Buff out scratches on stainless steel fridge

But while the material may be “stainless,” it isn’t completely scratch-proof, and after years of wear and tear, it can start to look a little dull.

The good news is that it’s not difficult to restore stainless-steel surfaces to their former glory, especially if you have the right materials and products. Here’s how to get scratches out of stainless steel.

Assess the Damage and Gather the Materials

Are you dealing with light, minor scuffs or deeper, visiblescratches? Depending on the condition your stainless steel is in, your approach will be different.

What You Need for Small Scratches

For less significant nicks and dings, all you need is a non-abrasive, stainless-steel scratch remover compound, which will work to fill in the fine lines and smooth out the surface.

There are effective products on the market made just for this purpose, such as 3M Super Duty Rubbing Compound, Bar Keepers Friend, and Rolite Metal Polish. You can also try common household products, such as non-gel toothpaste or baking soda. In addition, you’ll need several microfiber cloths for applying and removing the compound.

What You Need for Deep Scratches

For tougher scratches, it may be necessary to rub them out with an abrasive pad. You’ll need a scouring pad or scrubbing sponge, plus some cooking oil (olive oil works well). There are also kits on the market, such as Rejuvenate Stainless Steel Scratch Eraser Kit and Scratch-B-Gone, which contain all you’ll need to remove deeper scratches.

Keep in mind, however, that this technique should only be used on uncoated stainless steel; if the metal has a protective clear coating or synthetic surface, you’ll end up doing more harm than good. Check to see what you have in your owner’s manual.

Determine the Direction of the Grain

No matter how deep the scratch you’re trying to erase, you’ll want to work with the grain of the stainless steel. Take a close look at the metal and you’ll see very fine brush lines going either side to side or up and down.

Follow these lines while you’re working; don’t rub perpendicular to them or in a circular motion. Going against the grain can actually cause more damage to a stainless-steel surface.

How to Fill in Small Scratches

If you’re dealing with smaller scratches, start by preparing the non-abrasive compound. Some are sold as powders that need to be mixed with a few drops of water to form a paste, while others already come in paste form. Non-gel toothpaste can be used as-is, and baking soda can be mixed with water until a pasty consistency is reached.

  1. Make sure the surface is completely clean of dirt, dust, and food particles.
  2. Then dab a small amount of the compound onto a microfiber cloth and rub it continuously over the scratch. Work gently, and in the same direction as the grain.
  3. After a few minutes, use a fresh, damp microfiber cloth to wipe the compound off and examine your progress. If necessary, polish again with more compound until the desired results are achieved.
  4. Wipe the excess compound off with the moistened cloth and use a fresh one to dry the surface.

How to Buff Out Big Scratches

If applying compound doesn’t work, or if you can tell right off the bat that the blemishes you’re dealing with require a more aggressive tactic, it’s time to break out the scouring pad.

  1. Apply a couple of drops of oil to the pad, and use a firm, moderate pressure to buff the surface, always working with the grain.
  2. Work in a slightly larger area than just the scratch to achieve a more uniform appearance.
  3. Examine your efforts and repeat if necessary. When you’re happy with the results, remove the excess oil by buffing the same area with a clean, dry microfiber cloth.

Stainless steel fridges look sleek—until you scratch them. Thankfully, you can use many cleaning agents to buff out these eyesores. You should also know a few strategies to get the most out of your stainless steel polish. But if you’re freaking out about scratches on your stainless steel fridge, you’ve got to check out the research we’ve done on this topic. 

Here are a few of the most popular ways to remove scratches on a stainless steel fridge:

  • Apply a non-abrasive cleaner designed for stainless steel and wipe with the grain using a microfiber towel. 
  • Mix baking soda and water, apply this paste to your scratch, and wipe away after about 20 minutes. 
  • Use a clean toothbrush to spread whitening toothpaste on your scratch and wash away with a clean microfiber towel. 
  • For deep scratches, rub a wet piece of fine sandpaper with the grain over your scratch. 

