What are the differences between osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis


The word arthritis simply means ‘inflammation of the joint’. The reasons for that inflammation, however, varies. In the case of osteoarthritis, the cause is ‘wear and tear’. RA is an auto-immune condition, meaning that the immune system, normally there to protect us, is attacking healthy the joints.  


“Until I was diagnosed, I thought that ‘arthritis’ was just something that old people get.”  

Until you or someone close to you is diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), unfortunately, this is most people’s perception of the disease. This is, at least in part, because many people, including some healthcare professionals, still refer to ‘osteoarthritis’ as ‘arthritis’. So what’s the difference? 

Osteoarthritis is by far the most common type of arthritis. There are over 200 forms of arthritis, and the word arthritis simply means ‘inflammation of the joint’. The reasons for that inflammation, however, varies between the different forms. In the case of osteoarthritis, the cause is ‘wear and tear’ of the joints, making the condition more common among the older population, though it is possible to get it earlier in life, especially in a previously damaged joint. RA is an auto-immune condition, meaning that the immune system, normally there to protect us, is attacking healthy tissue, in this case, the lining of the joints. It can occur at any age, though the typical age of onset is around 40-60, and the exact causes of this immune response are unknown, though we do know that genetics and environmental factors play a part.  

One third of people over the age of 45 in the UK have sought treatment for osteoarthritis, whereas RA affects a much smaller number, at around 1% of the UK population.  

Rheumatoid arthritis is a ‘systemic’ condition, meaning that it has an effect on the body as a whole, whereas osteoarthritis tends only to affect individual joints. Both can cause symptoms such as pain and stiffness in the joints, but rheumatoid arthritis can also cause systemic symptoms, such as flu-like symptoms and fatigue. The stiffness that occurs in the joints also differs between conditions. In osteoarthritis, this symptom often occurs towards the end of the day, after using the affected joint, whereas in RA the stiffness is worse after periods of inactivity, especially in the morning, when it can be severe and last for more than thirty minutes.  

There are also differences between the joints affected by these two conditions. Rheumatoid arthritis tends to affect joints symmetrically, most commonly the small joints of the hands and feet. Multiple joints may be affected, sometimes simultaneously, whereas OA will be isolated to individual joints. Osteoarthritis can affect the lower parts of the spine, and the finger joints closest to the nailbeds, both of which are areas of the body rarely affected in RA. RA can affect different joints at different times, whereas osteoarthritis doesn’t come and go, although pain and stiffness can come and go. 

With all these differences in cause, progression, symptoms and location in the body, it is understandable that these conditions are also treated very differently. RA tends to be treated in secondary care, whereas osteoarthritis is normally managed by the GP. While both conditions can benefit from symptom relief, using painkillers and anti-inflammatories and non-medicinal relief, such as hot or cold packs applied to painful joints. Drugs known as disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) are used to try to stop RA worsening, by dampening down the over-active immune system.  

Let’s face it. There is no ‘good’ form of arthritis to get, but it can be frustrating telling people about your diagnosis and having it so commonly mistaken for a more common and often less severe condition, but knowing some of the basic differences yourself can help you to explain RA to friends, family and colleagues.  

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  • Possible complications and related conditions

    There are two main ways in which other health conditions can be related to rheumatoid arthritis. The first is conditions that have symptoms in common with RA. These conditions may be suspected or may need to be ruled out when someone is in the process of getting a diagnosis of RA. The second is conditions that people with RA are more susceptible to; a complication of RA. 

“Arthritis” is an umbrella term used to describe inflammation of the joints. However, there are different kinds of arthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA).

Although RA and OA both affect your joints, they’re very different forms of arthritis.

RA is an autoimmune disorder that occurs when your immune system attacks the tissues lining your joints.

OA is primarily a degenerative joint disorder caused by wear and tear on your cartilage.

More than 32.5 million people in the United States have OA, while about 1.5 million people have RA.

RA is an autoimmune disorder, which means your body begins to attack itself. If you have RA, your body interprets the soft lining around your joints as a threat, similar to a virus or bacteria, and attacks it.

This attack causes fluid to accumulate within your joint, which is produced by the inflamed tissue. The swelling and fluid buildup also causes:

  • pain
  • stiffness
  • inflammation around your joints
  • decrease joint flexibility

OA, the most common form of arthritis, is primarily a degenerative joint disorder. People with OA experience a breakdown of the cartilage that cushions their joints. The wearing down of cartilage causes the bones to rub against each other. This exposes small nerves, causing pain.

