Sample letter to employee to improve performance


Letter of Performance

Sample Template


 Dated _________

Name Mr. /Ms. ____________
E-Mail___ _______________
Company _______________
Dear __________,


We would like to thank you for your valuable contributions to our business performance during the year ________.

While fixing your new CTC, we have considered your performance in the role whilst also making market correction that may be required based on our review of compensation in comparable companies.

Your increased CTC for ________ effective   from _______ is Rs. ________/as a settled segment of the compensation design, and Rs. _______ as a variable segment of the compensation arrange for which is connected to your execution, and Rs.  _______ as a variable component of the pay plan which is linked to your performance.

You will also be paid Rs. ______ as a performance award on the basis of this assessment and that of the organization performance. The coming year is going to pose various challenges. 

This (Organization Name) will request excellent execution from every one of us to support our authority commitments. We are certain that you will meet people's high expectations and accomplish advance statures

We take this opportunity to thank your family for having supported you to deliver your best in ________.


Best Regards,


Name of the Business Leader




Letter of Performance Sample



Dated __________


Name _______________
E-mail _______________
Company ____________
Dear _________


Your performance during the year was exemplary! Your manager rated you as __________by your performance. Therefore, the company has decided to upward revise your compensation and increase your CTC by Rs. ___________ w.e.f. __________. 

As an employer, if you notice any poor performance of the employee even after repeated verbal warnings, then it is better to issue a warning letter. A warning letter acts as formal communication and it will either make the employees afraid about their job so that they can improve performance.

Sometimes employees need proper guidance and training to develop their ability in the work, so arrange such activities if needed.

Still, If they don’t improve their performance, then as an employer you can take necessary action like termination, transfer, etc.

  1. Sample warning letter to employee for poor perormance
  2. First warning letter to employee for poor perofmance
  3. Second warning letter to employee for poor performance
  4. Final warning letter to employee for poor performance
  5. Warning email to the employee for poor performance
  6. Reply to warning letter for poor performance

Here you can find sample warning letter formats to employees for poor performance, you can also download them in word format.

Sample warning letter to employee for poor performance

Employee name,
Employee ID,

Sub: Warning letter for poor performance.

Dear Mr./Ms.__________,

This is an official warning letter regarding your poor performance of the work. After evaluating your performance we noticed that it is not satisfactory. you are not trying to improve it even after multiple feedbacks and training sessions.

Kindly consider this letter as a final warning, and improve your performance. If we don’t observe any progress then serious action will be taken against you.

You are further advised to submit a written explanation as soon as you receive this letter.

Officer name,

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First warning letter to employee for poor performance

Employee name,
Employee ID,

Sub: Warning letter for the poor performance of work

Dear ______________[Employee name],

We are issuing this letter to warn you about your underperformance of work, after assessment we noticed that your performance is not up to the mark.

We hereby expect you to take necessary actions to improve your performance, otherwise, it leads to strict action against you.

Consider this is the first reminder regarding your poor performance and give your written explanation within 48 hours after receiving this letter.

Officer name,

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Second warning letter to employee for poor performance

Employee name,
Employee ID,

Sub: Notice for poor performance in work.

Dear Mr./Ms. [Employee name],

It has been observed that you haven’t improved your performance even after issuing an earlier warning letter dated [date], this shows your negligence towards your work.

The management couldn’t tolerate such behavior, we want employees who work with diligence and dedication.

Your continuous failure to comply with the project guidelines and requirements led to a loss to the company.

This should be a final opportunity to you to improve your performance, if you fail to show any progress then it will lead to the termination of your employment.

Kindly treat this as an extremely urgent matter, and kindly sign a copy of this letter as an acknowledgment.

Officer name,

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Final warning letter to employee for poor performance

Employee name,
Employee ID,

Sub: Regarding poor performance in work.

Dear Mr./Ms. [Employee name],

This letter should serve as an official warning to you. After several discussions and attempts, we haven’t noticed any progress in your performance in the work.

This should be a final warning, and if we don’t see any development in your performance in the next 30 days then you will be terminated from your employment without any further notice.

Please contact the human resource department for any further queries and sign a copy of this letter as an acknowledgment of this matter.

Officer name,

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Warning email to the employee for poor performance

Sub: Underperformance notice.

Dear Mr./Ms [Employee name],

This is to inform you that the management is not satisfied with your performance in the work, it is not up to the required standards. We would like to warn you about this matter and suggest you improve it.

If you fail to show any progress by the time of the next performance evaluation then strict action will be taken against you, it might lead to the termination/suspension of your service.

Kindly treat this as an urgent matter.

Officer name,

Reply to warning letter for poor performance

The manager,
Company name,

Sub: Response to the poor performance notice.

I am writing this in response to your letter issued on [date] about my performance in the work.

I extremely apologize for disappointing you. I will take your feedback positively and I assure you that I will improve my performance in the coming days.

I have already started taking all the necessary actions to improve my ability in the work, and I can definitely reach your expectations.

What do you say to employees to improve performance?

It's helpful to remember to remain positive when telling an employee they need to improve and focus on their growth and future..
Schedule a meeting. ... .
Ask how they're doing. ... .
Explain missed expectations. ... .
Set clear goals and metrics. ... .
Offer to support them..

How do I write a letter for employee poor performance?

Please give your manager a call within regular business hours to schedule a retraining session. Thank you for your attention to this matter. After a continued poor performance, we regret to inform you that your failure to meet company objectives has resulted in a formal warning. Consider this notice to serve as such.

How do you write a performance improvement letter?

How do you write an effective performance improvement plan?.
Add the employee's name, position, and department..
Add the name of the manager or supervisor handling the performance improvement plan..
Write a brief introduction..
List the employee's performance issues and improvement objectives..

What do you say to an employee with poor performance?

Come to the conversation with proposed solutions that are mutually beneficial, but also ask the employee what they believe will help them improve. Be willing to listen and meet them halfway. For instance, maybe they need more guidance or time on certain tasks. Put forth the extra effort to provide that support.


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