While there are many ways to remove stainless steel scratches, you should always follow a few standard techniques. Please keep reading to find out how to buff your stainless steel safely. 

Buff out scratches on stainless steel fridge

How Do You Remove Scratches From Stainless Steel Fridge Doors?

Buff out scratches on stainless steel fridge

There are a few ways to remove scratches from stainless steel, but it’s always best to start with the least abrasive method. In most cases, this means using a non-abrasive polish designed for stainless steel.

Find out more on this Amazon link. 

Before choosing a stainless steel polish, please double-check it’s non-abrasive and can handle scratches. If your product is in a dry powder form, you’ll have to mix it with water to form a paste before applying it to the scratch.

While every scratch remover has different directions, the basic method is as follows:

  • Put stainless steel scratch remover on a sponge or a microfiber rag. 
  • Rub the polish with the grain on your scratch. 
  • Wipe away with a damp rag. 
  • Re-apply the polish until you can’t see the scratch anymore. 

Be sure to watch this YouTube video to get a better sense of how to work with a stainless steel polish:

Can Bar Keeper’s Friend Remove Scratches From Stainless Steel? 

According to Bar Keeper’s Friend, it’s safe to use its soft cleanser products on stainless steel. Just double-check the type of Bar Keeper’s Friend you’re interested in is approved for stainless steel.

Find out more on this Amazon link. 

After you’ve cleaned your fridge of debris, wipe some Bar Keeper’s Friend on the scratch with a microfiber towel. Please always work with the grain for the best results. 

To learn the do’s and don’ts of using Bar Keeper’s Friend, please check out this video:

FYI: Find out how to put that Bar Keeper’s Friend to good use when cleaning your grill in our previous post, “How To Clean A Cuisinart Grill.

Does Toothpaste Remove Scratches From Stainless Steel?

It's good to use whitening toothpaste to remove stainless steel scratches, but it’s not best to start with this technique. 

First, try to get rid of scratches with a non-abrasive cleaner designed for stainless steel. Only move on to toothpaste if this first method doesn’t work.

As you may have guessed, whitening toothpaste is slightly more abrasive, which means it could cause damage if misused. Please be careful if you try this DIY method at home.

To use toothpaste on a stainless steel scratch, try the following method:

  • Spray the surface of your stainless steel fridge with a 1:1 mix of vinegar and water.  
  • Wipe with the grain using a clean microfiber towel.
  • Squirt a tiny amount of whitening toothpaste on a clean, soft-bristled toothbrush. 
  • Brush the scratch on your fridge with the grain. 
  • Occasionally wipe away the toothpaste with a wet microfiber rag.
  • Keep applying toothpaste until the scratch is gone.
  • Wipe with a damp microfiber towel.
  • Apply a layer of olive oil with a microfiber rag over the area you just cleaned. 

Watch this tutorial for more information on using toothpaste on stainless steel: 

By the way, did you know toothpaste could get rid of stains on plates? Find out more about this cleaning hack in our post, “How To Remove Black Marks And Stains From Corelle Dishes.” 

Can Baking Soda Remove Scratches From Stainless Steel? 

Buff out scratches on stainless steel fridge

Baking soda is another excellent way to remove scratches from stainless steel. 

After you’ve cleaned your fridge of debris with vinegar & water, please give this technique a try:

  • Make a paste with 2:3 parts baking soda to water. 
  • Put the paste-like baking soda mix on your stainless steel scratch.
  • Let the mixture stay on the scratch for at least 20 minutes.
  • Remove the baking soda with a slightly wet microfiber towel, taking care to wipe with the grain.
  • If a scratch remains, try this baking soda method again.

When you’re happy with the results of this method, you can apply a layer of olive oil with a clean microfiber rag to help your stainless steel shine. 

You can learn more about using baking soda (and other cleaning methods) in this video:

Can You Use Sandpaper On Stainless Steel Scratches? 

You can use wet sandpaper on stainless steel scratches, but you have to be extra careful. It’s only recommended you try sandpaper on deep scratches that don’t respond to other methods. 

