Pineapple cucumber lemon ginger juice weight loss recipe

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All of us is aware how many benefits the fruits and vegetables provide if we incorporate them into our diet. However, certain fruits like pineapple and its juice can achieve even greater results if used for specific targets.

The juice you are about to see in today’s article combines nutritious ingredients which will help you to get rid of the belly fat and stimulate weight loss. At the same time, it accelerates the metabolism and prevents constipation.

In order to prepare it, you will need:

100g of pineapple

1 cucumber

2 celery sticks

1 glass of water

Lemon juice

½ Tsp. of ginger

½ Green apple


Put all of the ingredients in a blender and blend them. Then, drink 1 glass each morning before breakfast, on an empty stomach. You will see the desired result within 7 days.

However, be careful: the excess consumption of this juice has a laxative effect and might be counterproductive.


Image source: Pixabay

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Pineapple cucumber juice recipe with bell peppers, lemon, and ginger! Wow, let’s take a moment and appreciate how loaded this fruit and vegetable juice is! This pineapple and cucumber juice recipe has only five ingredients, have no artificial or refined sugar, and it is super easy to make. As long as you are using a fresh, sweet, juicy pineapple, there isn’t any need for a sugar or sugar substitute! Pineapple is sweet, and that’s all we need. If you think you want to sweeten this pineapple juice, I suggest you add an apple. Apples are natural sweeteners!

Please don’t judge but, your girl has been on a juice crave this entire month; first, I shared the celery juice recipe. Next was the most fantastic pomegranate juice. Third was the grapefruit juice, and finally, this sugar-free anti-inflammatory pineapple cucumber juice! I sure save the best for the last! The truth is that I am not done juicing; there are going to be more healthy juice recipes to come.

Why make only pineapple juice when you can do pineapple cucumber, bell peppers, lemon, and ginger juice? This juice combo has unimaginable anti-inflammatory prowess, and your body will thank you later! Click To Tweet

Are Pineapple and Cucumber Fruits?

Short answer: YES, pineapple and cucumber are fruits! Pineapple, scientifically known as Ananas comosus, is an edible tropical fruit! I ate tons of pineapples growing up in Nigeria, I never really had them as juice, but my mother always made sure to cut some for a snack. Relatively, my parents planted lots of pineapples in the compound, so, it was easily accessible.

On the other hand, I have always thought that cucumber is a vegetable, but cucumber is actually a fruit! Surprise? Cucumber (scientifically known as Cucumis sativus) is a fruit that is commonly used as a vegetable! Have you ever seen cucumbers growing? So creepy and beautiful, the vines like to get any and everywhere! There are different cucumbers, but the three main ones are pickling, slicing, and seedless.

Ingredients for Pineapple Cucumber Juice?

The ingredients for making this healthy juice include pineapple (well, hello), cucumber (obviously), bell peppers, ginger, and lemon. There are times that I have made pineapple juice using only a pineapple or just pineapple and another ingredient, say ginger. But for this recipe, I wanted to include some more fruits (cucumber), vegetables (bell peppers), and herbs (lemon and ginger)! Also, make sure all the ingredients are fresh! Mixing store-bought pineapple, cucumber, lemon, or ginger juice won’t cut it!

How to Pick the Right Pineapple.

The best way to choose the right pineapple is by using your hands, eyes, and nose. Okay, let me explain:

  1. From the outside, make sure that the pineapple looks fresh and robust and not broken or dripping in its juice.
  2. Touch the pineapple to ensure it is firm and not unnecessarily softened, indicating decay.
  3. Lift the pineapple and smell its base; you should smell the fresh pineapple scents.

On the other hand, if it smells bland, it may not be ripe. The last thing you want is to use a sour pineapple. Remember this is a sugar-free pineapple and cucumber juice; we count on the sweet pineapple to bring on the sweetness. Fresh, ripe, sweet pineapple is mandatory for this recipe.

How to Select the Best Cucumber for Juicing.

