How much should i settle for a shoulder injury

Like all other personal injuries, there is no set amount for a torn labrum. Labral tears often occur with other shoulder injuries so an experienced personal injury attorney will be best equipped to assess your situation and come up with a fair settlement amount.

The damages you receive for your shoulder injury will be based on the extent of your injury, any loss of quality of life, and the circumstances which led to you being injured.

Depending on the severity of your injury, a torn labrum can settlement amount can be anywhere between several thousand to up to a hundred thousand dollars. Some of the damages that will be factored in to your settlement amount include:

  • Medical bills
  • Rehabilitation
  • Physical therapy
  • Lost wages
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Emotional pain and suffering
  • Future medical bills
  • Future lost wages

An experienced personal injury attorney will work with your doctors to get a full understanding of the extent of your labral tear and how that injury has affected your quality of life.

Your lawyer will come up with a settlement amount that covers your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and any medical bills and lost wages that you may accrue in the future.

What is a Labral Tear Shoulder Injury?

The labrum stabilizes the ball-and-socket joint of the shoulder by keeping the ball (humeral head) in the socket (scapula). The shallow, socket-like opening of the shoulder where the labrum is located is called the glenoid. Shoulder labrum tears can happen anywhere around the glenoid socket.

If you experience pain or swelling of the shoulder after an accident, you should visit a doctor or ER right away.

3 Main Types of Labral Tears:

  • SLAP or Lesion Tear:
    • Superior Labrum, Anterior to Posterior (SLAP) tears occur when the tear is above the middle of the glenoid and means “front to back”. This injury is common with anyone who uses a lot of overhead motions (think tennis, basketball, or baseball players).
  • Bankart Tear:
    • Common is young people with dislocated shoulders, this injury occurs when there is damage to the lower half of the glenoid socket.
  • Posterior Labrum Tear:
    • Rare; occurring in only 5 to 10 percent of all shoulder injuries. Happen when injuries are to the back of the shoulder joint.

Symptoms of Labral Tear Shoulder Injuries:

A torn shoulder labrum often occurs with other shoulder injuries. If you were in an accident and dislocated your shoulder, have rotator cuff tears or injuries, have a torn bicep, or another shoulder problem, you may have a torn labrum as well.

Torn labrums often occur along with injuries to the shoulder socket and/or upper arm bone, muscles, and tendons.

These injuries are very painful and symptoms include decreased range of motion, loss of strength, pain while doing daily activities, shoulder instability, and feelings of catching, locking, popping, or grinding.

Don’t Get Ripped Off by the Insurance Company!

After your accident, the insurance companies will want you to settle right away and usually for the lowest amount. Don’t do this! Shoulder injuries aren’t always diagnosed immediately after an accident. If you settle with the insurance company, you will lose the ability to seek further damages.

How much should i settle for a shoulder injury

If you injured your shoulder in a car accident, fall, or because of someone else’s negligence, you probably have a good personal injury case. You may feel like your injury may not be serious enough or that you are not the type of person to sue, we understand, but there is no shame in recovering the money for medical bills, lost wages, and property that were taken from you.

An experienced local attorney will work with your doctors to get a full understanding of the severity of your injury and get you a settlement amount that is fair and covers all your damages.

When you think of all the injuries that can happen in a car accident, shoulder injuries may seem like an unlikely outcome. While shoulder injuries occur more often than you may think in accidents, insurance companies usually try to undervalued or even ignore these injury claims. However, the shoulder is an important and commonly used area of the body – these types of injuries can make daily life and tasks much more difficult or even impossible.

Because shoulder injuries can range from minor to debilitating, claim values can provide victims anywhere from $10,000 to $200,000, depending on factors such as the severity of the injury and the level of negligence of the responsible party.

How much should i settle for a shoulder injury

If you’re wondering how shoulder injuries are valued in personal injury claims, then here’s what you should know.  

Not All Shoulder Injury Cases Are Equal

When looking at the factors that go into a shoulder injury settlement, you will see why all cases are so different. The following factors can vary significantly and will need to be considered when valuing an injury case:

  • Medical bills: Medical expenses play one of the biggest roles in any injury case. The higher your medical bills are, the more serious your injury likely is, as well. Your compensation should include all past and future medical-related costs, including emergency room services, medications, and doctor’s visits related to your injury.
  • Negligence: Your compensation will also be determined by the level of negligence shown by the other driver. If you can prove the other driver was driving recklessly or under the influence, then this can dramatically increase your potential compensation. However, if you were also found negligent, then that can affect your settlement amount, too.
  • Pain and suffering: A court may provide additional compensation for pain and suffering and other related effects of an accident. Pain and suffering are part of a category of damages known as non-economic damages. If your medical bills are very high and your injury is potentially long-term, then you may be eligible for pain and suffering compensation.
  • Lost income: If you have a job that requires any lifting, a shoulder injury can make it difficult or impossible to do. Any time you must spend out of work and unable to bring in income should be considered within your settlement.

