Bakugou x reader he hits you

this was a quick little fic i whipped up. probably the shortest one ive written in a while.

thank you for the request i hope you like it!

Ever since the explosive blonde walked through the doors of Heights Alliance he had been acting weird. Every person that approached him was ignored, which was pretty uncharacteristic of the ash blonde. Usually he would yell an angry retort at them but instead he was passing and avoiding everyone like a plague.

And for some odd reason he was avoiding you the most.

When he walked into the building, you were in the common room. Flashing him your usual bright smile that sent his heart racing. But when you greeted him back from a long day on interning he didn’t even look your way. Not even a bat of an eyelash as he trudged straight to his room. Bakusquad took notice of this odd behavior and they were going to get to the bottom of it.

They already found his behavior towards (y/n) quite odd. It was pretty blatantly obvious that he treated her much courteous than he did to others. And being the observatory pests his friends were, they decided to tease him about it. 

“You rarely yell at (y/n) Bakugou.”

“Yeah, and you always walk near her dude.”

“Shut up you pricks, I do not.” 

“Oooh~ does Bakugou have a little crush on sweet little (y/n)?”


It wasn’t until dinner time when they could finally get down to what was up with their usual short-tempered classmate.

As they ate the curry the whole class had prepared, a strange comment came from the blonde’s mouth.

“Did you guys make this curry? It’s really good.”

His classmates froze, a few even choked on their food.

Did the Bakugou Katsuki just give… a compliment?

“U-uh yeah, it’s pretty good…” Kirishima responded back.

Tsuyu then walked into the room, fresh out of the bath with her hair tied up and skin glowing and clean.

“Frog girl, your skin is really nice.”

Que Kaminari choking in the background. 

The small girl’s eyes widened in shock, “T-thanks Bakugou-kun…?”

“Hey dude are you ok?” Sero asked his friend. 

“Hah?” the ash blonde gave him an incredulous look, his brows twisting in annoyance, “I’m fucking fine, why the hell are you asking?”

Well at least that’s still normal… his friends thought.

“It’s nothing, you just seem a little… different?…”

Bakugou growled, stuffing another spoonful of curry in his mouth. “The hell are you going on about. I’m as fucking normal as ever.”

And that’s when you just had to walk into the room. 

In your pajamas.

A big tee and those little shorts that barely even peeked under your top. His weakness.

He had the sudden urge in his gut to say something. His expression twisted to one of discomfort and struggle as he forced the feeling down his stomach. 

The damn bastard’s quirk from earlier today was moving in full force.

“Bro are you ok? You look sick?” Kirishima worriedly looked at his friend, passing him a glass of water.

“I-I’m fine shitty-hair… just… just fuck off…”

You passed him a small wave and smile as you walked towards the kitchen. 

Kirishima’s eyes followed Bakugou’s and it hit him.

“Oho, (y/n) right?”

Once you had completely disappeared behind the wall the ash blonde exploded. Slamming his hands on the table and his head fell down hard against the wood. His body visually trembling.

“God damn it! She’s so fucking cute!!! How the fuck does someone look so cute dressed in that?! That shirt is obviously too fucking big for her but it looks so perfect on her!!!” 

Bakugou seethed. He felt so damn frustrated. One because he couldn’t control these weird ass words coming out of his mouth and two because no matter what, you always managed to make his chest explode and his mind go into a frenzy whenever you showed up.

“Damn it, I wish it were my shirt she’s wearing. That one better not be some other fucking extra’s shirt or else I’ll kill the fucker.”

“Whoa dude what’s going on.”

“Fuck…” he might as well just spill it now, he was already in deep hell now with what he just confessed.

“I got hit by some bastard’s truth quirk.”

Truth quirk?

The Bakusquad looked at each other.


“Truth quirk eh? So that’s why you’ve been saying all that stuff.”

“Yeah. Especially the stuff you said about (y/n)~”

“I totally knew it! I knew you liked (y/n)!” Mina squealed, jumping on the ash blonde only to be pushed away with an angry swing of his arm.

“Fuck off! If you speak of any of this shit I’ll blast you idiots through the wall!!!”

“Sure, no problem… lover boy~”

“Dunce face I’m warning you…” Bakugou growled.

“Don’t you think it’s too late to be killing anyone Bakugou?” your voice spoke as you walked back into the room with a water bottle in hand, giggling at the group. All members froze as you passed by. “Looks like someone didn’t get enough spice in their curry.” you teased.

Bakugou gulped. There was that feeling again.

“Well I’m beat, good night you guys. Bakugou keep it down will ya? I need to get my beauty sleep.” you said with a wink, thus disappearing into the elevator. Bakugou felt like he was going to have an aneurysm.

“Gaahhh! She doesn’t need beauty sleep when she’s already pretty!!!”

“Awww~ Bakugou you’re so sweet!~” Mina cooed. 

“Whoa dude you’re super whipped for (y/n).”

“Fuck off you asshats!!!”

“You should just tell her already dude- wait hold on if he still has the truth quirk on him… (Y/N) WAIT UP!!!”