Where to get a 2 x 2 passport photo

We will no longer use face detection to determine the suitable crop frame for the picture. This means that users have to adjust the crop frame on the uploaded picture manually.

General security information

The website can be accessed via HTTPS connection. This ensures that your pictures are encrypted during the uploading and downloading procedures. However, avoid public Wi-Fi connection when using the website. If you do not use your own computer or mobile device for creating the pictures, please make sure to delete both the initial and the downloaded images from the computer or mobile device used for the work.


If you want to create your own passport photo, you are at the right place. With the help of this website you can create a passport photo based on the standards of several countries with ease and you don’t need to use a complicated and expensive photo editing software. If you are not an experienced photographer, then try to create more than one photo with different lighting. After taking the photos choose the one that best fits the tips under „Taking the picture to be uploaded” section and upload it. After uploading the photo follow the instructions under „Editing the photo” to create a passport photo that both suits you and the standards.

Getting the right size photographs for documents can be problematic if you’re not careful. There are a lot of requirements regarding document photos, and the dimensions will vary from country to country. In the United States, the standard document photo size is 2 x 2 inches. This is the size not only for the U.S. passport, but also for the American Green card, U.S. visa applications, and other official U.S. documents.

Avoid submitting the wrong size photograph for your passport, visa, ID card or driving license. Use our photo resizer to change the size of your photo, and to crop it to your document’s specific requirements.

Dimensions of 2x2 inch photos 

If you’re an American, knowing the size of 2x2 inches might be enough for you to get your photographs ready. But if you’re from a nation which uses the metric system, you might have no idea what an “inch” is. Or you may be required to provide photos in another standard such as centimeters, pixels or digital versions. Below are some 2x2 inches equivalents.

2x2 inches photo equivalents: metric 

A 2x2 inches square photograph is the same as a 51 x 51 millimeters photograph (photo's width is 51 mm and height is 51 mm). This can also be written as 5,1 x 5,1 centimeters (photo's width 5,1 cm and height 5,1 cm). These are all the same size.

2x2 inches photo equivalents: digital 

When submitting photos in digital form such as for online applications it’s very important to maintain the right proportions; for example, the aspect ratio of the 2x2 inches photograph is a square. Depending on the resolution (measured in dots per inch, or dpi) of the printout, proportions can differ considerably when sizes are expressed in pixels (px).

2x2 inches photo equivalents: pixels 

It can be good to know what a 2x2 inch photo corresponds to in pixels, because sometimes it’s requested to meet the photo requirements in pixels. Do you know how to convert inches to pixels? It varies, depending on the resolution (dpi) of the photo.

The easiest way to convert inches to pixels is to multiply inches by dpi resolution. For example, a 2x2 inch photo of 100 dpi resolution is 2x100 px wide by 2x100 px high. Have a look below at how many pixels are in a 2x2 photo for resolutions at 100, 300 and 600 dpi.

  • for resolution = 100 dpi: 200 by 200 px (width = 200 px, and height 200 pixels). This resolution is not good enough for passport pictures,
  • for resolution = 300 dpi: 600 by 600 px (width = 600 pixels, and height 600 pixels). This is a satisfactory resolution for photographs,
  • for resolution = 600 dpi: 1200 by 1200 px (width = 1200 pixels, and height 1200 px). This is the highest resolution you can use.

How to take a 2x2 inch photo with PhotoAiD

Taking a 2x2 picture with PhotoAiD is quick and easy! You can do it on your iPhone or smartphone with Android because our app is available in both the AppStore and in GooglePlay. Here’s what you need to do to get a 2x2 photograph:

  • Use a smartphone, tablet or a digital camera (a webcam is not allowed).
  • Download the PhotoAiD app (or you can use another online service).
  • Follow the photo requirement guidelines for your document.
  • Snap the photo.
  • Upload your photograph to our app.
  • Let us do the rest!

PhotoAiD editor, using Artificial Intelligence technology, will resize your picture, remove the background, and make sure your photo meets all the official requirements. And you have a 200% guarantee of your photo’s acceptance if for any reason the government does not accept your photo, we will refund 200% of your purchase price and we will fix the problem for you at no additional charge! 

2x2 inches (51x51 mm) photo creator

All photos uploaded to the PhotoAiD app are automatically verified by AI. We check to see if the picture meets the requirements for a passport, visa or other document. If the photo is acceptable, we will then edit it, crop it and size it to meet the exact government specifications using our suite of online photo tools. Keep reading to learn more about how we do it.

2x2 inches photo cropper

Our online photo cropper checks and adjusts your photo to make sure it meets all the other 2x2 inches photo requirements. For example, it measures the distance from the eyes to the bottom of the photo, and from the top of the head to the top of the photo, and then crops it perfectly with the right amount of headroom and the right size of head. We then convert it to JPG format, and automatically email you the file.

2x2 inches photo background remover

Our Artificial Intelligence is even able to change your background! PhotoAiD can turn any background into a plain and uniform white background, removing all patterns and shadows, quickly and automatically. Your picture will have the right white background for your 2x2 inch image.

2x2 inches photo verification

Your photos must meet all specifications in order to be accepted. Should your photos be rejected, you will need to provide new pictures before your application can be processed. Don’t let bad pictures slow down your application use our artificial intelligence to verify your photos. Every photo which is validated by our photo verification system has a 200% guarantee of acceptance: we’ll refund 200% of your purchase price, and fix the problem for you, should a photo approved by us not be approved by the authorities.

2x2 inches photo template 

The last thing our photo tool does is create a 2x2 inches photo template that is ready to download via email. You receive a photo of guaranteed quality, ready to send or to print out at a local printing shop or drugstore. Or for only a few dollars more you can order prints to be shipped to you. What can be more convenient?

Does Walgreens do 2x2 passport photos?

You do not need to bring anything with you to get your passport picture taken. We do not submit any paperwork on your behalf, as we only only take the pictures that you will use to submit your passport application. How much do Passport photos cost? Passport photos cost $16.99 for two 2x2 inch photos.

Does Walgreens print 2x2?

At locations nationwide, Walgreens employees can take your passport photo and print the required 2 x 2 photos for $15.99 in less than an hour.

Does Walmart take 2x2 pictures?

Walmart does take passport photos as of 2021 at locations with a Photo Center. Walmart charges $7.44 for two 2X2 passport photos which take around 5-10 minutes to develop. Customers can get passport photos at Walmart within normal trading hours Monday – Sunday.


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