Plants vs zombies battle for neighborville reddit

i’ve put 200 hours into garden warfare 2 (its precursor) and have also played this game quite a bit (all on PC tho)

i personally really enjoyed it. the “defend the garden” game mode is fun to play with friends. killing zombies/plants gives a satisfying “ding!”

i personally found the multiplayer to be a lot of fun too. pick a class you really enjoy (mine is the mushroom ninja). i just think it clashes well with all the different abilities and is controlled chaotic fun. you can tell the developers put a lot of passion and personality into it.

the most welcome feature is sprinting. surprisingly the last two games didn’t have it, and now i can’t play without it. too slow paced without it.

however, developers stopped development about a year or so ago. at least on PC, the player base isn’t the best, and it’s not fun to play multiplayer with just bots. that’s probably the biggest issue.

also, some people seem to really not enjoy the game. so i think it’s hit or miss with some.

it’s definitely some things to consider. strong pros and strong cons, but overall i enjoyed playing it.

This subreddit is for everything related to 3rd person PvZ Shooters: Plants vs Zombies: Battle for Neighborville, as well as Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 1 and 2! Come on over to discuss the game, interact with PopCap developers, and share your videos and fun experiences!


I've been wanting to buy the BFN game for some time now. Sadly, I have recently read the news that the game got cancelled around a year ago. So, my question now is; is the game still a worth buy going into 2022?

By worth it I mean:Is the game still populated? (I'm EU, PC)Does the game have multiplayer offline content?Are there still events on rotation like in GW2

Thanks in advance :)

Edit: I ended up buying BFN, thanks to everyone who shared their opinion! :)

Just an unpopular (i guess) opinion here. I haven't played much of the game and i honestly stopped, but i can give some quick thought and comparison with pvz gw2.I didn't play for quite some time so i hope someone can tell me that i missed a feature or that it has been added. Also, this is coming from someone who plays a lot with friends and loves the open world map, enjoys a lot the story and really don't care much about pvp, so this is my personal point of view.

The game really lacks features (at least about the open world), maybe not in pvp or story but in the map it sure does. Just to clarify, i found the second game's story better than the one in battle for neighborville, but they were both ok, tho i didn't play much campaign on this one. In the second game:

the sky is beatiful, not much important but it really helps the mood, especially with the battleships flying around and the giant orange or the rainbow hanging there, just wow

the map has a lot of variety and i cannot repeat this enoungh, but the third game lacks this a lot. In the second there is the harbor with the giant thing (idr the name) that you can place and the ships in the horizon, there is the central battlefield, there is the suburbian part of the city where you'll find either only zombies or plants, there are the HQs, there is the yard, there is a really big sewage with a lot of thing inside and there are the borders where there is a fight going on, but not as much as the central battlefield. In bfn there are just the HQs (separated from the map) and a theme park. The point that i am trying to make is that no matter what you want to do, ranging from fighting in a mega battle with giant bosses in the middle, search some secrets, hide in the sewage and look for hidden rooms and conduits, chill in the suburbs, have a little fight on the borders and custom and look around in the base, you can, while in bfn the things are really limited

the map in the second game is gigantic compared to this one is small as heck, and it lacks content

there is no distinction between the two sides (in the map), while in the second one the map was half a green paradise with nice looking houses and half covered skies and graves around, with dead soil and decaying houses

you can't, from what i've seen, attack the other HQ full on, and while in gw2 there would have been a gigantic battle with 3 or 4 bosses spawning for each base to help for the battle and some other plants or zombies to support now you can't which is such a HUGE letdown

there aren't a lot of things to do: idk how much time i spent in the second game map looking for activities like finding stars, searching for treasures, delivering burgers as a goat, going to the shooting range just for fun, interacting with all the caracters around, doing some side missions to earn points, playing hide and seek, encounter people which would have unique missions and rewards around and so much more, while in this game you play a dance minigame, you ride the wheel (idr the name again) or walk around to find the VERY few secrets and easter eggs (also i forgot but in the second game thare are so many easter eggs that i don't think even with a guide i could find them all)