After you’ve cleaned your stainless steel surface with either vinegar or dish soap and water, follow this method with sandpaper:

  • Wet a fine-grain piece of sandpaper. 
  • Apply a bit of water to your fridge’s scratch with a microfiber towel.
  • Swipe the sandpaper over the scratch with the grain on your stainless steel.
  • Keep re-applying water to your sandpaper and fridge throughout this process.
  • Once the scratch is gone, pat the area dry with a clean microfiber towel.
  • Apply olive oil with a microfiber rag on the scratch. 

To learn more about using more abrasive tools on stainless steel, be sure to watch this popular tutorial:

Does Stainless Steel Scratch Easily?

Buff out scratches on stainless steel fridge

Stainless steel may be durable, but it tends to scratch easily. Even if you’re careful, it’s unlikely you’ll never notice minor scratches and smudges on your fridge.

Unfortunately, many people unknowingly clean their stainless steel appliances against the grain, which can cause scratches. It’s also easy for dirt, dust, or other particles to get trapped in stainless steel and cause minor scratches.

People who use abrasive cleaners, chlorine-containing chemicals, or hard water may also increase the likelihood of scratches.

To prevent scratches on your stainless steel appliances, be sure to review the tips below:

How Do You Clean Your Stainless Steel Fridge?

Buff out scratches on stainless steel fridge

Before you try any of the scratch removal methods listed above, you should clean your fridge with a 1:1 mix of vinegar and water and a clean microfiber towel. You must get rid of any lingering debris, as this could make your scratch even worse.

If you don’t have vinegar on hand, you can mix a pinch of dishwashing detergent with water in a spray bottle. Spray the surface of your stainless steel fridge and wipe with a clean microfiber towel. 

Please review whether your stainless steel appliance has a vertical or horizontal grain. Always work with the grain to avoid extra scratches when cleaning or polishing stainless steel.

Lastly, it’s a good practice to use a microfiber towel with a dab of olive oil after you’ve cleaned your fridge. This simple hack will dramatically boost your stainless steel’s shine. 

Please watch this short tutorial to learn how to clean and polish a stainless steel fridge:

Can You Use Windex On Stainless Steel?

Please resist the temptation to use Windex when cleaning stainless steel. Since Windex is ammonia-based, it can eat away your stainless steel over time. 

Instead, opt for less intense cleansers like dish soap and vinegar to remove stains and smudges. You might also want to look into stainless steel-specific cleaners.

Find out more on this Amazon link.

In Closing

Stainless steel may attract scratches and stains, but you can remove them with the tips listed above. 

Simple ingredients like baking soda, toothpaste, and store-bought stainless steel polish should be enough for mild scratches. For deeper scratches, you can try using damp fine-grain sandpaper. 

Whichever method you apply, you must first clean your stainless steel fridge with vinegar or dishwashing soap. Also, always work with the grain of your fridge and finish your scratch with a dab of olive oil.

As long as you keep all these tips in mind, you should have no issues keeping your stainless steel smooth.

What removes scratches from stainless steel refrigerator?

You'll need a scouring pad or scrubbing sponge, plus some cooking oil (olive oil works well). There are also kits on the market, such as Rejuvenate Stainless Steel Scratch Eraser Kit and Scratch-B-Gone, which contain all you'll need to remove deeper scratches.

How do you remove scratches from stainless steel appliances?

Baking soda is quite effective in removing light scratches on stainless steel. It has a powdery texture that serves as a gentle abrasive. Add water and baking soda to make a paste, put it to the surface of the metal and scrub lightly. Then wipe off the baking soda and wipe the surface with a damp cloth.

How do I remove scratches from my LG stainless steel refrigerator door?

Cooking Appliance - Scratches.
Mix. Pour 2 ounces of water into a spray bottle. ... .
Spray. Spray the vinegar solution onto the scratched area of your LG Product. ... .
Polish. Find the natural polishing lines of the surface of the stainless steel. ... .
Wipe. Wipe the stainless steel with a dry cloth. ... .
Paint. If needed, use touch up paint..