How to calculate percentage increase in google sheets

Google Sheets offers many features that you’d need when dealing with spreadsheets on a daily basis. Depending on your work, you may have to compare two values and find the proportion at which the new value differs from the older one. This is important for situations like knowing how good your company’s sales are, if your expenditure has gone up/down, how much better your students have performed, and more. 

If you’re looking for ways to find proportional differences between two values, Google Sheets offers an easy way to determine percentage changes. 

The formula to determine the change in percentage terms in Google Sheets is: to_percent(). With the to_percent() formula, you provide values in the brackets in various manners, including simple ways like direct numerical values or cell references. Let’s explore them all and see how to use the to_percent() formula easily.

Google Sheet percentage change formula: How to use it

For calculating percentage changes, you only need to use one function inside Google Sheet: to_percent(). Inside the brackets “()“, you’ll need to provide the values and the mathematical formula to get the desired change in percentage form. Since you’re comparing two values to find their proportional difference, the to_percent() function will have this formula inside the brackets – (Value 2 – Value 1) / Value 1

To explain this function, we’ve created a sheet to compare the marks of students between Exam 1 and Exam 2. In this sheet, you can use the to_percent() to check whether their performance has improved over the two exams.

How to calculate percentage increase in google sheets

If you have created a sheet like this, click on cell D2 to calculate the percentage difference in marks for student A in exams 1 and 2. 

How to calculate percentage increase in google sheets

In this cell, type =to_percent((C2-B2)/B2), since cell C2 hosts Student A’s marks from Exam 2 and B2 hosts from Exam 1. After typing this function, press the Enter key on your keyboard. 

How to calculate percentage increase in google sheets

You will now see the percentage change between C2 and B2 inside cell D2.

How to calculate percentage increase in google sheets

In most cases, you’ll see a Suggested autofill that shows similar results for the rows in the spreadsheet.

How to calculate percentage increase in google sheets

If not, you can duplicate the function to work with values listed in other rows (in this case, rows 3, 4, and 5). To do that, click on the blue square dot at the bottom right corner of cell C2 and drag it downwards till C5

How to calculate percentage increase in google sheets

When you do that, the cells under column C will show the percentage changes between two values in their respective rows. 

How to calculate percentage increase in google sheets

Depending on the two values you provided, the percentage change may include negative values and decimals. The negative values denote a decrease from Value 1 to Value 2, which is indicated by a – sign.

How to calculate percentage increase in google sheets

As for decimals, you can choose to keep them, remove them, or edit the number of values that are shown after the decimal point by formatting the cells accordingly. In the example below, the percentage changes in Column C are all assigned in decimal numbers.

How to calculate percentage increase in google sheets

To change their formatting, select all the concerned cells in Column C first, click on the Format tab from the top toolbar and go to Number > Custom number format

How to calculate percentage increase in google sheets

You’ll now see the Custom number formats box on your screen. Since the cells currently have values in 0.00%, you can remove the decimals by entering 0% in the text box at the top. If you want more values after the decimal point, add more zeroes after the decimal value in 0.00% to get your desired results. Once you add a preferred format, click on Apply

How to calculate percentage increase in google sheets

You’ll now see the new values inside Column C in your spreadsheet. 

How to calculate percentage increase in google sheets

That’s all you need to know about calculating percentage changes in Google Sheet. 

How do I calculate percentage change in Google Sheets?

How to Calculate Percentage Change in Google Sheets.
Select the cell where you want to show the percentage change. That will be cell D2 in our example..
Go to the formula bar and enter the formula below: =(C2-B2)/B2*100. ... .
Press Enter. ... .
Grab the fill handle and drop it on the cells below..

How do you calculate growth in Google Sheets?

GROWTH is a formula in Google Sheets that can be used to calculate the growth rate of a data set. The formula uses the following syntax: =GROWTH(x,y,n) The "x" and "y" arguments represent the starting and ending values of the data set, while the "n" argument represents the number of data points in the set.

Can you calculate percentage in Google Sheets?

You can calculate the percentage for part of a total with a simple formula in Google Sheets. The syntax for the formula is =(part/total) or part divided by total. You can use cell references or inserted values for the part and total or a combination of the two.

How do you calculate percentage increase formula?

Subtract the original value from the new value, then divide the result by the original value. Multiply the result by 100. The answer is the percent increase.