What to ask him to keep the conversation going

The skill of asking questions is important for one’s social life, including your social life as it pertains to the world of dating. Here are some questions for those wondering how to keep a conversation going to ask:

“What are some of the most important goals you want to achieve during this lifetime?”

“What are your top three favorite music albums?”

“Who is someone that made a large impact on your life?”

“Who do you look up to the most?”

“If you suddenly inherited an abundance of money, what would you do with it?”

“What TV or movie character do you relate to the most, and why?”

Keep a few questions like these in mind to ask so that you can avoid moments of awkward silence. When he answers, you can ask any follow-up questions to learn more about and keep the conversation going.

How Do You Keep A Conversation Going With Your Crush?

As mentioned in the article above, the best way to keep a conversation going with your crush or anyone else is to ask open-ended questions. An open-ended question is a question that gives room for an answer beyond “yes” or “no.” An example of an open-ended question is, “if you could travel anywhere expense-free, where would you go?”

How Do You Keep A Conversation Going During A Lockdown?

The coronavirus has definitely changed the dating world, among everything else. Save for the nerves one might experience, going on a date used to be exciting and relatively casual. Now, the common date spots, such as restaurants, are either closed or, at the very least, a much more stressful experience than they used to be. Movie theaters are closed as well, and even if they weren’t, social distancing and frequent sanitization are crucial and mandatory at this time. That said, if you’re on lockdown, it doesn’t have to stop you from having an awesome conversation. It can even be your conversation starter if you choose to make it one.

You can start a conversation with the guy you’re interested in by saying, “Hey! How are you doing with the lockdown and all of that? Has your workplace been affected at all?” or “Hey! How are you coping with the lockdown? Are there any particular hobbies or activities getting you through?” Then, you can keep the conversation going by asking follow-up questions. For example, if he tells you that he’s been spending his free time during the lockdown on music or a home renovation project, you can ask about it.

Any time you’re wondering how to keep a conversation going, whether it’s over text or if you’re talking on the phone or in person, one of the most important things to do is to ask questions. People love talking about themselves, and research indicates that asking questions actually makes you more likable.

How Do You Flirt Over Text?

It depends on how obvious you want to be. If you are comfortable making it obvious that you are flirting, you can greet someone by saying, “Hey handsome,” “hey babe,” or “hey gorgeous.” If you want to be more subtle, you can use emojis or GIFs and make an effort to keep an engaging conversation going until you’re able to feel out if your feelings for your crush are reciprocal or not. Then, you can step it up a notch.

How Do You Flirt On Chat?

Flirting on chat is similar to flirting over text. Make an effort to keep an interesting conversation going, and don’t be afraid to compliment the person you’re talking to. Whether it’s “you are so intelligent,” “you’re so hardworking,” or “you’re literally the most attractive person I’ve ever seen,” a compliment is a great way to flirt via chat. Of course, the speaker and author both have to be engaged to keep the conversation going. If you ask questions and all you get in return is, “okay,” or “I don’t know,” every time, it’ll be hard to keep a conversation going.

If you are interested in each other mutually, you should take turns being the initial speaker and author when you talk. What that means is that you should both be reaching out to each other and initiating conversations. A one-sided conversation is hard to maintain, and it certainly isn’t effective for flirting. If you like someone and, when you think about it, you realize that they are always the person to reach out to first, make an effort to do it yourself this time. Even if it’s a simple as, “Hey, I’m thinking about you! How are you doing?” the person on the other side will appreciate it and take it as a sign that you are interested.

How Do I Talk To My Guy Crush?

You can start a conversation with your guy crush the way that you would start a conversation with anyone else. Just add a little bit of extra flair to hint that you’re interested. If you want to be subtle, compliment him and ask engaging questions. If you want to be more openly flirtatious, you can brush his arm, call him handsome, or say something else that gives way to the idea that you like him.

What Questions Can I Ask My Crush?