the biggest problem so far is that there is NO battlefield. Let that just sink in, no battlefield. In the second game there were some groups of enemies and allies fighting around, no big deal, just some plants v zombie, but when you started shooting then it would become a whole new war. Some more enemies and allies started to appear, followed by 2 or 3 characters and ending whit the bosses version of those characters and, for the grand finale, the bosses (which were a lot, like the mega sunflower which spawned sunflowers, or the giant zombies or the giant zombiw with an home, the yeti, the teleporting and shielded bean which would shoot a laser beam from his eyes, the little zombie robot (again, idr the name) and the tree or flamed tree), which had all unique abilities, movesets and counters. It was fun as heck to be in the battlefield with some friends, maybe fighting 2v2 with all enemies fighting, roses making zombies goats, the yeti freezing every one and big battalions of expendable enemies (composed of 1 or 2 healers, one with the flag, 2 or 3 normal ones and some armored one too). Now it just boils down to competitive pvp with some other players that will probably end up killing you from behind or run away

the characters are, imo, really bad compared to the ones of gw2. I really don't remember many but the roller one or the dragon one really made me puke, also they did the little zombie really dirty there. I just liked the simplistic stiles of the ones in gw2, withouth the sprint but with the bombing, rpgs, goats and so on, withouth a futuristic or vibe (not as much as in bfn) and more of a war vibe. Like, in thise game they all look like, imo, on their way to the beach, while in gw2 they didn't as much. Also it gives a more competitive and complicated vibe to the game, which is not good in pvz

also the game seems really unbalanced

last complaint: the map sucks. Not in the ways i already said before, i mean more specifically the battlefield. Ignoring the fact that there are no npcs fighting around, the battlefield isn't one, In gw2 there is this huge yard with some bushes and walls around to limit escapes from certain points and make them easier from others or sniping from outside too much, there are some benches and sand sacks (idr the name i'm not from an English speaking country please don't bully me) where to take cover, there were zombies or plants in the suburbs protecting you from getting flanked (it happened realluy often to get killed by behind, and thank god it stopped, bc it gets really frustrating), there was the middle where you could raise the flag (i forgot to mention this befote but also this was such a fun thing), the streets around where there were few characters guarding or shooting from a distance (especially snipers), the sewage where you could escape and the street next to the hall where there were always some dudes fighting (either bosses or npcs) and the HQs from where you could run in to regen health, yeet yourself in the yard with a cannon or shoot from the platform. In the third game the map isn't really a battlefield but more a maze with just few places to fight and very difficult shooting thanks to all the obstacles (and no, the covers in gw2 were actually covers, especially cause they weren's big as half the map

This said, my view could be really influenced by the fact that the hame was the second one on my ps4 and i played it a lot because of this. Just saying my opinion and looking for some kind of dialouge, feel free to express your opinion

Edit: i forgot in the final complaint the last part so i added it now

Tl,dr the open world now is just a little park with nothing to do, the new characters mostly suck, it became too competitive and i miss those huge battles in the yard, the grapical details and the exploration for new and fun things to do or secret rooms and places

Is Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville worth it Reddit?

I would. The game has better balancing than any other PvZ title, there are active players on every platform, no abuseable bugs, and a great OST and art direction. It's an 8.5/10 for me. It'd be a nine if the game wasn't abandoned so suddenly.

Why is PvZ 3 removed?

Zombies 3 from soft launch after months of testing the garden warfare series. As confirmed via a blog post, the Seattle-based studio has taken down the strategy and tower defence title to incorporate feedback from players and return with a "better reimagining" of the game.

Should I buy Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville?

Plants vs. Zombies: Battle For Neighborville isn't necessarily anything groundbreaking for the hero shooter genre, but it contains more than enough well-designed and engaging content in both single-player and multiplayer to be well worth looking into.

Will there be a new PvZ game 2022?

This is a verified game! We are a part of this together and we will never give up on this quest. Plants vs Zombies: Expedition is a 2022 game made by Pop Cap and EA.


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