How long does it take testosterone pills to work

How long does it take testosterone pills to work

Kire Stojkovski is a practicing medical doctor whose work has been published in some of the most respected medical journals.

Daniel Boyer is a practicing Doctor of medicine with a passion for medical research. He specializes in molecular biology, histology, and pharmacology.

How quickly do testosterone tablets work?

The ingredients in testosterone boosters need to build up in your body to have the right levels to stimulate more of the hormone. While you should start seeing some improvements within three to eight weeks, it can take up to six months to get the full effects.

Does taking testosterone pills work?

Testosterone supplements are often marketed as an easy way to boost testosterone levels, increase your sex drive, improve sexual performance and help with building muscle. These claims may sound impressive, but in many cases there isn't enough scientific evidence to support them.

Does testosterone have an immediate effect?

Soon after beginning hormone treatment, you will likely notice a change in your libido. Quite rapidly, your genitals, especially your clitoris, will begin to grow and become even larger when you are aroused. You may find that different sex acts or different parts of your body bring you erotic pleasure.

What happens after taking testosterone pills?

You will experience physical, mental, and sexual changes when you take testosterone supplements, including muscle mass growth, increased physical strength, higher sex drive, easy arousal, and an elevated mood. These changes can have mostly beneficial effects, but some harmful effects can occur.