First of all, I think all cucumbers can juice pretty well. However, for this homemade juice recipe, I like using juicy cucumbers. The goal here is hydration, and I want those cucumbers that will ultimately add more water to the juice. In other words, the regular seeded cucumbers that look robust and fresh are typically my first choice. Can you use English cucumbers for this recipe? Yes, you sure can.

How to Make Homemade Pineapple Cucumber Juice.

I usually make this sugar-free pineapple juice using my slow masticating juicer (a total lifesaver)! You need this juicer (if you do not have it already; it’s an investment into your health that you will forever be thankful for). Fortunately, you can still make this pineapple cucumber juice in the blender. So, if you do not own a juicer yet, don’t sweat over it!

Pineapple and Cucumber Juice is Easy to Make.

Making this juice is easy. Way easier than taking a cab or driving to a store to buy a watered-down “pineapple” juice with unnecessary sugar and preservatives. To make pineapple cucumber juice, first wash and peel the pineapple, also wash the cucumber (and everything else), but unlike the pineapple, make sure to leave the cucumber skin on. Next, cut the other fruits and vegetables accordingly, so it fits your blender or juicer.

Finally, if you use the juicer, juice all the fruits and vegetables by adding to the feeding hole and extracting the juice. If using the blender, add some water alongside all the ingredients and blend until smooth, sieve, and serve. You can chill this juice for a cooler, refreshing health-improving juice enjoyment.

My slow masticating juicer is perfect for making pressed juices.

What is the best time to Drink Pineapple Cucumber Juice?

Luckily, you can drink this sugar-free pineapple and cucumber juice any time of the day. I prefer drinking it in the morning, and I suggest you drink it in the morning if you hope to use this juice as a detox/cleanse. This juice is also an excellent snack for in between meals. And you can equally drink this juice at night. Specifically, if you plan to improve your digestive health, drinking pineapple cucumber juice at night might help you to easily go in the morning!


Oh, kay, healthy foodie friends, let’s take a moment and appreciate the incredible health benefits of pineapples and cucumbers.

1. Benefits of Pineapple Juice

Anti-Inflammatory; pineapple juice has massive anti-inflammation prowess! This is also the main reason I nicknamed this juice anti-inflammatory juice recipe.

Immune-boosting: Pineapple is an immune-booster, so drinking pineapple juice means helping the body protect itself. It is never too late to start boosting the body’s immunity with pineapple juice.

Body Detox: pineapple juice is excellent for helping the body get rid of toxins! This pineapple cucumber juice was part of my 5-day detox. Specifically, I used this recipe on days 3 & 4. On days one & two, I used celery juice. Be rest assured that this recipe is great for detox and cleanse.

Heart-healthy: A compound “bromelain” found in pineapples may help improve the heart and prevent the risk of heart-related diseases! Pineapple juice can help regulate high blood pressure. WOOHOO!

Digestive health: If you are used to taking stool softeners before you go, STOP IT! Dear, pineapple is here to rescue. Whether eaten whole or drank as juice, pineapple is a blessing to the digestive system. This fruit helps you to go without any problems!

2. Benefits of Cucumber Juice

Hydration: cucumber has lots of water content that keeps the body hydrated to function fully.

Blood pressure: cucumber like pineapple is excellent with managing high blood pressure, experts say cucumber may help lower high blood pressure. (If you have high blood pressure, remember to listen to your doctor. The information you found on this page is not medical advice)

Weight loss: Drinking cucumber juice can help with weight loss. Additionally, you can replace unhealthy drinks with cucumber juice. Most of the time, I add slices of cucumber to my water; it gets me to drink more water and drastically reduces the craving for sugary drinks. The bottom line is that cucumber is loaded with tons of anti-oxidants; you better not sleep on it!

Benefits of Bell peppers, Lemon and Ginger.

Alongside a whole fresh pineapple and cucumber, this pineapple cucumber juice recipe also calls for bell peppers, lemon, and ginger. These ingredients equally bring many benefits to the pineapple and cucumber juice table!

a. Bell pepper Benefits:

First of all, bell peppers are too colorful and pretty to ignore! I mean, don’t you love their beautiful colors? Bell pepper is typically one way I add colors to my dish; now you know my secret!  Also, super low in calories, bell peppers can aid in weight loss.