Asking questions is an excellent way to break awkward silences, on top of being an attractive quality and a positive skill for one’s social life. Here are some questions to ask your crush: 

“What do you want your life to look like in five years?”

“What are some of the most stand-out moments that have happened in your life so far?”

“If you had to move to another country, which one would you pick and why?”

“Are there any countries you want to visit one day?”

“What’s an experience that changed your life forever?”

How Can I Impress My Crush?

As much as you want to sweep them off their feet, it’s best not to try too hard. Certain traits attract other people and improve one’s social life, so don’t be afraid to play up your most attractive qualities. Positivity, kindness, and thoughtfulness are all attractive qualities to have, for example.

Additionally, people love a good listener, so be sure to use active listening skills and do your best to retain what someone tells you to show that you’re really listening. If you remember the small details of a person’s life or what they tell you, it’ll impress them and show them that you care. For example, if your crush tells you about an art project he’s working on, you can make a point to ask, “Hey, how’s that project going?” later on.

How Do You Flirt On Lockdown?

Flirting while on lockdown is somewhat similar to flirting outside of lockdown. The difference is that it may be much more digital than you’re used to. If you are comfortable using pet names, you can still use those pet names. You can still flirt by complimenting the other person or sweetly asking how they are doing.

Now, you have the ability to set up things like video chat dates and use GIFs and emojis via text if you’re at a distance. Those things are becoming more and more normalized as people meet each other on dating apps or want to continue a connection that started in person while social distancing.

How Can I Talk Romantic?

Speaking romantically is easier than it looks, and it doesn’t have to be over the top. You don’t have to pretend that you’re in a movie or say anything extreme. To speak to someone romantically, compliment them, use cute names like sweetheart, baby, king, or princess if they like them, or reference a famous romantic quote or song.

Maybe, you don’t want to send a quote from The Notebook out of nowhere, but if there is a particularly romantic quote that makes you think of them, you can say, “oh my gosh, this quote made me think of you,” and relay the phrase to them. This is a way to say something very romantic organically and doesn’t feel out of place. The same is true for sending songs or lyrics to someone, which can be highly romantic. You can text them and say, “Hey, this song made me think of you.”

Can You Run Out Of Things To Talk About?

If you know how to keep a conversation going, you’ll never run out of things to talk about. There are endless questions to ask a person. Even those who have been married for years and years can find new questions to ask their partner. People change, but not only that, we’re always learning about new things, and the world around us is constantly evolving.

There are new world events to talk about all of the time, and when someone we know develops a new interest or learns about a new topic, we automatically have a new way to keep a conversation going. There are also random or unexpected questions that you can ask people to start a great conversation at any point in time. You can ask follow-up questions regarding something that you talked about before, or you might ask a random question such as, “if you could do anything this weekend and money wasn’t an issue, what would you do?” or “if you absolutely had to get a tattoo/get a new tattoo right now, what would you pick?”

If you feel awkward asking questions out of the blue, you might even initiate a game of 20 questions. This is a great way to keep a conversation alive, whether you’ve known someone for a few weeks or years. With creativity and interest on both sides, you can keep a conversation going and get to know the man you’re interested in more and more over time.

How Do I Keep A Conversation Going With A Guy?

One of the best ways to keep a conversation going is to ask a guy questions. Open-ended questions, in particular, are the best way to go because they require more than a one-word answer. That way, you give your guy something to respond to, and you get to learn more about him, too. It can also help to think of random topics to talk about or random questions to ask before you see or talk to the person. That way, you'll have some icebreakers prepared, and you'll be able to avoid long, awkward periods of silence.

What Are Topics To Talk About With A Guy?

The best topic to talk about will depend largely on the person you are talking to. If you can think of anything they are passionate about, that's a great topic to talk about. Often, the thing someone's most passionate about is something they'll enjoy talking about. When people talk about what they are passionate about, you'll often notice that they light up. Random topics to talk about that most people can relate to are another way to go; for example, talking about movies and music or asking about someone's hobbies to find out what types of things someone likes to do in their free time will almost always be safe.

