Submit your Letter of Recommendation?

It should be noted that submitting a letter of recommendation largely depends on the university you are applying to study. Most international universities have certain specifications about the mode they want the recommendation letter to be submitted. Let us look at the three common ways you may be required to submit your letter of recommendation:

1. Online Form

This is the simplest mode of submitting a letter of recommendation. What happens here is that the universities essentially provide an online login portal to the candidate’s listed recommenders where they are required to answer certain specific questions about the candidate.

2. Email

Some universities often require recommendation letters to be submitted directly by the recommenders via email. This submission should be made using the recommender’s official email ID. 

3. Post

This remains the most common and popular manner of submission. Here, the student is supposed to collect the letter of recommendation from the recommender in a sealed, signed, and stamped package. The student can then proceed by sending the letter to the respective university and his personal information and details about his application.

How to Ask for LOR

It is only natural for students to be hesitant about asking for letters of recommendation from their teachers, mentors, or employers. Thus, irrespective of how nervous you may feel about asking for a recommendation letter, you must remember that it is a normal part of the admissions process. Let us discuss further how you can ask for a LOR:

1. Choosing the right person

Asking for a letter of recommendation from the right person is of significant value in your admission procedure. You should keep in mind a list of people that know you well enough and are eligible to attest to your qualities and personal character.

2. Providing a resume

If you prepare a resume listing your strong suits and skills, it makes it much simpler for the recommender to write you a stellar recommendation. You can provide your academic transcripts while highlighting your achievements and qualifications.

3. Asking in person

It is always best to ask for a recommendation letter. It is much more respectful to ask a recommender in person first before sending them a formal request via email or post. 

4. Formal request

After affirming the acceptance of your request in person, you can proceed with sending a formal proposal. You can do so by sending out a formal written request via email.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Can an employer write a letter of recommendation for grad school?

Yes. An employer can write a letter of recommendation for a grad school aspirant. Some universities prefer that past employers write the letters.

Q2. Who can write me a letter of recommendation for my Master’s?

Letters of recommendation for a Master’s program can be written by Professors, mentors, and past employers. Some universities have certain specifications about who can write your recommendation letter.

Q3. Do letters of recommendation (LOR) for graduate school have to be from professors?

There is no such limitation. Letters of recommendation or LOR for graduate school can be written by professors, teachers, and even employers of the aspiring candidate.

Q4. Does a letter of recommendation matter in getting admission to a master’s program?

Yes. A letter of recommendation carries great weight in your application to a Master’s program at an international university. Every application is subjectively evaluated and then compared to other applications. What sets your application apart from others is your SOP, along with your LOR.

Q5. Why do you need a LOR for your master’s application?

LORs are references provided by past employers or faculty members that help shed light on the candidate’s traits, previous performance, achievements, and eligibility. They are hence vital for an applicant’s profile and add sizable weightage to the application.

Q6. What is the letter of recommendation format for master’s?

Though LOR is an official document, its tone needs to be personal and not dry. Candidates can refer to the tips and format provided in this article to write an appealing LOR.  

Q7. How to write a LOR for MS in CS?

While writing a LOR for MS in CS or any other higher education course, recommenders need to mention instances or anecdotes that help them see certain qualities in you. Simply stating that an applicant has good research attributes will not work unless there is an example included in a research project or discussion.

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  • List of Common Mistakes to Avoid in a LOR
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How do I write a letter of recommendation for a masters degree?

The letter should always include examples of things you did. The person who recommends you should not simply list your skills, but also give examples of how and when you used them. It does not help to say that you have good research skills if they don't give an example of a research project you did.

Who should write letters of recommendation for Masters?

It is important that a recommendation letter be written by someone who knows you well academically. Faculty members most commonly write letters of recommendation; however, other professionals who know you well and have supervised your work in academia or research may also be appropriate choices.

How long should a letter of recommendation be for masters program?

But, generally speaking, use the same rule of thumb for a letter of recommendation as for a resume: Stick to one page. Three to four nice paragraphs should suffice, hitting the highlights without bogging the reader down with fluff or hard-to-follow stories.

Do you need a letter of recommendation for Masters program?

Letters of recommendation are required for almost every graduate school application and are a very important part of the application process.


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