Can popcorn get stuck in your throat

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181 answers - active on Jan 4th 2022

I have a popcorn husk stuck in my throat, and its hanging on tight. Its been there a week and I cant get it to move at all. Any suggestions?

✔ Top answerThis answer is chosen as the best answer by team of SteadyHealth medical experts. ✔ Fact checkedFacts in this answer are confirmed in relevant medical resources.

After reading some comments, I purchased a Netipot from a local phramacy. It's designed to pour water from one nostril to the other using gravity and the same principles that let you siphon a car. It works by closing your mouth and tilting the netipot into one nostril, water flows out the other. If you reverse this by closing your nostril and opening your mouth, the water will slowly trickle into your nose and down your throat. This worked for me after a few attempts, though it was not a sensation I would want to repeat without necessity!

by MitchellW on Mar 3rd 2012

ME TOO! I just noticed it today and it is driving me nuts. i ate popcorn last night. nothing is working. :-(

Answer by Guest - Jul 31st 2006

Did you guys ever get the husk out......I am going through this right now and it is really annoying to say the least. Mine is stuck right behind my tonsil, tried sticking a toothbrush bach there to dislodge, no luck just dry heaves....also tried gargling, eating bread and others things to see if it would latch on......please help!

Answer by Guest - Aug 27th 2006

I believe I have a piece of popcorn stuck in my throat. I went to the doctor and he just claimed it was infection, gave me antibiotics and now that the swellling is gone I can still feel it. Any suggestions? Did anyone see a doctor for this? What did they do?

Answer by Guest - Feb 18th 2007

It's probably not popcorn but in fact tonsilloliths which feels like a popcorn husk on the back side of the throat.

Answer by Guest - Apr 4th 2007

I can't get it out and its driving me insane...I've tried everything and nothing works.

Answer by Guest - Jun 27th 2008

gargle with pepsi it works

Answer by Guest - Dec 15th 2008

ARGH, I feel a piece of popcorn right behind my uvula, if that's possible. I gargled with pepsi multiple times, no luck, although I couldn't feel it for a few seconds afterwards. Dangit :-( I don't know which is worse - a hair or popcorn husk stuck in my throat.

Answer by Guest - Feb 23rd 2009

Try eating rye crispbread. Wheat bread gets too soft in mouth before entering throat.

Answer by Guest - May 7th 2009

Try eating a granola bar. One of the real crunchy ones like Nature Valley Oats n Honey. It works like a charm. It is really rough going down and scratches the hull right off.

Answer by Guest - Jan 26th 2010

This happened to me last night. I tried many of the recommendations listed here, but what finally worked was pouring olive oil down my throat until I gagged. Sounds desperate, but I was on the verge of giving myself a tracheotomy with my fingernails, so it was the lesser of two evils.

Answer by Guest - Mar 13th 2010

This happened to me last night also, was munching away on some popcorn and now the little husk is just rammed solid in the back of my throat. I think I am going to opt for the tracheotomy by fingernail, sounds more pleasant than the olive oil, ROFL XD seriously, its driving me bonkers, should be warnings on the packets and so glad its not just me... and omg whilst writing this I just managed to flush it loose with tepid cup of tea..... phewwwww result!!!

Answer by Guest - Feb 7th 2011

It wont come out. does anyone have anymore tips.

Answer by Guest - Jul 18th 2011

OMG!!! I have read all of the suggestions for removing the popcorn husk and nothing is working. This is the worst thing that I have ever experienced!!! I thought for one glorious second that I had gotten it loose and ate another handful of popcorn. Now I am pretty positive that I have two corn husks stuck back there! I might just rip my tonsils out!!! If anyone has any other suggestions they would be greatly appreciated!

Answer by Guest - Jul 26th 2011

A whole week?! You have nerves of steel. This ALWAYS happens to me with both pocorn husks and sometimes when I eat beans- the skins, believe it or not, can perfectly peel off in your mouth and cause the same exact havoc! Anyway, right now, I have a bean skin in my throat. It was right on my left tonsil, and then at some point it got into such an odd spot that I couldn't speak and it made me gag uncontrollably! After about 3 minutes of gagging, it's found itself in a different spot that isn't quite as irritating, but I know it's still there. It drives me mad! No one realizes just how irritating and even frightening this situation can be until it happens to them!All I can tell you is to do is to relax. Usually they have to come out by their own accord. However, if it stays in much longer, given your case, see a doc. Especially if your throat starts to feel irritated/swollen, or the back of your mouth begins to turn red. It's unusual for them to stay in that long. At the very least, you may risk infection. If you don't fancy doctors, just be sure to use mouthwash to keep everything as clean as possible.Best of luck to you!

Answer by Guest - Oct 9th 2011

Why does it feel like I have popcorn stuck in my throat?

The feeling of having something, like a popcorn kernel, stuck in your throat is called globus pharyngeus. It's usually due to irritation or inflammation at the top of the throat. Tiny bits of food may be causing the irritation. Other causes include allergies, infections, or tonsil stones.

Will a popcorn kernel dissolve?

The Danger of Popcorn Kernels Popcorn kernels don't break down when exposed to saliva like other foods do, so if it gets under your gum, it's not going to go away on its own.

Can a popcorn kernel get stuck in your tonsil?

Another possibility is something is stuck directly in the tonsil on that side. It could be popcorn or a tonsil stone. Either can irritated the tissue. Go to your dentist, have the area looked at and determine the cause.

What happens if you swallow a popcorn?

Besides being a choking hazard, crunching them can damage teeth. In severe cases, swallowing them can cause a mass collection in the intestinal tract, known as a “bezoar.” Small bezoars may pass on their own or with the help of medication, while sizeable ones may require surgery.