OA doesn’t involve an autoimmune process like RA does, but mild inflammation also occurs.

“Fatigue was my first major symptom. They did all sorts of tests, including testing my thyroid. Then, they suggested an HIV test. When joint pain started, they thought it was a blood clot in my knee. Finally, I was referred to a rheumatologist.” —Anonymous, living with rheumatoid arthritis

Many of the basic symptoms of RA and OA are the same, including:

  • painful, stiff joints
  • limited range of motion
  • warmth or tenderness in the affected area
  • increased intensity of symptoms first thing in the morning

Characteristics of RA

Each kind of arthritis also has its own unique set of symptoms. RA is a systemic disease, which means it can affect your entire body — lungs, heart, eyes — and not just your joints. Early signs of RA can include:

  • low-grade fever, especially in children
  • muscle aches
  • excessive fatigue

People with advanced stages of RA may notice hard lumps underneath the skin near joints. The lumps, called rheumatoid nodules, can be tender.

Characteristics of OA

People with OA are unlikely to experience systemic symptoms. The degenerative nature of OA is limited solely to the joints.

You might develop lumps under the skin around joints, but these lumps are different from rheumatoid nodules. People with OA tend to develop bone spurs, or excess bone growth at the edges of the affected joints. Learn more about the symptoms of OA.

RA and OA may affect different joints.

Affected joints in RA

RA usually begins in the smaller joints. You’re likely to have pain, stiffness, and swelling in the finger joints. As RA progresses, symptoms can develop in larger joints such as knees, shoulders, and ankles.

RA is a symmetrical disease. That means you’ll experience symptoms on both sides of your body at the same time.

Affected joints in OA

OA is less symmetrical. You might have pain in both your left and right knee, for example, but one side or one joint is worse.

OA, like RA, is common in the hand and fingers. OA often affects the spine and hips in addition to the knees.

The primary goal in treating both OA and RA is to:

  • reduce pain
  • improve function
  • minimize damage to your joints

Your doctor will approach these goals differently, depending on which condition you have.

Anti-inflammatory and corticosteroid medications are generally effective for both OA and RA, but use of corticosteroids is minimized.

If you have RA, drugs that suppress your immune system can prevent damage by stopping your body from attacking your joints, and prevent joint damage.

The following are some of the questions you may have about RA and OA:

Can you have both RA and OA?

Yes, it’s possible to have both RA and OA.

While OA usually develops after years of wear and tear on cartilage, people with RA may have it earlier in life due to causes such as sports injuries that result in damage to the cartilage, joints, or ligaments.

People with RA may also develop OA as they get older.

People older than 65 who may have OA can also develop a condition called elderly-onset RA (EORA). Unlike RA, EORA more frequently affects large joints.

Which is more painful?

Arthritis pain varies in intensity among people who have it.

People with either OA or RA may have pain that’s mild to severe, and difficulty moving affected joints.

While people with OA may have morning stiffness that lasts fewer than 30 minutes, it lasts longer for people with RA.

RA may also cause other uncomfortable symptoms such as fever and fatigue.

Although they’re different forms of arthritis, both RA and OA affect your joints. Treatments are available to help reduce the symptoms of both conditions.

Contact your doctor if you think you’re experiencing symptoms of RA or OA. If needed, they can refer you to a specialist who can help you find the right treatment to manage your condition.

How can you tell the difference between osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis?

The main difference between osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis is the cause behind the joint symptoms. Osteoarthritis is caused by mechanical wear and tear on joints. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease in which the body's own immune system attacks the body's joints.

Can an xray show the difference between osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis?

X-rays are a helpful tool for figuring out joint pain. Joints in RA look different than joints in OA. For example, there's less space between the bones in OA, and there is more bone erosion in RA. That said, X-rays can be normal in either disease if it's early.

Can rheumatoid arthritis be mistaken for osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis can be mistaken for each other because both are characterized by swelling and inflammation. However, rheumatoid arthritis is different because in this condition, the body's immune system attacks the joints. This can happen suddenly and cause severe inflammation.

What type of arthritis is the most painful?

Rheumatoid arthritis can be one of the most painful types of arthritis; it affects joints as well as other surrounding tissues, including organs. This inflammatory, autoimmune disease attacks healthy cells by mistake, causing painful swelling in the joints, like hands, wrists and knees.


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