How do they test for kennel cough

How is kennel cough diagnosed?

There isn’t a test specific to diagnosing kennel cough, but if your dog is displaying symptoms and they’ve been in an environment with other dogs during the incubation period, it’s a good chance it’s kennel cough. Sometimes swabs will be taken to determine the virus or bacteria that’s causing it, but this isn’t standard as it’s not always useful when deciding on treatment options.

How to treat kennel cough in dogs

Kennel cough can usually go away on its own. For many dogs, kennel coughs will clear up within three weeks and shouldn’t need any treatment at all. For mild cases, treatment that includes a couple of weeks of rest can help your dog make a full recovery quickly.

If your dog seems otherwise perky and is eating well, you should be able to use home remedies to make your dog more comfortable. This includes keeping them in a humid area (you can use a humidifier to help) and avoiding using a collar as this may aggravate their windpipe further.

If you're worried about your dog, take them to see the vet. It’s best to phone the clinic beforehand and explain you think they have kennel cough so they can minimise the risk to other dogs.

The vet may be able to prescribe antibiotics for kennel cough to target the Bordetella bacteria. If needed, they may also prescribe a canine cough medicine or an anti-inflammatory to sooth your dog’s throat.

Is there a kennel cough vaccine?

Protection against some of the viruses that can cause kennel cough is included in puppy and booster vaccinations. These viruses include canine influenza, canine distemper, canine parainfluenza virus and canine adenovirus type two.

Your vet can also provide a vaccination against the main bacterial cause, Bordetella – this can be a nasal spray or an injection. Many boarding kennels and doggy day-cares require dogs to have the vaccination before their stay.

However, because kennel cough has a wide range of causes and strains, this vaccine cannot guarantee protection for your dog.

Can dogs get kennel cough more than once?

Yes, dogs can get kennel cough more than once as there are a variety of strains. However, if your dog catches the strain known as ‘Bordetella bronchispetica’, they should be immune for between six to 12 months.

Can humans get kennel cough?

Kennel cough is a type of respiratory infection rather than a specific disease and so it has a range of possible causes. Most of the canine viruses cannot be transmitted to humans.

However, the main bacteria Bordetella bronchiseptica can infect humans, though this is very rare and only a risk factor for people with weakened immune systems. There is also very little evidence that humans can contract the bacteria from animals. Cases are very rare and shouldn’t be a concern for most people.

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Dr. Rachel Morgan has composed 9 of the most commonly asked questions about kennel cough. If you have additional questions or you feel your dog is exhibiting signs of kennel cough we encourage you to contact your primary veterinarian. 

1.)    What is the underlying cause of “kennel cough”?

 Kennel cough, or infectious tracheobronchitis, is a relatively nonspecific phrase that can refer to a number of underlying causes. While many use the term “kennel cough” to refer to respiratory infections caused by the bacteria Bordetella bronchiseptica, there are a multitude of viruses and bacterial agents that can cause a dog to develop a cough. If your dog begins coughing, it is important to have a physical exam performed by your regular veterinarian to rule out any other underlying causes that may be responsible for the animal’s symptoms.

2.)    My dog was fully vaccinated and still contracted kennel cough—how could this happen?

While Bordetella vaccinations offer protection against infections caused by the bacteria, they cannot prevent 100% of infections, and they cannot offer immunity against other bacterial or viral causes of infectious tracheobronchitis. Despite its shortcomings, there is evidence that the Bordetella vaccine can help decrease the overall number and severity of infections. A naturally occurring infection does not provide immunity against future infections.

3.)    How can I tell the difference between kennel cough and Canine influenza?

Definitive identification of the underlying cause requires submission of samples from an infected patient’s nose and throat to a diagnostic laboratory. In cases where symptoms appear mild, additional testing is often not performed. However, in cases where the dog is lethargic, has a fever or lack of appetite, your veterinarian may recommend  additional diagnostics such as blood work, chest radiographs and sample submission.

