How much of my mortgage payment goes to principal calculator

How to Calculate Mortgage Payments

A mortgage is nothing more than a debt instrument with a lien on the property being mortgaged, and mortgage payments are calculated as payments in an ordinary annuity. The formula to calculate mortgage payments is shown below:


  • PMT = mortgage payment
  • PV = present value (mortgage amount)
  • i = period interest rate expressed as a decimal
  • n = number of mortgage payments


Suppose you wish to acquire a home that costs $550,000. Right now, you only have enough saved to be able to make a down payment of $100,000. The bank you are working with has offered you a fixed interest rate of 4.0% on a 15-year, $450,000 loan. You choose to make monthly payments.

We will use the ordinary annuity formula to calculate each monthly payment. The present value here is $450,000, which is the value of the loan. The annual mortgage rate is 4.0%, so the monthly rate is 4.0% divided by twelve. The number of mortgage payments is 180, which is twelve payments per year for fifteen years. The work to calculate monthly payments is shown below:

This means that every month you will pay $3,328.60.

What is PMI, and How is It Calculated

Private mortgage insurance, or PMI, is a type of insurance typically required by the mortgage lender when the borrower’s down payment on a home is less than 20% of the total cost of the home. Private mortgage insurance rates are typically 0.5% to 1.0% of the value of the mortgage. In the United States, the borrower can generally ask to stop PMI payments when the loan to value ratio reaches 80%. If the request is denied or never made, the payments will usually be stoped automatically by the lender when the loan to value ratio reaches 78%.

In our example above, the purchaser made a down payment of only 18.2% of the total cost of the home, so the lender of the mortgage could require PMI payments until the borrower reaches an equity stake in the home of 20%, which is the same as a loan to value ratio of 80%. If the lender required PMI of 1.0% of the value of the loan annually, then the borrower would have to pay 1.0% of $450,000, which is $4,500 per year. To make this a monthly value, divide $4,500 by twelve, which is $375 per month. This value would simply be added to the base mortgage payment.

How much of my mortgage payment goes to principal calculator

Interest charges can constitute a surprisingly large percentage of your monthly loan payments. For a particular loan payment, this calculator will help you figure out how much you’re paying toward the principal and what you’re paying in interest.

First enter a loan’s original principal amount, as well as the interest rate, the original number of payments, and the monthly payment amount. Then indicate a payment number that you would like broken down. Press CALCULATE and you’ll see dollar amounts for the interest and principal portions of the payment number you specified.

Current Atlanta Personal Loan Rates

The following table shows currently available personal loan rates in Atlanta. Adjust your loan inputs to match your scenario and see what rates you qualify for.

Understanding the Breakdown of Loan Payments

How much of my mortgage payment goes to principal calculator

Loans are an essential part of most people's financial lives. Student loans, car loans, business loans, and mortgages are just a few of the types of loan a person may need to apply for during a lifetime. More goes into a loan payment than just paying back the borrowed money with some interest. Depending on the type of loan and the source from which the loan is obtained, you may end up paying several other things as well in your monthly payment. These factors are important to consider when looking for a loan since the same arrangement won't work for everyone.


The principal of a loan is the amount of money you borrowed. The majority of a loan payment is made to pay off the principal amount. Principal is most commonly paid off in fixed monthly installments, and you're obligated to make the same payment each month. However, you can pay more than your monthly bill if you want to get your loan paid off faster. Paying extra one month does not reduce the amount you will owe the next month, however, nor will it minimize any future payment amounts.


To borrow money, you have to pay interest when you pay back the principal. The bank or private loan company will calculate your interest rate. The percentage of interest you'll be paying changes as you pay back the principal. You'll owe more interest in the beginning because the principal is larger.

Though paying more than your monthly bill does not affect the amount of principal you have to pay back, it does have an impact on the amount of interest you pay, since the less time you spend owing money, the less time the interest has to compound. It also compounds on a smaller amount with each principal payment you make. Though the amount of interest you pay technically changes with each payment, banks and private loan companies usually amortize the payments, which means they calculate how much interest you'll owe over the term of your loan and come up with a steady monthly payment.


Loans do not always involve taxes. If you require a loan and aren't purchasing or renting something (like property) which carries a tax, then you don't need to worry about taxes associated with your loan. Loans themselves are not taxable by the government because they aren't income and they aren't gifts. However, if you're getting a mortgage, you'll have real estate taxes to pay. Also keep in mind that the IRS keeps an eye on loan payments, because if a loan is forgiven or if you simply stop paying for it, they may consider the money a gift or income instead of as a loan, at which point you will have to pay taxes on it.


Loan insurance isn't a necessity, but many borrowers choose to get insurance as a safety net. These insurance plans make loan payments under certain circumstances if the borrower is unable to make the payment. Circumstances depend on what kind of insurance, but some options involve coverage for death, disability, or involuntary unemployment.


Escrow is how things like taxes and insurance get built into your overall monthly loan payment. Some of the most typical types of loans, like mortgages, involve escrow payments. The purpose of an escrow payment is to collect money for taxes and insurance into an escrow account. The service through which you got the loan (like a bank or private loan company) then uses the escrow account to pay the taxes and insurance. If you don't have an escrow payment, then you are responsible for those taxes and insurance payments yourself. Once your loan has been paid off, any remaining balance in the escrow account returns to you. 


Some loans, like student loans and mortgages, come with loan fees attached. These origination fees are charged for setting up the loan. In student loan cases, for example, fees are usually deducted from the principal money borrowed, which lowers the total amount of money received, though the borrower is still required to pay back the entire amount of the loan, including the part deducted for the fees.

Knowing how loan payments work and what you're paying for when you make them is essential to maintaining good credit and financial stability. Before you get a loan, talk with your lender and find out exactly what goes into your payment since it's more complicated than just low interest rates and the timeline of the loan repayment.

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How do I calculate how much principal I am paying on my mortgage?

The principal is the amount of money you borrow when you originally take out your home loan. To calculate your mortgage principal, simply subtract your down payment from your home's final selling price.

How much of payment is principal?

The principal is the original loan amount not including any interest. For example, let's suppose you purchase a $350,000 home and put down $50,000 in cash. That means you're borrowing $300,000 of principal from the lender, which you'll need to pay back over the length of the loan.

How much extra should I pay off my mortgage principal?

The most budget-friendly way to do this is to pay 1/12 extra each month. For example, by paying $975 each month on a $900 mortgage payment, you'll have paid the equivalent of an extra payment by the end of the year.

How much goes into principal and interest?

In a principal + interest loan, the principal (original amount borrowed) is divided into equal monthly amounts, and the interest (fee charged for borrowing) is calculated on the outstanding principal balance each month. This means the monthly interest amount declines over time as the outstanding principal declines.