Fortunately, adding bell peppers to this pineapple juice boosts this juice’s nutrients. Bell peppers are sweet by nature, so don’t worry about a spicy hint in the pineapple cucumber juice! You can’t tell if there was pepper! You will need two yellow bell peppers to make this pineapple cucumber juice. You can also use orange-colored bell peppers, but remember the peppers’ colors will ultimately affect your drink’s colors.

b. Benefits of Lemon:

Haha, I use to not care about lemons until I realized that this citrus goodness is heart-healthy. Lemon is fantastic for people prone to be anemic, can help prevent kidney stones, improve digestive health, and protect against certain cancers. This fruit is packed with tons and tons of vitamin C, what’s not to love? Adding some lemon to this pineapple cucumber juice makes it more refreshing and just perfect!

c. Ginger Benefits:

It’s always a rule to add ginger to most of my juice recipes, and I loved it in this pineapple and cucumber juice! The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger can help reduce the soreness and pain of osteoarthritis, including muscle pains. Ginger is heart-healthy and powerful in helping reduce the risk of heart disease and lowering blood sugars. It can also control cholesterol; ginger sure is under-rated!

According to scientific research, specific properties in ginger are linked to cancer prevention and improved brain health (helping delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease)

If you like healthy juices, then you should check out my 14 Days of Healing with Vegetable Blends. Get the recipes here.


  • Can I substitute cucumber?

If you may need to substitute cucumber for this juice for some reason, zucchini may be the closest alternative. However, would this really be pineapple cucumber juice without cucumber? 🤔

  • How Long does Homemade Pineapple Cucumber Juice Last?

Pineapple and cucumber juice can last up to 24 hours in the fridge; personally, I wouldn’t keep them longer than that. This pineapple juice is best enjoyed fresh. Usually, we finish it as soon as possible. The best practice is to make these fresh & new each time!

  • Benefits of Homemade Sugar-free Pineapple Cucumber Juice

First, and foremost the benefit of anything made at home is that you are in total control; for example, you can decide to make it sugar-free like I did or add a little honey if you so wish. Also, making homemade juice means drinking the freshest juice! And I don’t say it so lightly because most store-bought juices have a shelf life of up to 5 years! That’s absolutely crazy, right?!!

Making this juice at home also means no added preservatives or additives. Did I hear you say, “what a relief?” The benefits of homemade juices are countless!

  • Can I use canned pineapple to make this juice?

No. You cannot use canned pineapples. Use only fresh pineapples for this pineapple cucumber juice recipe! I can’t guarantee that you will have the same result if you use canned pineapple or canned cucumbers.

  • What are pineapple and cucumber good for?

Pineapples and cucumbers are heart-healthy, great for blood pressure, and can aid in weight loss. Relatively, they both make an unimaginable combo for the best immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory juice recipe. The bottom line is that pineapple and cucumber are incredible health-improving fruits.

  • Can I use Cucumber Juice for Detox?

Yes, you can use pineapple or cucumber juice for detox. Like I mentioned I created this recipe during my 5-day detox and cleanse; this was my days 3 & 4 juice recipe. Ginger, lemon, pineapple, and cucumber can help in the natural detox process.

  • Does Pineapple Cucumber Juice help you Lose Weight?

Yes, this pineapple and cucumber juice can help you jumpstart your weight loss if you use it to replace one meal once a day for a couple of days. But remember, you will have to implement a full weight loss plan that includes well-balanced nutrition, physical activities, and a healthy lifestyle to sustain a weight loss journey.

This homemade sugar-free pineapple cucumber juice is the best health-improving and anti-inflammatory juice recipe you need! Make this today, and your body will thank you tomorrow! Click To Tweet



This homemade sugar-free pineapple cucumber juice is the best health-improving and anti-inflammatory juice recipe you need! Make this today, and your body will thank you tomorrow! It is sweet, spicy, tart, nourishing, and easy to make! This is the perfect health-improving juice recipe for the entire family. And am excited for you to try it! Make sure to get fresh ingredients, juice, and then enjoy!