4.)    My dog has not spent time in a boarding kennel—how could he have kennel cough?

Many causes of respiratory infections are extremely contagious, and dogs can become exposed via close contact with another infected dog in a variety of settings including dog parks, daycare facilities and training classes. These facilities attempt to limit the spread of infection by requiring proof of vaccination and directing owners of symptomatic animals to keep their dogs at home.

5.)    Why are Bordetella and other respiratory infections so contagious?

Many viruses and bacteria like B. bronchiseptica have a preference for establishing themselves within the lining of a dog’s airway. The bacteria or virus is then released into the air each time an animal coughs, producing a source of infection for other animals. As a result, any dog with a suspected respiratory infection should be kept away from other dogs for at least one week after all symptoms have completely resolved.

6.)    If my dog is exposed to an animal with kennel cough, how long will it take him or her to develop symptoms?  What symptoms should I watch out for?

The incubation period ranges from 2-14 days. The most common clinical signs include the abrupt onset of a dry, hacking cough that often culminates with a retching noise. Some animals may also experience fever, nasal discharge, lack of appetite and lethargy. Although there is the chance that a mild respiratory infection may become more serious, the majority of infections are typically self limiting and characterized by a mild cough that lasts 1-2 weeks. However, even if your animal’s symptoms are mild it is important to schedule a physical examination with your regular veterinarian.

7.)    Are respiratory infections like Bordetella and Canine Influenza transmissible to humans or other pets other than dogs?

These infections are strains that are specific to dogs, and cannot be passed on to humans, felines or other non canine pets.

8.)    My dog’s cough worsened even after being placed on oral antibiotics—why would this happen?

Coughing can become a vicious cycle even in patients with a mild infection. Coughing is a result of inflammation caused by the actions of a viral or bacterial infection. However, the action of coughing can also lead to additional local irritation and inflammation. If you feel you’re your dog’s episodes of coughing are frequent and severe enough that they interfere with eating, drinking and sleeping, speak to your regular veterinarian about whether or not a cough suppressant  should be prescribed. Respiratory infections often need time to run their course, and it is not unusual for patients to have a pronounced cough for 1-2 weeks despite antibiotic therapy. During this time, it is important to keep your veterinarian updated as to how your dog is doing at home in regards to appetite and energy. If you see changes in these areas, or if your dog seems to have any difficulty breathing comfortably, you should seek prompt medical attention.

9.)    Is there a vaccine available? How often should my dog be vaccinated against kennel cough?

There are currently injectable, intranasal and oral forms of the vaccine against Bordetella bronchiseptica available.  According to the vaccination guidelines established by the American Veterinary Medical Association, the oral or intranasal form can be administered as early as 8 weeks of age and can be boostered 2-4 weeks later. The injectable form is typically administered as early as 8 weeks of age with a booster given 4 weeks later. It is recommended that adult dogs with potential for exposure to at risk environments be vaccinated every 6-12 months.  

Is there a test to see if your dog has kennel cough?

Because there's no specific test for kennel cough, it's a diagnosis of exclusion. Your veterinarian will examine your dog to exclude other causes of a nonproductive cough, such as heart disease, fungal and parasitic infections like heartworm disease, a collapsing trachea, and cancer.

How long does it take to diagnose kennel cough?

What symptoms should I watch out for? The incubation period ranges from 2-14 days. The most common clinical signs include the abrupt onset of a dry, hacking cough that often culminates with a retching noise. Some animals may also experience fever, nasal discharge, lack of appetite and lethargy.

When should I take my dog to the vet for kennel cough?

Contact your vet right away if you spot any of the following: Coughing continues for more than 7 days. Your dog loses their appetite. They develop a fever.

How do vets treat kennel cough?

Health care professionals will perform oxygen therapy and introduce intravenous fluids to stabilize your dog's condition and get them to a point where they can continue treatment at home. Your vet may prescribe antibiotics, expectorants, and other medications to address specific symptoms.


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