How effective is birth control pills without pulling out reddit

How effective is birth control pills without pulling out reddit

So my boyfriend and I stopped using condom about 2 months ago. I'm on the pill and take it religiously everyday within 30 min of the same time (I set an alarm). He always pulls out, and I'm aware that precum can potentially have sperm in it. We have a lot of sex when we get to see each other on the weekends. I also know that the only way to not freak out is to not have sex. I just have really bad anxiety and close to when my period is supposed to come I panic and need to be talked down. I know it's silly to be worried when the pill is so effective but it's hard to tell my anxious mind that when its picturing the worst possible case scenario. Please help me calm down ):

With typical use (i.e. most people) the pill on its own is 91% effective, which means about one woman in every 11 who only use the pill would get pregnant over a year.

Using the pill plus withdrawal is about 97.6% effective, or one woman in 40 getting pregnant each year.

If you and your partner are comfortable with those risks, then it's not too risky for you, which is all that matters. Plenty of couples use only the pill, and most of them don't get pregnant - but some do. I do suggest making sure you have a thorough discussion about options if you did get pregnant before you drop withdrawal, but you're not held to those discussions if you have an accidental pregnancy and suddenly everything feels different than you anticipated.

You also might want to look at what your alternatives are, if you want to stop using withdrawal but the pill alone doesn't seem enough for you - like the injection, IUDs or implant, or combining with a different method like spermicide or a diaphragm.

I’m 22F and have been on the pill for several years. I take it at the same time every day using an alarm on my phone. Even thought I’m what would be considered a “perfect” user, I’ve always used a condom just to be safe, since although I know the pill should technically be 99.9% effective with me taking it at the same time, I also didn’t want to have to stress between periods.

Two months ago, I entered a relationship with a long time friend. I asked him to wear a condom since I had taken some antibiotics when I got sick earlier, and he seemed to have no problem with it.

I’ve talked to some of my girlfriends, and it sounds like it’s not really typical to use a condom in a long term relationship when you’re on the pill. I’ve talked to my boyfriend about it, and he says that sex does feel better without a condom, but that he doesn’t mind wearing one if it makes me more comfortable.

I think ditching the condoms would be something I’m interested in exploring, but I was wondering what everyone’s experiences were with this. Do you use a condom in addition to the pill. Do you find the pill + pulling out to be effective?

Forgive my ignorance, but here goes:

My new boyfriend LOATHES condoms (original, right?). After we both get tested, he has explicitly stated that he would like to not use them (we've actually only had sex once due to long distance at the moment, and did use a condom, but he had trouble keeping hard when it was on, and has told me he has this problem a lot).

I've been on Yaz for almost 2 years now, and have gotten VERY good at taking the pill sometime between 8:00 - 9:00 am without fail.

None of my friends are sexually active using only the pill, so I'm hoping to poll Reddit for the good and the bad. How many of you have used only the pill successfully? For how long?

I feel like I tend to view only the horror stories of pregnancies and pregnancy scares, but would like to hear all sides (including the pregnancy stories if that is the case). I admit I have some reservations about using only the pill, but I feel like the information I've seen is a bit one-sided. I'm pretty much a sex newbie (I can count the number of times I've had sex on one hand), and this would be the first time I've ever even considered going sans condom.

Thanks in advance!

EDIT Wow! Thanks for the quick replies! I think this Reddit thing is growing on me. :P.

A few of you have mention the "if you want a condom, end of discussion". While I do like the idea of an extra pregnancy preventative measure, post STD-testing, I'm not opposed to getting rid of them, especially after hearing even a few positive experiences. I tend to be somewhat paranoid and negative in nature, so the few "pregnant on the pill" stories that I tend to see more often have kinda thrown me off.

While I know an additional BC method would be even safer, I couldn't seem to find too much real-life feedback on the pill and pill alone for birth control.

me (18m) and my gf (18f) were both virgins up until recently. for the past 3 months we’ve been having regular sex almost every time we are together. she has been on birth control the whole time, she has never been more than an hour late to take her pill. i don’t wear a condom because she takes the pill and i make sure to pull out every time anyways.

a week ago i didn’t pull out because she said we would be okay. she started bleeding and at first thought she was getting 2 periods in one month but it was such little amounts of blood she believed it was implantation bleeding or early pregnancy spotting. we went and got pregnancy tests and it came back negative. she didn’t bleed again and we determined the bleeding to be a side effect of her switching birth control brands.

her birth control brand is norethrindrone also called deblitane i think? i’ve also seen it called the mini pill before. if anyone knows more about it please let me know how effective it is and details on the side effects. hopefully there is a girl who has been on the mini pill seeing this

one last thing: i started accutane recently and if we continue to have sex i shouldn’t have to worry about having a kid with birth defects if she stays on the pill right?

How effective is birth control without pulling out?

Used perfectly, the pill is 99 percent effective at preventing pregnancy, whereas the pull out method is only 96 percent perfect.

Is the pill alone enough?

If you use it perfectly, the pill is 99% effective. But people aren't perfect and it's easy to forget or miss pills — so in reality the pill is about 91% effective. That means about 9 out of 100 pill users get pregnant each year.

Do you pull out while on birth control?

The best way to make the pull out method effective is to use it with another type of birth control (like the ring, pill, or condoms). This way, if there's a slip up, you're still protected. Condoms are a great method to use with pulling out.

Is birth control effective immediately Reddit?

You can start at any time, and as long as you're taking the pills correctly, it takes only seven days at the most for you to be protected against pregnancy. Just remember that the pill does not protect you against STDs.