Why does my heart rate increase after drinking alcohol

Does Alcohol Cause AFib?

A glass of wine with dinner is good for your heart, right? Although past studies have shown some heart benefits of moderate drinking, research hasn't shown a definitive link between alcohol and better heart health. 

Drinking alcohol every day, in fact, can raise your chances of getting atrial fibrillation (AFib), a condition that makes your heart beat really fast and out of rhythm. AFib can lead to blood clots, strokes, heart failure, and other heart conditions.

How does alcohol increase your heart rate? Doctors believe booze disrupts your heart’s natural pacemaker -- the electrical signals that are supposed to keep it beating at the right pace.

So it's important to weigh the risks. Talk to your doctor about your health history and what makes the most sense for you. Learn more about health problems caused by alcohol.

More Alcohol Means More Risk

A recent study found a strong link between drinking one to three drinks a day (what doctors consider moderate) and getting AFib.

Heavy drinking, or more than three drinks a day, bumps up your risk even more. And it seems to keep going up the more you have. Studies suggest that for every extra daily drink, your risk goes up by 8%.

You don't have to drink regularly, either. Binge drinking, or having more than five drinks in a row, also makes getting AFib more likely. People in these studies drank wine or hard liquor. It's not clear if beer has the same effect.

How Much Is Safe?

You should avoid drinking alcohol if you have an abnormal heart rhythm. One study, performed in Australia, found that AFib patients who did not drink during a 6-month period had fewer AFib episodes.

If you're taking blood thinners, alcohol can raise your risk of bleeding. It can also be a problem if you take drugs that reduce blood clotting, like acenocoumarol or warfarin.

Posted on September 21, 2022

Have you ever felt your heart rate increase during or after drinking alcohol? For some, this is an uncomfortable short-term side effect. For others, it can become a chronic symptom of unhealthy alcohol use, and may be a sign of more serious health conditions. Below we will review how alcohol affects both heart rate and the cardiovascular system in general, and the associated health risks that come with it. While this topic can be overwhelming at first, understanding the connection between alcohol and your heart can ultimately help you feel more empowered to make healthier choices. 

What Does Heart Rate Really Mean?

Your heart rate is the number of times your heart beats per minute. An adult’s average heart rate is between 60-100 beats per minute. Generally, a lower heart rate is a sign of good health because it shows your body is effectively circulating blood with minimal effort. That’s why people who do vigorous cardiovascular exercises, such as professional athletes, tend to have a lower resting heart rate than the general population. 

Does Alcohol Increase Heart Rate?

The short answer is yes, alcohol can increase your heart rate both in the short and long term. Many people report feeling like their heart is beating faster during or after consuming alcohol. Let’s take a closer look at why that happens and the unique effects that alcohol has on the cardiovascular system. 

How Does Alcohol Affect the Cardiovascular System?

When alcohol enters the body it begins circulating throughout key organ systems. It starts by entering the stomach and small intestine, and then eventually makes its way to the heart. While studies have consistently shown that alcohol consumption leads to increased heart rate, the exact mechanisms that cause this aren’t entirely understood. However, there are three primary reasons that are thought to contribute to an increased heart rate after drinking. Let’s discuss.

Electrical Signal Disruption

The way that the body interprets the electrical signals that cause the heart to beat is an important factor that can change your heart rate. Normal electrical signals keep your heart beating at a regular pace, but when alcohol enters the system, it can disrupt those signals. This results in an elevated heart rate. 

Blood Vessel Dilation

​​Drinking alcohol also causes your blood vessels to expand and dilate. In response, the heart starts to pump more blood to keep the body in homeostasis. The heart has to beat faster and faster to keep enough blood circulating. This is another way heart rate increases after consuming alcohol, and is also the reason why you might feel warm or flushed after drinking.   


There’s a strong connection between alcohol and anxiety. While alcohol may provide anxiety relief in the short-term, it can actually cause anxiety levels to spike once the initial effects of alcohol wear off. This phenomenon is sometimes called “hangxiety,” and is a result of the way alcohol affects your brain chemistry and central nervous system. A faster heart rate is a common symptom of hangxiety, and can last for a few hours or even days after drinking. 

What Factors Affect Heart Rate While Drinking?

Several factors can contribute to an elevated heart rate while drinking. These include: 

  1. Alcohol levels: The greater amount of alcohol you consume, the more likely you are to experience an increased heart rate both while drinking and after drinking.
  2. Stimulants: When alcohol is paired with caffeine (like in an espresso martini or a Four Loko) or other stimulant, heart rates can accelerate even more drastically.
  3. Air temperature: Being in extremely hot or cold temperatures can increase your heart rate.
  4. Smoking cigarettes: Smoking cigarettes can affect heart rate, and even more so when drinking alcohol.
  5. Emotions: If you start drinking while already stressed or anxious, you’re even more likely to experience an elevated heart rate.
  6. Medications: Mixing alcohol and certain medication can have dangerous or even life-threatening effects to the heart. It’s important to speak with your physician about any potential medication interactions with alcohol. 

If you’re consistently experiencing a rapid heart rate after drinking, that may be a sign that you’ve developed an unhealthy relationship with alcohol. Speaking with a healthcare provider at Monument can help you understand your symptoms and treatment options if necessary. Tools like alcohol therapy, peer support, and medication to stop drinking can help you change your drinking habits on your own terms.

Dangers of Increased Heart Rate From Alcohol

As discussed, increased heart rate is one of many possible long term effects of alcohol on the body. Increased heart rate can also increase your risk of other conditions. For example, atrial fibrillation is the most significant danger of increased heart rate from alcohol consumption. However, other conditions such as cardiomyopathy, heart attack, different types of stroke, increased blood pressure, and weakened heart muscles can also occur. Let’s dive a bit deeper into each of these conditions.  

