Feels like something is stuck in my throat after wisdom teeth removal

Some patients need not undergo wisdom tooth removal when their third molars come out in the correct position. However, it becomes necessary when a patient’s wisdom tooth is impacted. This means that his mouth does not have enough space for the third molar to properly develop. Another reason might be that its growth only causes damage to the neighboring teeth or the jaw bone. Dentists take a digital X-ray of the mouth to ensure that extraction is the best course of action. 

The removal of a third molar no longer requires a tooth replacement. However, patients need to be extra cautious in caring for their mouth after the procedure to prevent tooth extraction infection. Conversely, how do you determine the signs and symptoms of an infection after the rear tooth extraction?

10 Signs of wisdom tooth removal infection

  1. You experience difficulty in breathing or swallowing your food. 
  2. There’s excessive bleeding in the surgical site. 
  3. The gums surrounding the extraction site is swelling. 
  4. You have bad breath or taste in the mouth even after you gargle with a saltwater rinse. 
  5. The feeling is numbness is past 24 hours since the wisdom tooth removal
  6. Pus is developing in the socket. 
  7. It’s painful when you open and close your mouth. 
  8. You still feel dental pain even after taking prescribed medications. 
  9. You have a high temperature within the week following the procedure. 
  10. There is blood or pus discharge from your nose. 

You need to immediately seek your dentist’s help at the first sign of any of the tooth extraction infection symptoms. These should not be taken lightly as they may escalate to other dental problems. 

Caring for your mouth after wisdom tooth removal 

Caring for yourself after any surgical procedure is imperative. After your wisdom tooth removal appointment, you have to clear your schedule so you can go home and take a rest. Your body needs it so you can recover faster and be back to your daily routine after 72 hours. During this period, avoid doing physical or strenuous activities that may increase your blood pressure. In this manner, excessive bleeding is prevented. Enjoy more cold food to constrict the blood vessels in your mouth and encourage blood clot formation on the extraction site. The sooner blood clot is formed, the higher chances of evading wisdom tooth extraction infection. 

Wisdom tooth extraction in London, Ontario is one of the common dental procedures that you may need to undergo. There’s nothing to be anxious about as long as you heed your dentist’s instructions after the tooth removal.

Your wisdom teeth are the last of your teeth to erupt through the gums. Sometimes there’s not enough jaw space to accommodate these final four teeth, and your dentist may recommend wisdom tooth removal.

Surgical removal of a wisdom tooth is done by a specialist, such as an oral surgeon. After surgery, your mouth will begin healing by forming a blood clot over the holes where wisdom teeth were located.

While the blood clot is forming, you may get food particles in the hole. This is perfectly normal. If the food particle isn’t too uncomfortable, leaving it alone is an option, and it’ll eventually dislodge itself.

If you do choose to dislodge it, you must do so safely so that the blood clot or stitches (if you have them) aren’t disrupted, and so that you don’t introduce bacteria into the area.

Avoid picking the food out with your fingers, tongue, or any instrument that’s sharp or unsterilized.

Read on to learn how to safely remove food stuck in a wisdom tooth hole, and what to watch out for while a wisdom tooth hole is healing.

Don’t rinse your mouth for the first 24 hours after surgery. After that, if food lodges in a wisdom tooth hole, you can rinse your mouth with warm salt water (saline) to help dislodge the food.

Use a gentle mouthwash to rinse your mouth and teeth. But remember not to rinse your mouth the first 24 hours after surgery. And, talk with your dentist about when you can start using mouthwash.

In some instances, your surgeon or dentist may recommend a germicidal mouthwash to kill bacteria.

Follow the same directions as you would for a saltwater rinse.

A syringe can help you target the flow of water from every angle at the hole, which can help lift the food particle out.

If you don’t have a syringe handy, using a spray bottle may also be effective. Don’t try this technique until you can hold your mouth fully open.

This device is also known as a water flosser.

Check with your dentist before you use a water flosser after your wisdom tooth removal. They may recommend you wait a few weeks.

Using a gentle setting, aim the stream of water into the area where the food particle is lodged. The flow of water may be enough to dislodge it.

You can also try to gently dislodge a food particle from a wisdom tooth hole with a clean, new, soft-bristle toothbrush.

Don’t brush vigorously. Instead, use very soft strokes.

Don’t use this technique until at least a week has passed since your surgery.

If a soft-bristle brush is uncomfortable, try using a sterile cotton swab to gently brush the area.

Be careful not to push the food particle further into the hole.

You’ll want to wait at least a week after your surgery before using this technique.

Here are some ways you can help prevent food from getting stuck in a wisdom tooth hole.

Don’t chew near the hole

Do your best to not chew food on the side of your mouth where you had the extraction. If you had multiple teeth removed, this may not be possible.