You can also ask a guy fun questions as an icebreaker! When you ask a guy fun questions such as, "what's on your bucket list? "do you have a list of places you want to travel to?" "what's your best talent?" "what's the best childhood memory you can think of?" "do you want any new tattoos?" or "what were you like as a kid?" can help you start a conversation and keep it going more or less effortlessly.

How Do You Keep A Conversation Going?

In addition to asking open-ended questions, asking follow-up questions about something that a person already said is a great way to keep a conversation going. Doing this also shows that you are listening. If you can remember details about the person, their lives, or their interests, or if there's something you are curious to ask about, as long as it's appropriate, ask questions pertaining to those things.

Of course, it does take two to keep a conversation going. If the person replies with one-word answers despite asking open-ended questions, or if they never ask you questions back, it is not your fault. You're putting effort into the conversation, but they also have to. If you know the person well enough to know their passions or to know that there's a specific topic this person loves talking about, those are great things to bring up to keep a conversation going, too!

What's A Deep Question To Ask A Guy?

Sometimes, you want to ask your lighthearted guy questions, and other times, you want to ask your guy questions that are a little bit deeper to spark an emotionally intimate conversation. Here are some deep questions that you can ask:

  • "What's your best piece of life advice?"
  • "What would you tell your younger self if you could?"
  • "Do you feel that you're living life to the fullest?"
  • "What's the best saying to live by?"
  • "What are the most important things in your life?"
  • "What was the best year of your life so far, and why?"
  • "What are you most proud of in life?"
  • "Do you have any regrets?"
  • "Do you feel like you have had any past lives?"
  • "When was the last time you cried?"
  • "In your opinion, what would make the world a better place?"
  • "What makes you feel most like yourself?"
  • "Do you have any role models?"
  • "What's something you wish people knew about you that most people don't know?"

As much as small talk can help you get a conversation going, small talk and talking about movies or other "get to know you" topics will only get you so far. Of course, you can still chat about those things, and it's great if you do, but adding deep questions into the mix, as long as they're appropriate in the context, will bring you closer and help you learn more about who a person is on a deeper level.

What Flirty Questions To Ask A Guy You Like?

Here are some ideas for flirty questions to ask a guy you like:

  • "How are you single?"
  • "What's the worst pickup line you can think of?"
  • "What are some of your favorite romantic films?"
  • "What do you want in a relationship?"
  • "What are some of the most attractive personality traits in your opinion?"
  • "Would you say you're a good partner?"
  • "What's your favorite romantic spot to go to?"
  • "Do you like it when other people make the first move?"

When you ask flirty questions, make sure that they are appropriate for the conversation and connection you have with your crush.

How do I keep conversation going with Guy?

How to Keep a Conversation Going with a Guy.
Ask open-ended questions..
Offer follow-up questions..
Talk about your favorite topics..
Chat about his interests..
Discuss what you have in common..
Compliment him..
Blurt whatever is on your mind..
Reminisce about your childhood..

What questions can you ask a guy to keep the conversation going?

General Questions.
What are your personal goals?.
What kind of childhood did you have?.
What makes you insecure?.
What do you expect from a love relationship?.
What's the one thing you can't tolerate?.
What do you find attractive in a woman?.
What expectations do you have of yourself?.
What was your most memorable birthday?.

What is 21 questions to ask a guy?

21 Questions to Ask a Guy to Get to Know Him.
What's Your Family Like? ... .
What's Your Favorite Childhood Memory? ... .
What's Your Favorite Song? ... .
Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years? ... .
Do You Want Children? ... .
If You Could Have One Superpower, What Would It Be? ... .
What Do You Enjoy Most About Your Job?.

What can I say to keep a conversation going?

Conversation Topics That Will Work Anywhere.
Tell me about yourself. ... .
What's been the best part of your day so far? ... .
What do you do to relax? ... .
What book are you reading right now? ... .
What's your favorite thing about your hometown? ... .
What's the last thing you bought online that you really loved?.


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