All my friends lyrics lcd soundsystem

LCD Soundsystem inspired print featuring the lyrics 'If I Could See All My Friends Tonight'.

All designs are printed on luxe, matte paper for a vibrant and premium finish.

This print is unframed but is shown in a black framed mock up for styling purposes. All prints are printed to the edge with no border.

Get in touch for custom colours.

HollieGraphik x

A5 148mm x 210mm
A4 210mm x 297mm
A3 297mm x 420mm
A2 420mm x 594mm
A1 594mm x 841mm

Please note all designs are unofficial and are inspired art. I do not own the copyright to anything affiliated with the artists. All artwork has been designed by myself, HollieGraphik.

So what makes it so special?

The word no is what shaped LCD Soundsystem. To quote the songs opening lyric, "that's how is starts" because it's almost impossible to separate the lyrics of 'All My Friends' from James Murphy's own life.

I always identified with him as a musician because he's the epitome of the underdog.

His success wasn't overnight nor was he plucked from some karaoke show like X-Factor, the man paid his dues and he paid them for 17 years.

All my friends lyrics lcd soundsystem

That's how long it took him between starting his first band and releasing the debut LCD album in '05.

He saw some of his bands fold, performed DJ sets in dive bars and basements all around New York, learned his trade by mixing desks for mates and was constantly told the word 'no'.

You're too obscure, too niche or too different to be released on a major label. Doors were closed in his face but he never gave up. The man's a hero with an appreciation for music's history that's unrivaled.

His success is proof that those people in suits who look at audience figures, demographics and trends for what's popular actually know nothing about what's good.

James Murphy was a man who had clearly heard lots of records, played even more, and knew what he liked.

He was 32 when LCD's game changing debut was released.

Guitars were out, decks were in and anthems like 'Yeah', 'Daft Punk Is Playing In My House', 'Loosing My Edge' and 'Tribulations' filled the floors.

Davids Bowie & Byrne, Brian Eno, post-punk, art-rock and techno were all present and name checked. Would he top it?

How could he follow it up?

Sound of Silver has some stunning tracks, Someone Great, North American Scum and Us v Them all spring to mind, but some songs have a unique ability to capture a period in people's lives.

All My Friends is one.

The song feels as if it has its finger firmly on the pulse of the times which is ironic because those two opening piano notes are enough to get any listeners pulse beating.

This song is the soundtrack to those 'tear-away late 20's' and the need to slow down in your 30's.

All my friends lyrics lcd soundsystem

The song even starts at a house party as some late night flirting develops into a relationship.

There's almost a loving nostalgia for those moments when "the sun comes up, and I still don't wanna stagger home" but things never escalate beyond there because of that nagging doubt that you want more.

Narcissism ultimately leads to the shit hitting the fan and it does.

"It comes apart, the way it does in bad films, except in parts, when the moral kicks in" but what young head is mature enough to accept their failings when they can be pasted over with a show of bravado/ignorance?

Who wouldn't boldly proclaim that they wouldn't  "trade one stupid decision another five years of life". Your head isn't screwed on, that comes later.

This song simply cannot be performed by an artist below the age of 25 because you feel the weight of Murphy's world experience and musical knowledge shining through.

There's a point where late parties, drink and drugs just aren't what people are looking for because, as he says, " if I'm sewn into submission, I can still come home to this". There must be more.

You'll have boozy nights, self involved moments and lose direction in the minefield that's your late 20's but there's always friends that can help you out. You just have to find them.

Apart from the music and incredible production values, the songs brilliance is that you can project any mood into it. It's equally adept at filling dancefloors as it is tugging at your heartstrings and memories.

The song is whatever you want it to be.

James Murphy's a man that never compromised on what he felt was right or lost faith in his own talent. He's our generations David Byrne and he wrote a song that's a gift to everyone.

LCD Soundsystem's frontman should be everyone's friend because of this.

What is LCD Soundsystem best song?

LCD Soundsystem – 10 of the best.
Yeah (Crass version) ... .
Daft Punk is Playing at My House. ... .
Freak Out/Starry Eyes. ... .
North American Scum. ... .
All My Friends. ... .
One Touch. ... .
New York, I Love You But You're Bringing Me Down (live) ... .

What is the meaning of song all my friends?

All My Friends is a song written about missing the people and places that helped you get through tough times in your life. About longing for summers that you shared with those closest to you. It's laced with nostalgia, and I hope you can feel it and relate to it in your own way X.

WHAT DID LCD Soundsystem play on SNL?

Watch LCD Soundsystem Perform “Thrills” and “Yr City's a Sucker” on SNL. LCD Soundsystem were the musical guests on this week's episode of Saturday Night Live, performing “Thrills” and “Yr City's a Sucker” from their 2005 self-titled LP.

What genre is LCD Soundsystem?

Alternative/IndieLCD Soundsystem / Genrenull