Rinse your mouth after eating

Rinse your mouth immediately after eating to help dislodge food particles and bacteria.

A saltwater rinse or germicidal mouthwash are your best bets.

Eat a soft food diet after removal

Start off with a soft food diet.

Avoid chewy foods, crunchy foods, or foods that can leave particles in the mouth, such as seeds. This will help avoid getting pieces in the wisdom tooth hole that are hard to dislodge.

You should also avoid spicy or acidic foods, which may dissolve the blood clot.

Avoid any suction activities

Any activity that causes suction can result in dry socket.

Dry socket is a complication of tooth extraction that’s caused by the removal of the blood clot that forms over the hole.

Drinking through a straw, smoking, or spitting can all cause dry socket.

Call your doctor immediately if you have any of these symptoms of an infection or dry socket:

  • swelling that’s severe or increases after 2 or 3 days postsurgery
  • severe pain or pain that gets worse instead of better
  • throbbing, tingling, or a scratchy feeling in the gum
  • oozing of pus
  • excessive bleeding
  • fever
  • numbness
  • pus or blood in nasal discharge
  • an unrelenting bad or sour taste that doesn’t dissipate with rinsing

Infections can occur after any type of surgical procedure, including wisdom tooth removal. Infections must be treated by a dentist or doctor.

Some symptoms of infection and dry socket are similar. They include:

  • pain
  • bad breath
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth

If you have dry socket, you may also see visible bone in the tooth socket.

It takes anywhere from 3 to 7 days to recover fully from minor wisdom tooth surgery.

Recovering from extensive procedures may take several weeks longer. During that time, you may have residual bleeding and swelling. Other symptoms to expect include bruising on the outside of your cheek and soreness in your jaw.

Recovery time for wisdom tooth holes will be determined by how extensive the surgery was and whether you had stitches. Holes from complicated extractions can take up to 6 weeks or longer to close up.

Tips to speed up recovery

  • Keep the hole from wisdom tooth removal covered with a sterile gauze pad for 45 to 60 minutes after surgery to aid the formation of a blood clot.
  • Replace the sterile gauze pad often in the first hour after wisdom tooth removal until bleeding has stopped. Try applying pressure by closing your mouth with the gauze in place. If bleeding doesn’t stop or is very heavy, talk with your dentist.
  • Don’t rinse the area for the first 24 hours after surgery unless otherwise instructed by your dentist.
  • After the first 24 hours, keep the area clean by rinsing with warm salt water to help dislodge particles of food and bacteria.
  • If you smoke, avoid doing so during your recovery.

Not all wisdom teeth need to be removed. Some impacted wisdom teeth remain below the gum line and never erupt.

Some impacted wisdom teeth that don’t erupt right away may still cause crowding or other issues with your teeth and jaw. Have your dentist monitor wisdom teeth that haven’t been removed in case problems arise.

After wisdom tooth extraction, a hole may be visible in the tooth’s socket. This hole will eventually be closed up by a blood clot.

If you have any signs of infection or dry socket, talk with your dentist.

Try to keep food particles out of the hole. If you do get food in a wisdom tooth hole, don’t panic — there are several ways to remove it.

You can also leave food particles alone if they don’t bother you. They may eventually fall out themselves.

Keep in mind that a wisdom tooth hole heals from the bottom up, not from the top down. You don’t have to worry about food getting trapped permanently under the gums.

How do I clear my throat after wisdom teeth removal?

Your sore throat after your wisdom tooth surgery is completely normal and you can have it subside in no time with some simple remedies..
Salt water remedy. Gargling salt water is a remedy for most any mouth pain. ... .
A cold compress or cold treats. ... .
Hot tea and lots of liquids. ... .
Lemon and honey. ... .
Eat soft foods..

Can wisdom teeth cause lump in throat feeling?

Swollen Glands In The Neck And Shoulders Impacted wisdom teeth can cause swelling in the jaw as well as the surrounding glands and lymph nodes. If the wisdom teeth become infected, swollen glands are often present. Removing an infected wisdom tooth will often relieve the pain and swelling of the glands.

Is it normal for it to be hard to swallow after wisdom teeth removal?

Difficulty in swallowing and inability to open the mouth widely occurs commonly after surgery secondary to the swelling of the tissues in the area. Chewing soft foods and moving your jaw helps this to gradually improve as the swelling and discomfort go away.

Can wisdom teeth make your throat feel weird?

An Impacted Wisdom Tooth Could Cause A Sore Throat An abscessed tooth can cause significant pain, and can also cause bacteria to spread throughout your mouth, resulting in a sore throat. This is the most common with the lower wisdom teeth. You may notice other symptoms, too.