New toyota tacoma off road for sale

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How much is a brand new Toyota Tacoma TRD Off

According to MotorTrend, the starting cost of the 2022 Toyota Tacoma TRD Off-Road is $34,890. But it is worth noting that $34,890 is the price before options.

How much should I pay for a 2022 Toyota Tacoma TRD off road?

The starting prices for the rest of the 2022 Tacoma trim lineup are $26,400 for the SR trim, $28,190 for the SR5 trim, $33,310 for the TRD Sport trim, and $34,565 for the TRD Off-Road trim.

What Toyota Tacoma is best for off

Toyota Tacoma For the best off-roading performance, you'll want to go for the TRD Off-Road or TRD Pro trims, which come equipped with many standard off-roading features. Both the TRD Off-Road and TRD Pro trims are powered by a 3.5-liter V-6 engine that puts out 278 horsepower.

How much will the 2022 Tacoma TRD Pro cost?

How Much Does the 2022 Toyota Tacoma TRD Pro Cost? The new TRD Pro starts at $47,150 with a manual transmission and $49,855 with an automatic. For comparison, a 2021 Chevrolet Colorado ZR2 starts at $45,395 and a comparable 2021 Ford Ranger Tremor starts at $47,140.


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