Each of these factors can vary greatly from case to case. Make sure you speak to an experienced attorney who can give you the proper attention and advice. A personal injury attorney will be able to properly evaluate how much your shoulder injury case might be worth.

Types of Shoulder Injuries That Can Happen in a Car Accident

There are several injuries that you can suffer in a car accident. Some of the most common shoulder injuries can include:

  • Bursitis: This is an inflammation or irritation of a bursa sac on your body. Bursa sacs are fluid-filled pads that cushion your joints. The main treatments for bursitis are rest, ice, and pain-relieving medication. Surgery for bursitis is possible but uncommon.
  • Dislocation: This is an injury where a joint in the body is forced out of its normal place. First, you will need to have the joint put back in its correct location, followed by weeks of rest to recover. Surgery may be necessary for a severe dislocation.
  • Rotator cuff tear: This injury can occur when the tendons that connect muscle to the shoulder are torn. Treatments can include rest, medication, physical therapy, and even surgery.
  • Cartilage tear: This can include a torn shoulder labrum. This is the cup-shaped cartilage the surrounds and reinforces the socket joint of the shoulder. When the shoulder labrum or other cartilage tears, this can require significant time to recover and a potentially serious surgery.
  • Impingement: This is shoulder pain that is caused by a tendon rubbing against your shoulder blade. The most common treatments for shoulder impingement are rest, pain medication, and physical therapy.
  • Separation: This shoulder injury occurs when the ligaments between the collarbone and shoulder blade are torn. Common treatments include significant periods of rest and sometimes surgery.

These are not all of the potential shoulder injuries you may suffer in a car accident. If you’ve incurred any shoulder-related injury, you may be eligible for significant compensation if your case is presented properly.

Be Careful Believing Law Firm Websites That Offer Settlement Estimates

When reviewing law firm websites, you should be cautious about depending on the settlement values that may be advertised. Each case and the injuries suffered are different, and thus, each case value can significantly differ, too.

Often, law firms advertise their past results to demonstrate that you can expect a similar amount. Advertisements may say things like, “We got this for a client with your same injury.” However, until you receive a full case review, you can’t be sure if this amount will also apply to your case.

Depending on your unique situation, you may be able to obtain similar compensation, or you might be in line for more if the right facts and circumstances are presented.

If you’ve been injured in an accident due to someone else’s negligence, it is always best to consult with a personal injury attorney who can review the specific factors of your case. You should not depend on past settlement amounts to determine how much you should expect.

How Our Law Firm Will Work to Get You More for Your Shoulder Injury

The car accident attorneys at The Millar Law Firm pride themselves on their extensive knowledge and diligence in personal injury cases. We will collect all the evidence required to build a strong claim for you. We will locate and gather all of the necessary medical bills, x-rays, and all other potential damages to prove the cost and value of your shoulder injury case. This focus on the details allows us to take the time required to get you a full and fair settlement.

Once you have The Millar Law Firm in your corner, we will communicate and negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf to make sure you receive the highest possible settlement amount.

Consultations at The Millar Law Firm Are Always Free

If you or a loved one has suffered a shoulder injury from a car accident, make sure you seek the advice of an experienced personal injury lawyer. We can help. Call The Millar Law Firm today at (770) 400-0000 or contact us online to set up a free consultation with one of our attorneys.

What is the payout for a shoulder injury?

Because shoulder injuries can range from minor to debilitating, claim values can provide victims anywhere from $10,000 to $200,000, depending on factors such as the severity of the injury and the level of negligence of the responsible party.

How much should I settle for a shoulder injury UK?

The shoulder injury compensation payout for minor shoulder soft tissue injuries that heal almost completely within 3 months would range from a few hundred pounds to £2,450. If the above minor injuries last to 1 year, the shoulder injury compensation may amount to between £2,450 and £4,350.

How much compensation do you get for a torn rotator cuff?

The average settlement value of a workers compensation claim involving a torn rotator cuff is between $50,000.00 and $125,000.00. This amount does not include the medical or wage loss benefits the insurer may have paid before you settle.

How do I know how serious my shoulder injury is?

Here are signs that you need to see a doctor right away:.
Your shoulder joint looks deformed..
You can't use your shoulder at all..
The pain is intense..
The shoulder is swelling suddenly..
Your arm or hand is weak or numb..