How often should i change my house air filter

How often should i change my house air filter

Are you unsure how often to change your air filter? No problem. We understand there are a TON of contrasting recommendations available online, and we are here to give you the best guide based on your specific needs.

Play the video to learn more.

How Often to Change a Home Air Filter Video Transcript

Hi, I'm David. Welcome to Frequently, we get asked, "How often should I change my air filter?". Changing your air filter is the easiest and most effective way of maintaining your home's cooling and heating system.

A dirty air filter restricts airflow, which leads to bad air quality, higher energy bills, and over time will cause your system to ultimately fail. Figuring out how often you need to change your air filter will depend on where you live, the time of year, the filter material, and the efficiency of the filter you select.

This is a fiberglass filter. It's a low cost, disposable filter, but you'll need to change it every 30 days or less. Why? Because it's less efficient in capturing dust and particles in the air.

This pleated air filter is also disposable, but more efficient than fiberglass and lasts longer: up to 90 days depending on use.

If your air filter typically lasts 90 days, you should change it every 30 days during peak summer and winter months, when your system works the hardest.

Now you're ready to choose the right air filter to help maintain a clean and healthy environment for you and your family. Remember, proper maintenance of your home's cooling and heating system will maintain good air quality, increase the lifespan of your system, and consume less energy to help lower your bills.

To find out the right measurements and to locate your air filter, please watch our "How to Measure your Air Filter” video.

Understanding How Often to Change Your Air Filter

It is important to switch your air filters regularly to keep your indoor air quality at its best. By installing a new air filter, your AC unit will work more efficiently and lower your energy bills. You can also help reduce your carbon footprint by finding a way to recycle your dirty filter. How often to change your furnace filter will depend on the type of material and efficiency of the filter you select.

Determining How Often to Replace Your Air Filter Based on Material

  • Fiberglass Filters

    Fiberglass air filters are a low cost, disposable solution but need to be changed every 30 days or less.

  • Pleated Filters

    Pleated air filters are also disposable but typically have better efficiency than fiberglass and can last longer. Replace within 90 days depending on the season.

Other Important Factors to Consider when Deciding How Often to Change Air Filter

  • Where You Live

    It is possible that, given your geographic location, you don't have to use your AC or furnace throughout the day. If you are using your air filter for less than five hours a day, you can extend the life of your filter to a few extra months.

  • Time of Year

    Filters that would typically last 90 days should be changed every 30 days during peak summer and winter months. This is when HVAC systems are operating at max capacity and thus require maximum efficiency to continue running smoothly.

  • Size of Your Home

    Typically a larger home requires more frequent filter changes because furnaces and air conditioners must release more air for fluctuations in temperature.

  • Allergies

    For those suffering from allergies, it is important to change your air filter more often. We recommend replacing your filter every 30-45 days.

  • Family and Pets

    To ensure your family is safe from germs and other potentially harmful air particles, you want to replace your filter more often. Families with kids should change their filters every 60-90 days, while those with pets should increase the frequency to every 60 days for one pet and every 30 for two.

  • Air Quality

    Naturally, if the quality of air in your home isn't great, you will need to replace your air filters more often. Regular maintenance of your home’s cooling and heating system is essential to ensure it operates efficiently. Proper maintenance will keep good air quality in your home, increase the life span of your system, and consume less energy to help lower your bills. Curious as to how to improve air quality in your home? Learn more here.

Back to Helpful Tips

What happens if you don't change air filter in house?

The air filter keeps dust and other debris from circulating through your HVAC system. If the air filter fails to do this, not only will the debris pass through and start clogging your HVAC system, but it will also end up circulating through your home along with the air that your system circulates.

How do I know if my home air filter needs changing?

5 Signs Your Air Filter Needs to Be Replaced.
Dust and Dirt Around Vents. Dust and dirt collecting around AC vents may be caused by a clogged air filter. ... .
The Filter Looks Dirty or Clogged. ... .
Rise in Electricity Bill. ... .
It Takes Longer to Heat or Cool Your Home. ... .
The AC Unit Is Hot..

Should I change my air filter every month?

It is a general recommendation that you should change your air filter in your home every 30 days when using less expensive fiberglass filters. High-end pleated filters can last as long as 6 months, but these typical guidelines assume average use and don't take into account the size and type of filter.