1 whole fresh ripe pineapple

1 cucumber

2 yellow bell peppers

1 lemon

1 big thumb of ginger

  1. Wash all the ingredients and dry with paper towels.
  2. Peel the pineapple, and lemon, cut accordingly. Cut the cucumber with the skin on.
  3. Deseed the bell peppers, and cut as well.
  4. Peel or Scrap the skin of ginger; cut.
  5. Juice all the fruits and vegetables using the juicer. Or blend, then sieve if you are using the blender.
  6. Chill with ice for a cooler, refreshing juice if you desire.

See the video below for the tutorial.


With the sweetness from the pineapple, you do need additional refined sugar or sugar substitute for this pineapple cucumber juice recipe. Use an apple if you desire to sweeten it a bit more.

If you do not have a juicer, don’t worry. You can still make this recipe in a blender.

Remember to add enough water to the blender before blending. Sieve for a more clearer juice.

  • Prep Time: 15
  • Category: Juice
  • Method: Juicing
  • Cuisine: Tropical/American

Keywords: Pineapple, Cucumber, Pineapple juice, Cucumber juice, bell pepper juice, ginger juice, Sugar-free pineapple cucumber juice, Homemade pineapple juice recipe, Tropical drink, Fresh pineapple recipe, Sugar-free pineapple drink, Anti-inflammatory juice recipe, Detox juice, Benefits of pineapple cucumber juice, How to juice a pineapple, How to juice a cucumber, Anti-inflammatory pineapple cucumber juice recipe, weight loss juice recipe, pineapple and cucumber juice ingredients, natural detox

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So, if you like this sugar-free natural juice recipe, and if you are interested in juicing for health, then check out these other juices –

  • Celery Juice Recipe (perfect for detox & cleanse)
  • Grapefruit Juice
  • Pomegranate juice
  • Carrot watermelon juice
  • 3-Ingredients Watermelon Lemonade
  • How to Seed Pomegranate

Some Breakfast Ideas including Smoothies

  • Greek yogurt pancakes
  • Avocado coconut smoothie.
  • Immune-boosting citrus smoothie.
  • Blueberry smoothie.
  • Peach and strawberry smoothie.
  • Creamy tropical smoothie.
  • Healthy beet smoothie.

THIS POST CONTAINS AFFILIATE LINKS, you are not charged more for using these links, but I make little coins when you do. THIS POST IS NOT A MEDICAL ADVICE; ONLY INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES.

Finally, let’s connect on social media, am on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. Share this recipe post, and SAVE/PIN THIS IMAGE ON PINTEREST! ⤵️

Thanks for stopping by! Please let me know you make this juice. 😊

Nkechi Ajaeroh, MPH

Hi, I'm Nkechi "Kechi" Ajaeroh, a Public Health professional turned Inspirational author slash exceptional home cook. A 2x International Best Selling Author of Elevate Your Life with the Power of Positive Perception and Gratefully Growing. African, (specifically, Nigerian) Food Enthusiast, watermelon connoisseur, on my to finessing my fitness. This blog is all about loving food, living life, practicing gratitude, and inspiring you to use your wings. Join the journey.

Does pineapple ginger and cucumber help lose weight?

If you're looking to shed a few pounds, this juice is perfect for you. Made with fresh pineapple, cucumber, ginger, and lemon, pineapple cucumber detox juice is packed with nutrients that will help boost your metabolism and aid in weight loss.

What does pineapple cucumber and ginger do to the body?

of health benefits from immune system booster to. digestive system cleanser, anti-aging supporter, weight loss and anti-inflammatory aide.

Can pineapple and ginger reduce belly fat?

This creamy fat burning smoothie contains ginger which is great for digestion and pineapple which is one of the top anti-inflammatory foods. The combination of banana and ginger may help to increase fat burning in the body. Pineapples are a member of the Bromeliaceae family, which is a type of flowering plant.

Can ginger lemon and cucumber reduce weight?

This cucumber lemon ginger water is excellent for quenching your thirst in a healthier way, plus it promotes hydration, supports weight loss, aids digestion, helps improve your immune system and skin appearance.


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