Can u still get your period when pregnant

If you’ve had bleeding early in your pregnancy, you’re not alone. Many other pregnant women have early bleeding, too. And in most cases, nothing is wrong. But your healthcare provider still needs to know about it. They may want to do tests to find out why you’re bleeding. Call your provider if you see bleeding during pregnancy. Tell your provider if your blood is Rh negative. Then they can figure out if you need anti-D immune globulin treatment.

What causes early bleeding?

The cause of bleeding early in pregnancy is often unknown. But many factors early on in pregnancy may lead to light bleeding (called spotting) or heavier bleeding. These include:

  • Having sex

  • When the embryo implants on the uterine wall

  • Bleeding between the sac membrane and the uterus (subchorionic bleeding)

  • Pregnancy loss (miscarriage)

  • The embryo implants outside of the uterus (ectopic pregnancy)

If you see spotting

Light bleeding is the most common type of bleeding in early pregnancy. If you see it, call your healthcare provider. Chances are, they will tell you that you can care for yourself at home.

If tests are needed

Depending on how much you bleed, your healthcare provider may ask you to come in for some tests. A pelvic exam, for instance, can help see how far along your pregnancy is. You also may have an ultrasound or a Doppler test. These imaging tests use sound waves to check the health of your baby. The ultrasound may be done on your belly or inside your vagina. You may also need a special blood test. This test compares your hormone levels in blood samples taken 2 days apart. The results can help your provider learn more about the implantation of the embryo. Your blood type will also need to be checked to assess if you will need to be treated for Rh sensitization. 

Warning signs

If your bleeding doesn’t stop or if you have any of the following, get medical care right away:

  • Soaking a sanitary pad each hour

  • Bleeding like you’re having a period

  • Cramping or severe belly pain

  • Feeling dizzy or faint

  • Tissue passing through your vagina

  • Bleeding at any time after the first trimester

Questions you may be asked

Bleeding early in pregnancy isn't normal. But it is common. If you’ve seen any bleeding, you may be concerned. But keep in mind that bleeding alone doesn’t mean something is wrong. Just be sure to call your healthcare provider right away. They may ask you questions like these to help find the cause of your bleeding:

  • When did your bleeding start?

  • Is your bleeding very light or is it like a period?

  • Is the blood bright red or brownish?

  • Have you had sex recently?

  • Have you had pain or cramping?

  • Have you felt dizzy or faint?

Monitoring your pregnancy

Bleeding will often stop as quickly as it began. Your pregnancy may go on a normal path again. You may need to make a few extra prenatal visits. But you and your baby will most likely be fine.

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A missed period is often the first clue of a possible pregnancy. But women will sometimes experience vaginal bleeding for a variety of reasons during pregnancy, which may make them wonder: Can you be pregnant and still have a period?

The answer is no, not technically—but it's also a little more complicated than that. Here's everything you need to know about whether you can have a period when you're pregnant, and what to know about vaginal bleeding during pregnancy.

Can you have a period while pregnant?

Technically, it’s biologically impossible to get your period while pregnant, according to doctors. “Getting your period, or menstruating, is by definition, the shedding of the uterine lining which happens when there is not a fertilized egg in the uterus,” says Dr. Amy Roskin, MD, Chief Medical Officer at Favor. “Being pregnant means that you would need your uterine lining to sustain a pregnancy, so menstruation does not occur.”

Related: What to Know About Pregnancy During Perimenopause

Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy

Although you can’t have an actual period while pregnant, you can experience vaginal bleeding—which is often mistaken for a period. “Bleeding in pregnancy may be dark brown discharge, spotting light pink, or heavy and bright red similar to or more than a period,” says Dr. Steve Rad, MD, FACOG, of the Los Angeles Fetal & Maternal Care Center. “It may or may not be accompanied by pain, but painless bleeding can still be equally dangerous!”

Why you may experience bleeding while pregnant

There are many reasons why you may experience bleeding while pregnant, with causes ranging from minor to urgent. “Bleeding very early on may occur when the pregnancy implants in the uterus,” says Kate White, MD, MPH, OB/GYN, author of Your Guide to Miscarriage and Pregnancy Loss. Known as implantation bleeding, this can often seem very similar to a period, especially due to the timing. “This bleeding may be lighter than a period but often occurs around the same time that you would menstruate, approximately 10 to 14 days after conception,” says Dr. Roskin.

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Bleeding while pregnant can sometimes indicate an emergency situation

While implantation bleeding is innocuous, some other causes of bleeding are more serious. “Bleeding early in pregnancy may also be a sign that the pregnancy isn't in the uterus at all, but is in the fallopian tube, the cervix, or a C-section scar,” says Dr. White. “Bleeding may also be a sign of an impending miscarriage; half of the people who bleed in early pregnancy will have a loss. Bleeding later in pregnancy, in the second and third trimesters, can be a sign of a problem with the placenta, or might be the onset of labor.”

What to do if you have bleeding while pregnant

Because bleeding during pregnancy can be caused by so many things, it’s important to get it checked out immediately. “Always call your doctor right away and seek urgent or emergency evaluation and treatment,” says Dr. Rad. “For me, any type or amount of bleeding in pregnancy is not okay. Whether the bleeding is brown, light spotting, or heavy—and whether or not there is pain—I recommend all my patients get immediately evaluated. It is impossible and difficult to tell what the issue is just based on the type or amount of bleeding.”

Related: Can a Fertility Massage Help You Get Pregnant?

Don’t assume the worst

While bleeding during pregnancy can sometimes signal a serious problem, it may also be innocuous and result from minor conditions. Try to think positive until you get evaluated by a medical professional. “Bleeding in pregnancy is scary, but it's also common,” says Dr. White. “Many pregnancies that have bleeding will develop normally, so while you should have an evaluation from your doctor or midwife, try to believe them when they say that everything looks good and will likely be fine.”

Next up, here’s what you should know about Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.


  • Dr. Amy Roskin, Chief Medical Officer at Favor
  • Dr. Kate White, M.D., M.P.H., OB-GYN, author of Your Guide to Miscarriage and Pregnancy Loss (Mayo Clinic Press), associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the Boston University School of Medicine and vice chair of academics in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Boston Medical Center
  • Dr. Steve Rad, MD, FACOG, of the Los Angeles Fetal & Maternal Care Center

Can you get a full period and still be pregnant?

The short answer is no. Despite all of the claims out there, it isn't possible to have a period while you're pregnant. Rather, you might experience “spotting” during early pregnancy, which is usually light pink or dark brown in color.

Can you bleed like a period in early pregnancy?

Spotting or bleeding may occur shortly after conception, this is known as an implantation bleed. It is caused by the fertilised egg embedding itself in the lining of the womb. This bleeding is often mistaken for a period, and it may occur around the time your period is due.