Best way to use a french press

Best way to use a french press

Undoubtedly, the beauty of a French Press Coffee Maker is its simplicity. Whether you're in a rush to get to work or simply eager to start the day off right, you can use the French Press to brew a cup of coffee in just a few minutes time. Not only is the Coffee Press a classic way to brew coffee, but it can truly produce a delicious cup as long as you play your cards right.

If you to enjoy the perfect cup of Joe every morning, here are  Top 10 Tips for making delicious French Press Coffee at home.

1. Start With Fresh Coffee Beans

Best way to use a french press

To brew a fresh cup of coffee, you need to start with fresh coffee beans. If store-bought coffee beans simply don't cut it for you, order from a local roaster for delicious coffee beans. Before you even get out your French Press, check the expiration date of the coffee beans. Sealed coffee beans usually remain fresh in the pantry for about six months. In the freezer, sealed coffee beans can remain fresh for up to two years.

2. Grind the Coffee Beans Right Before Brewing

Best way to use a french press

Many people prefer to use ground coffee to brew a cup of Joe in the morning. While ground coffee is certainly convenient, the price is a lackluster taste. If you want to preserve the taste of the coffee as much as possible, you should grind the coffee beans right before brewing.

3. Use the Proper Grind for Your Coffee Beans

Best way to use a french press

When it comes to ground coffee, the last thing you want is to have course and fine coffee particles in the same batch. To achieve a uniform and coarse grind, it is important that you use the proper grind setting. Avoid grinding coffee beans with a blade grinder, use burr coffee grinder instead. 

4. French Press Coffee / Water Ratio

While some people prefer their coffee strong, others prefer weaker cups. Experiment with different coffee-to-water ratios to find your preference. Start with 7 grams of ground coffee per 4 oz. of water and go from there.

5. Use Good Quality Water

Best way to use a french press

Many coffee lovers make the mistake of focusing entirely on the quality of the coffee beans. At the end of the day, a cup of coffee is mostly water. Contrary to popular belief, you shouldn't use distilled or reverse osmosis water for your coffee. You need the minerals in the water to bring out the flavor of the coffee.

6. Use the Right Water Temperature

Best way to use a french press

As you know from personal experience, coffee is all too easy to burn. The ideal water temperature for brewing coffee is 195 to 205 degrees Fahrenheit. If you don't have a thermometer on hand, boil water and leave it on the stove to cool for one to two minutes.

7. Preheat Your French Press and Coffee Mug

Best way to use a french press

In the morning, most people prefer a warm cup of coffee to wake them up. If you want to keep your coffee warmer for longer, preheat your French Press and coffee mug for one minute before brewing the coffee.

8. Brew for 4 Minutes

Best way to use a french press

To avoid burnt coffee, you should brew for four minutes. If you prefer less bitter coffee, brew for 3 minutes.

9. Transfer Coffee to a Thermal Carafe

Immediately after brewing, you should transfer the coffee to a thermal carafe. Allowing the coffee to sit in the French Press will simply lead to over-extraction and an overly bitter cup of coffee.

10. Clean Your Coffee Press

Clean your French Press after each use to prevent tainting future cups of Joe with a stale coffee taste. Learn how to clean your French Press quickly and easily.

We also suggest:

  • How to make French Press Coffee Instructions
  • How to Make Delicious Cold Brew Coffee with French Press
  • 10 Tips for Making Better French Press Coffee (Video)

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How do I get the best results from my French press?

Advanced Techniques.
Use a coarser grind with a longer brew time. ... .
Use a finer grind and shorter brew time. ... .
Strengthen the brew ratio for full immersion brewing devices. ... .
Sift out large and small coffee grounds before brewing. ... .
Stir the grounds immediately after pouring. ... .
Stir at different times throughout the brewing process..

What is the best way to use a French press?

Press like the best: Add a heaping tablespoon (7-8 grams) of coffee to the pot per 200 ml (6.7 oz) of water. Pour hot water—not quite boiling—into the pot, and gently stir. Carefully reinsert the plunger into the pot, stopping just above the water and ground coffee (do not plunge yet), and let stand for 3-4 minutes.

Should you stir the grounds in a French press?

In general, we recommend gently stirring the coffee in your French Press at the beginning of the brewing process. This will evenly distribute the grounds throughout the water, and result in a more flavorful cup. However, too much stirring can cause over-extraction or increased sediment in your cup.

How many cups of coffee should I put in a French press?

What you'll need.
4-cup French Press..
27g (5 Tbsp) coffee, coarsely ground..
400g (1.75 cups) water, just off boil..
Chopstick or spoon for stirring..
Kitchen timer..