Negative digital pregnancy test but positive line test


25/06/2017 at 4:33 pm

I was due on today but still not as of yet I done a pregnancy test and thought I could see something so I got a clear blue and defo a faint line my friend and auntie seen this too but I did a digital and it said not pregnant I'm so confused

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25/06/2017 at 5:09 pm

Sounds like me, I took the clear blue above the day before I was due my period and I had the faintest line on it. But when I took a digital yesterday it said not pregnant. Although I did do the digital at around 8pm last night so could just have been low hcg reading. Maybe try again in a few days first thing in the morning, I'm going to try that. Fingers crossed for you


25/06/2017 at 6:13 pm

I wouldn't trust clear blue guys. I have very strong lines on these, really strong and not been pregnant and my friend did also. I have also heard stories of people getting their partners to pee on them and they still come up with lines. CB even put a warning that evaps are common on these tests. So i wouldn't trust them at all. My CB was very strong and dark, and I wasn't pregnant, just an evap and it showed up in time frame. Wouldn't trust them if my life depended on it. Would only trust their digitals

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J L(84)

25/06/2017 at 6:24 pm

Yes the blue dye tests are so notorious for giving evaps! Try frers xxxx


25/06/2017 at 6:43 pm

Sounds like me, I took the clear blue above the day before I was due my period and I had the faintest line on it. But when I took a digital yesterday it said not pregnant. Although I did do the digital at around 8pm last night so could just have been low hcg reading. Maybe try again in a few days first thing in the morning, I'm going to try that. Fingers crossed for you

I totally see that its like mine fingers crossed!! I've read that the digital aren't very sensitive so I'm hoping its not showing because its only faint and I when I took mine I didnt read the instructions and only left it in for 5 seconds when it says 20 I dont know if that makes a difference tho :/


25/06/2017 at 6:47 pm

I've been seeing really faint lines on a few cheap ones too thats why I got clear blue :/  I'll try again tomorrow x thanks for writing back ladies xx

Melanie D(336)

25/06/2017 at 8:02 pm

Hubby thinks he can see 2 lines but I dint want to get my hopes up

Emma B(4076)

25/06/2017 at 8:17 pm

Sorry Carnt see anythink xx

Me 26 [emoji13]
Dd Maisie 8[emoji146]
Dd Paige 5 [emoji146]
Rainbow due 10/01/18 [emoji1405]

Melanie D(336)

25/06/2017 at 8:26 pm

Sorry Carnt see anythink xx

Me 26 [emoji13]
Dd Maisie 8[emoji146]
Dd Paige 5 [emoji146]
Rainbow due 10/01/18 [emoji1405]

That's what I thought but he was convinced so thought I'd get another opinion though I am 3 days late so will try on a morning wee

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Emma B(4076)

25/06/2017 at 8:28 pm

Get a pink dye tests xx

Me 26 [emoji13]
Dd Maisie 8[emoji146]
Dd Paige 5 [emoji146]
Rainbow due 10/01/18 [emoji1405]


25/06/2017 at 8:34 pm

Hi guys sorry to jump in on everyone's conversation I was hoping for some help as I'm going through kind of the same situation my period was due on the 20th of this month but it was 2 days late I did 5 clear blue test all had faint lines so faint you could barely see them!
I started bleeding on the 22nd and now it's stopped wondering if this has happend to anyone else and what was the outcome I have a pic of the first test I done what do you think? Is it a vap line?

Emma B(4076)

25/06/2017 at 8:40 pm

Carnt se anythink on that but then again blue dyes are awful u need to get a pink dye xx

Me 26 [emoji13]
Dd Maisie 8[emoji146]
Dd Paige 5 [emoji146]
Rainbow due 10/01/18 [emoji1405]


25/06/2017 at 8:42 pm

It doesn't show on the pic but when I took the test apart ther was deffo another line ther but becouse of the bleeding I'm not convinced just it's happend with 5 of them I will try a pink dye xx

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Emma B(4076)

25/06/2017 at 8:45 pm

Yeah never take a test apart it makes them void and shudnt be read. Let me know how u get on with the pink test xx

Me 26 [emoji13]
Dd Maisie 8[emoji146]
Dd Paige 5 [emoji146]
Rainbow due 10/01/18 [emoji1405]


25/06/2017 at 8:59 pm

I totally see that its like mine fingers crossed!! I've read that the digital aren't very sensitive so I'm hoping its not showing because its only faint and I when I took mine I didnt read the instructions and only left it in for 5 seconds when it says 20 I dont know if that makes a difference tho :/

I've read that too, so I'm just hoping I'm one of those who have low hcg and take a while after missed af to show up. I've heard it's not uncommon at all to not get any positives until a week or more after you're due af, so fingers crossed we get our BFP soon [emoji4] x

Can you still be pregnant with a negative digital test?

Could a negative result be wrong? It's possible to get a negative result from a home pregnancy test when you're actually pregnant. This is known as a false-negative.

Why is my digital pregnancy test negative but my line was faint?

If the line is faint, it usually means that the hCG level is low. One reason why hCG levels may be low could be because you're still very early into your pregnancy.

Is the line or digital pregnancy test more accurate?

Digital tests are the ones that read "pregnant" or "not pregnant" and the non-digital ones usually have lines that you must interpret. Even a faint line might still denote a positive result. So, digital tests take the guesswork out of analyzing a pregnancy test, but they are not necessarily more accurate.

What does it mean when one pregnancy test is positive and the other is negative digital?

This is because hCG levels rise rapidly in the first few days after implantation. It's also possible to get a positive test result followed by a negative result. If you use two different pregnancy tests, this could be the result of varying test sensitivity. Wait a few days and test again.


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