Translate each sentence into an equation calculator

Updated on August 13, 2022

= ALGEBRAIC EXPRESSIONS AND EQUATIONS Translating a sentence into a multi-step equation Translate the sentence into an equation. Eight times the sum of a number and 3 equals 5. Use the variable x for the unknown number. 3 D=0 : D+D ローロ OXD x ?

= ALGEBRAIC EXPRESSIONS AND EQUATIONS Translating a sentence into a multi-step equation Translate the sentence into an equation. Eight times the sum of a number and 3 equals 5. Use the variable x for the unknown number. 3 D=0 : D+D ローロ OXD x ?


Solution let the number is Sum OF x and 3 2+3 Now 200.0 the o mestion: – ording to -8 ((+3). 25 874+24 = 5 80 +24-520 8u+t9 = 0

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Solve Any Equation

Step 1: Enter an equation below

Step 2: Click the blue arrow to solve your problem

Solve any equation with this free calculator! Just enter your equation carefully, like shown in the examples below, and then click the blue arrow to get the result! You can solve as many equations as you like completely free. If you need detailed step-by-step answers you'll have to sign up for Mathway's premium service (provided by a third party).

Examples (Enter the equation just like this)

Problem: \(4*x = 16\)
Solution: \(x=4\)

Problem: \(2*x^2 = 18\)
Solution: \(x=3\) or \(x=-3\)

Problem: \(-1*x^2+x+20=0\)
Solution: \(x=5\) or \(x=-4\)

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