What temperature should my kitchenaid refrigerator be set at

Hi @irinka ,

What are the actual temperatures in the freezer and the refrigerator? Use an appropriate thermometer to check what the temperatures are when the compressor motor has been running for a while. The normal freezer operating temperature is 0 F (-18 C) and the refrigerator temperature is ~36-39 F (3-5 C)

Is the compressor motor running when the water has melted?

You say it melts and then refreezes.

This could be a faulty freezer temp sensor (part #4 freezer liner parts) or a faulty control board (part #20 cabinet parts) or perhaps the wiring in between.

When the problem happens check if the compressor is running or not and if it is not running how long it stays off before restarting.

The refrigerator goes into an auto defrost cycle once every 8-12 hours (depends on the manufacturer) to melt the ice build up on the evaporator unit in the freezer compartment. The meltwater is allowed to drain away to the evaporator pan, outside under the freezer compartment and to evaporate.

During the auto defrost cycle time period the compressor motor and the evaporator fan are stopped and the defrost heater is turned on to help melt any ice buildup.

The auto defrost cycle should only last about 15-20 minutes, which is not long enough for any properly frozen food to even begin to thaw let alone melt.

The temp in the freezer compartment is allowed to rise to ~32 F (0 C) to aid in the melting process. When it reaches ~32F (0 C) the sensor relays the information to the control board to stop the auto defrost cycle and to turn off the heater and restart the compressor to cool the freezer and fridge back down to the set temps. Obviously it takes a bit of time to get back down to the set temperatures



5.Press LOCK, under the plus button, to raise the set point, or

press OPTIONS, under the minus button, to lower the

Save/Confirm Temperature Settings

When you have finished adjusting both the refrigerator and

freezer set points, press MEASURED FILL “Confirm” to save

the settings.

NOTE: To exit Temperature mode without saving changes, press

the ICE MODE button under Back at any time, or allow about

60 seconds of inactivity. The temperature mode will turn off

automatically and return to the normal screen.

When adjusting temperature set points,

use the following chart as a guide:

Cooling On/Off

Your refrigerator and freezer will not cool when cooling is

turned off.

To turn cooling off, press and hold the LOCK and

MEASURED FILL buttons at the same time for 3 seconds.

When cooling is off, “Refrigeration Cooling is Off” will appear

on the display screen as shown.

IMPORTANT: To avoid unintentionally locking the dispenser

or changing other settings, be sure to press both buttons at

exactly the same time.

To turn cooling back on, press and hold LOCK and

MEASURED FILL for 3 seconds again. COOLING IS OFF

will disappear from the display screen.


Press the OPTIONS button to open the Options menu and select

between Max Cool, Max Ice and Water Filter Status.

Press the ICE MODE button at any time to return to the normal


Max Cool

The Max Cool feature assists with periods of high refrigerator

use, full grocery loads, or temporarily warm room temperatures.

To turn on the Max Cool feature, press the OPTIONS button

to enter Options mode, and then press the LOCK button,

under Max Cool, to activate the feature. When the feature is

on, the Max Cool icon will appear on the dispenser display

screen. The Max Cool feature will remain on for 24 hours

unless manually turned off.

To manually turn off the Max Cool feature, press the

OPTIONS button to enter Options mode (unless you are

already in Options mode), then press LOCK again. When the

feature has been turned off, the Max Cool icon will disappear

from the dispenser display.

NOTE: Setting the freezer to a colder temperature may make

some foods, such as ice cream, harder.




1° higher


1° lower

FREEZER too coldFREEZER Setting

1° higher

FREEZER too warm /

Too little ice


1° lower

A.Press LOCK and MEASURED FILL at the same time.

Recommended Freezer Temperature

Adjust Temperature Set Points

Refrigerator set point range: 33°F to 45°F (0°C to 7°C).

Freezer set point range: -5°F to 5°F (-21°C to -15°C).

1. Press and hold TEMPERATURE for 3 seconds to activate

Temperature mode.

2.When Temperature mode is activated, press TEMPERATURE

to select the Refrigerator zone. The display will show the

temperature set point of the selected compartmentas


3.Press LOCK, under plus, to raise the set point, or press

OPTIONS, under minus, to lower the set point.

4. When you have finished adjusting the refrigerator set point,

press TEMPERATURE to change the display to

show the

freezer set point. When the zone has been changed,

“FREEZER” appears on the display screen.

set point.

What is the optimal refrigerator temperature setting?

What Is the Best Temperature for My Refrigerator? The ideal refrigerator temperature is 40 degrees Fahrenheit or below, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

What number should my KitchenAid freezer be set at?

For your convenience, your refrigerator and freezer controls are preset at the factory. When you first install your refrigerator, make sure that the controls are still set to the “mid-settings.” The factory-recommended set points are 37°F (3°C) for the refrigerator and 0°F (–18°C) for the freezer.

Why is my KitchenAid refrigerator too cold?

If the temperature control thermostat is not working properly, it may cause the refrigerant system to run longer than necessary. As a result, the refrigerator will be too cold. To determine if the thermostat is defective, rotate the thermostat from the lowest setting to the highest setting and listen for a click.


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