Pain in upper stomach after eating peanut butter

Peanut butter is enjoyed by every person from child to adult. It is one of the most popular butter worldwide. Peanut butter is also good in taste and can be used on toast, bread, and many more. Also, peanut butter enhances the health of the heart and balances blood sugar. But in some cases, a person can experience hurt or pain in the stomach because of eating peanut butter.

Many people are amazed by the quality and texture of peanut butter especially that it sticks to the palate of the mouth. However, peanut butter may hurt your stomach and cause indigestion besides having a great number of calories and fats. So, one should eat peanut butter by maintaining control and keeping some limits.


  • 1 Relation Between Stomach Problems and Peanut Butter
  • 2 Are Contents Of Peanut Butter A Reason For Stomach Hurt?
  • 3 How To Avoid Stomach Ache Caused Due To Peanut Butter?
  • 4 Other Peanut Butter Problems One Can Experience
  • 5 Peanut Butter Is Also Good For Your Body

Relation Between Stomach Problems and Peanut Butter

Several people get suddenly started with stomach problems like gas, bloating after eating peanut butter and they don’t know the genuine reason. As different brands have different contents in their respective peanut butter including sugar, salt, and no doubt peanuts. Also, the main ingredient is hydrogenated vegetable oil which contains a lot of trans fat and is the primary reason for stomach issues.

The real reason why brands use other ingredients like sugar sweeteners and hydrogenated vegetable oil other than peanuts is that these ingredients can help them in reducing the actual cost and lead to peanut butter preserving itself for a long time. On the other hand, what people don’t know is that hydrogenated vegetable oil can cause them a lot of stomach problems. Few of them may even be allergic to peanuts.

Peanut butter contains around 50% fat and 20% carbs with 25% of proteins. Studies have also found that trans fat due to peanut butter will lead to inflammation besides bloating, stomach aches, and gas. Peanut butter is just peanuts mixed or processed with paste to get the smoothness. So the actual butter should only contain peanuts and salt if necessary for the taste.

Are Contents Of Peanut Butter A Reason For Stomach Hurt?

Peanuts have a significant amount of fibers. But, few individuals believe that fibers may aggravate their stomachs more. Usually, it depends on every aspect of how a person eats it. It is always better to take small bites and chew those bites specifically and properly so that the digestion process can go smoothly without any issues caused.

Not only hydrogenated oil but aflatoxins were too found in peanut butter. Aflatoxins are not dangerous for the human body until consumed in a high amount. If aflatoxins are consumed too much, it links to impaired child growth and liver cancer. However, 91% of aflatoxins are demolished when peanuts get roasted during the process of making peanut butter.

An individual will not face any problem if the intake of peanut butter is restrained and at its control. As peanuts are not nuts but are legumes so a person can experience indigestion which is the same after eating beans because in general, beans are legumes. Besides stomach pain, if someone is allergic to peanuts then it can also lead to other difficulties such as nausea and trouble breathing.

How To Avoid Stomach Ache Caused Due To Peanut Butter?

Always look for pure peanut butter without any additional ingredients. Peanut Butter is healthy and the chances of harming a person are also low, but including it in the everyday food list is not a good thing. If that person has stomach problems regarding peanut butter, then it is better not to touch it on a regular basis.

For protein, don’t be too dependent on just peanut butter, or make it your primary part of the diet. Peanut butter also contains toxins even if most of them are removed during its processing, so eating it on a normal basis is always good. Or you can also try these alternatives for peanut butter. Below are the few problems caused by peanut butter other than stomach pain.

Other Peanut Butter Problems One Can Experience

  • Weight Gain – Gaining weight is the most common problem seen in people who are too obsessed with peanut butter. Not just peanut butter, any food item if overeaten, can result in weight gain.
  • Inflammation – The reason for these problems? Because peanut butter is super addictive because of its sweetness. It can surely destroy the balance of omega-6 fatty acids by changing the ratio that is the actual need for the body and its nutrients.
  • Constipation – If it causes stomach ache, then anyone can imagine the peanut butter causing constipation. For rich fiber food, it should always be consumed in moderation with the required amount of water or it may lead to a vice versa effect.

Peanut Butter Is Also Good For Your Body

Peanut butter is a healthy food item as well as butter containing minerals like proteins, vitamins, B3, B6, and magnesium along with iron. In a broad and detailed way, 2 tablespoons of peanut butter hold 16 grams of fat and 188 calories with 7 grams of protein. Magnesium is a required source for the body to cause biochemical reactions.

Peanut butter is high in magnesium, so muscles and bones stay strong. Peanuts have high calories but they are not as nutritious as vegetables or fruits but are suitable as the keto diet. As mentioned above, that peanut butter contains 7 grams of protein, which is a good thing. But it is not a whole protein diet because it does not contain every amino acid.

The strength you need at the beginning of the day can be obtained with the help of peanut butter during breakfast such as fibers and proteins which will help you to keep productive throughout the day. But not everyone just lives on peanuts, and if we stay then we won’t get enough proteins.

Why does my stomach hurt after eating peanut butter?

Studies have shown that trans fats, like the ones found in peanut butter are one of the number one causes of inflammation in the body. Such inflammation can lead to bloating, gas, and general digestive discomfort.

Can peanut butter give you stomach ache?

Dairy products, nuts, eggs, peanut butter, soy, corn, wheat, and gluten are common food allergies that can cause symptoms such as stomach pain.

Can peanut butter aggravate gastritis?

Nuts and nut butter are high in protein, but also high in fat. This can be problematic for some people with gastritis. Legumes and beans are high in protein and fiber, which can sometimes aggravate symptoms. Keep portions small at first to see what you are able to tolerate.

Can certain foods cause upper abdominal pain?

Most people can even pinpoint which foods trigger their symptoms the most. For example, it's common to experience symptoms after eating spicy food or food that's high in fat content. Indigestion (also known as dyspepsia) is also a common characteristic. Indigestion is persistent discomfort or pain in the upper abdomen.


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