Atrial Fibrillation

Prolonged alcohol consumption on a daily basis can sometimes lead to atrial fibrillation, where the heart beats abnormally fast and out of rhythm, even under resting conditions. Researchers have found a strong correlation between drinking—even one to three drinks a day—and the development of atrial fibrillation. Any alcohol consumption beyond three glasses a day raises the risk even more, with studies suggesting an 8% increase in risk for every additional drink you consume. 


Extended unhealthy alcohol use can weaken and distort the heart muscle, causing a condition called cardiomyopathy. This condition is characterized by when the heart loses its ability to pump blood to the rest of the body properly. This often results in a disruption of regular heart rhythm, known as arrhythmias. Cardiomyopathy can lead to heart failure, though less severe symptoms include shortness of breath, swelling of the legs, and bloating. 

Free Support Group: Addressing anxiety while managing your drinking

If you're feeling anxious, you are not alone. Anxiety and drinking are often interconnected. Join a candid conversation about building coping skills to address anxious feelings while navigating sobriety or moderation.

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High Blood Pressure

Regular alcohol consumption is commonly associated with an elevation in blood pressure. High blood pressure, otherwise known as hypertension, can increase the risk of both heart attack and stroke.  

Heart Attack

The most vital molecule to keep the heart pumping is oxygen. Without an adequate supply of oxygen, a heart attack can occur. Ordinarily, plaque buildup resulting from high cholesterol causes the coronary arteries to narrow, and can significantly increase risk of heart attack. What many people don’t know is that alcohol also increases the fat levels in the blood. Should a piece of this plaque (fat) break off, a clot can form around the heart and result in a heart attack. 


Alcohol consumption increases the risk of both ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. Both stroke types result from disrupted blood flow to brain tissue. Much like a heart attack, an ischemic stroke results from a blood clot. The difference is that in this instance, the clot forms in a blood vessel in the brain. A hemorrhagic stroke is a direct result of increased blood pressure.

How to Slow a Fast Heart Rate From Drinking

1. Stop Drinking Alcohol 

The most effective method to lower a fast heart rate from drinking is to stop drinking alcohol. Stopping drinking can help prevent your heart rate from increasing even further. You may not see an immediate change as it can take up to 24 hours for the heart to return to normal, but you should see a noticeable improvement as time goes on. 

2. Hydrate

Additionally, be sure to stay hydrated. Alcohol is a diuretic, meaning it dehydrates your body. You can effectively lower your heart rate by being conscious of adequately hydrating your body while drinking or after drinking alcohol. 

3. Try Stress-Relieving Activities 

Another way to help slow down your heart rate is to practice stress-relieving activities. Take some deep breaths or go for a walk outside. You can also try meditation, which can cause your heart to slow dramatically, even going beyond the point of a resting heart rate to the pace typically only experienced while sleeping. 

If you have experienced elevated heart rates while drinking and have concerns about the health of your heart and cardiovascular system, it is best to seek the guidance of a health professional. Cutting back on alcohol is one of the best things you can do to improve your heart health and reduce associated risks. Monument offers evidence-based tools like alcohol therapy, medication to stop drinking, and free therapist-moderated support groups. 

With the right help and consistent support, you can find long-term health and happiness. You are not alone. 


  1. Mindworks Team Mindworks “Can Meditation Help Lower My Heart Rate or Blood Pressure?://mindworks.org/blog/can-meditation-help-lower-my-heart-rate-or-blood-pressure/. Accessed Aug 5, 2022.
  2. Alcohol Think Again, “Alcohol and Cardiovascular Disease.” //alcoholthinkagain.com.au/alcohol-your-health/alcohol-and-long-term-health/alcohol-and-cardiovascular-disease/#:~
  3. Johns Hopkins Medicine, “Cardiomyopathy.” //www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/cardiomyopathy.
  4. Edward R. Laskowski, M.D. “2 Easy, Accurate Ways to Measure Your Heart Rate.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 2 Oct. 2020, //www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/expert-answers/heart-rate/faq-20057979#:~
  5. Elsie Yang Elsie Yang, and Elsie Yang. “Does Alcohol Increase Heart Rate? A Cardiologist Says Yes.” Well+Good, 2 Feb. 2022, //www.wellandgood.com/does-alcohol-increase-heart-rate/.
  6. Medical News Today, MediLexicon International, “How to Lower Your Heart Rate: 11 Ways.” //www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321310#lowering-the-heart-rate.
  7. Larson, Jennifer. “Research Shows Alcohol Elevates Heart Rate-Here’s Exactly How Much You Can Drink If You Want to Keep Your Heart Healthy” //parade.com/1288122/jenniferlarson/alcohol-and-heart-rate/.
  8. Robinson, Kara Mayer WebMD. “Afib, Heart Rate, and Alcohol: Can Drinking Affect Your Heart Beat?” //www.webmd.com/heart-disease/atrial-fibrillation/atrial-fibrillation-alcohol.

Disclaimer: Our articles and resources do not constitute clinical or licensed therapy or other health care services. If you need counseling or therapy services please contact a licensed provider. If this is a medical emergency, call 911.

About the Author

Rob Mancini is a freelance content writer and copywriter. His passions include health and wellness, personal development, nature, meditation, sustainability, food, travel, and sleeping in his Birkenstocks. Connect with him on Linkedin at: //www.linkedin.com/in/robmancinicopy/

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