How to get dried dry erase marker off

Don't sweat it if your kid gets some dry erase marker on their clothes. You can get it out. Stanislaw Pytel/Getty Images

Wet erase markers are made with water soluble dyes, are intended to be used on laminated surfaces, and can be removed with a damp cloth. In contrast to this, dry erase markers are not water soluble, are intended for use on non-porous materials, such as porcelain or glass, and are not washable. Dry erase ink contains pigments and release agents. When these small particles of color come in contact with clothing fibers they become trapped in the fiber and do not come out. However all is not lost. Here's how to get dry erase stains out of your clothing.

  1. Place several paper towels on a table. Place the stained clothing, stain side down, on the towels. The stain should be directly on top of the paper towels.
  2. Apply rubbing alcohol around the stained area that you see from the back of the clothing, using a sponge. Then dab alcohol straight onto the stain, again from the back of the garment, using a sponge.
  3. Continue rubbing the stain, changing the paper towels as they get wet. You will see the paper towels absorb the stain. Repeat this process until you can't see the stain any longer.
  4. Rinse the garment thoroughly with clean water.
  5. Wash and launder the garment as usual [source: Good Housekeeping].

You can sometimes remove dry erase marker by pre-treating the garment with a stain remover, such as Shout, and then washing the garment as usual.

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Originally Published: May 17, 2011

Clean Dry Erase Board FAQ

How do you restore a whiteboard?

You can restore a whiteboard by cleaning your erasers thoroughly so that it cleans the whiteboard surface properly. Additionally, a damp microfiber cloth can help clean the board better.

What can I use to remove permanent marker?

A permanent marker stain can be quite difficult to remove. However, the situation can be rectified by using a bit of vinegar or rubbing alcohol on the surface.

How do you clean a badly stained whiteboard?

The easiest way to clean a badly stained whiteboard is to use a fresh dry erase marker. Cover the stains completely by drawing over them, then erase the board with a clothor a felt eraser.

How do you fix a whiteboard that won't clean up?

Isopropyl alcohol works like a charm even on the most stubborn stains. Mix it with water to make a DIY cleaner, increasing the quantity of the alcohol if the stains persist.

How do I make a whiteboard spray?

Whiteboard sprays help clean the surface of a whiteboard. You can make a spray by mixing an equal amount of water and white vinegar. Let it sit for a few minutes and use where necessary on the whiteboard.

Just how bad is it to get pen marks on clothes? If that’s already bad enough, just how bad is getting dry erase marker stains on clothes? I hate it when I get seemingly irremovable stains on my favorite shirts. Thankfully, there are easy ways to remove dry erase marker stains on clothing.

I have discovered four easy methods on how to get dry erase marker off clothes. But first, let’s discuss what makes dry erase marker cloth stains hard to get remove


  • Why Water Can’t Remove Dry Erase Marker Stains?
  • How to Get Dry Erase Marker Off Fabric
    • Using Alcohol
    • Murphy’s Oil
    • Hand Sanitizers for More Delicate Clothes
    • Dry Cleaner Fluid
    • Important to Remember!
  • Final Thoughts

Why Water Can’t Remove Dry Erase Marker Stains?

Perhaps the most often thought solution to dry erase marker stains on clothing is dabbing it with a wet cloth. But this doesn’t work.

Dry erase markers are not water-soluble. That is its main difference from wet-erase markers. Wet erase markers are made with water-soluble dyes intended to be used on laminated or porous surfaces.

Dry erase markers, on the other hand, are not water-soluble. Its ink contains a solvent and pigments that release agents. When these tiny particles of color touch fabrics, they become entangled in the fabric. It’s hard to get them out.

Using Alcohol

This is perhaps the most efficient way to get dry erase marker stains off clothes. It only requires paper towels, a sponge, and alcohol – materials every household has.

Here’s how to do this method:

Step 1: Place paper towels on a flat surface.

Step 2: Place the fabric stain side down on the paper towels.

Step 3: Apply rubbing alcohol around and on the stain marks using a sponge. This step requires patience and gentleness. Rubbing the stained area too hard can spread the stain.

Step 4: Change the paper towels as they get wet. The paper towels should absorb the stain.

Step 5: Keep repeating the process until no more stain is visible on the cloth.

Step 6: Rinse the fabric thoroughly using clean water.

Step 7: Launder the fabric normally.

Why Does Alcohol work?

As I mentioned above, dry erase markers have solvents and pigments. The solvent that dissolves the color pigments is usually alcohol. The alcohol dissolves the color pigments stuck in the fibers of the fabric, effectively removing the stain on the cloth. The higher the concentration of the rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol), the better the results will be.

Murphy’s Oil

Everyone who takes cleaning their homes very seriously has heard of Murphy’s Oil. If I were to ask any self-respecting homeowner how they maintain the cleanliness of their home, Murphy’s Oil will be mentioned.

Here’s how to use this powerful cleaning tool to get dry erase markers off clothes.

Step 1: Place paper towels on a flat surface.

Step 2: Dip an old toothbrush or a toothbrush no one is using, in Murphy’s Oil. Make sure that the toothbrush is absolutely saturated in the oil. For better results, use a wet toothbrush.

Step 3: Gently rub the stain with the toothbrush until suds form.

Step 4: Keep adding Murphy’s Oil if necessary.

Step 5: Keep rubbing the cloth with the toothbrush until the stain is mostly faded.

Step 6: Use clean water and dishwashing liquid to get the rest of the stain off. Use a sponge, clean water, and mild dishwashing soap to rub the stain until it is completely off.

Step 7: Rinse the fabric thoroughly with clean water to get the dishwashing soap and Murphy’s Oil off.

Step 8: Launder the cloth.

Hand Sanitizers for More Delicate Clothes

There are a lot of alcohol-based cleaning agents and chemicals. One of the most effective against dry erase markers on clothing is hand sanitizer. Hand sanitizers usually have 60% alcohol content. But because hand sanitizers are meant to be used for hands, it’s gentler than other alcohol-based products.

Here’s how to use it to remove dry erase marker stains on fabrics.

Step 1: Clean the fabric of dust. The dust can mix into the hand sanitizer and stick to the cloth, making it look dirty.

Step 2: Squeeze hand sanitizer over the stain. There should only be enough hand sanitizer to cover the stain mark if the sanitizer is spread.

Step 3: Use a clean sponge to smear the hand sanitizer. Make sure to spread it in gentle circular motion.

Step 4: Let the hand sanitizer settle on the stain for 15 minutes.

Step 5: Rinse the fabric with cold water.

Step 6: If the stain is not completely gone, repeat the process all over again.

Step 7: Launder the cloth normally.

Dry Cleaner Fluid

I discovered that I can use the same compounds I use to clean my carpets to remove dry erase marks on clothes.

Step 1: Apply some carpet stain remover or dry cleaning fluid on the surface of the stained fabric.

Step 2: Let it settle for a few minutes.

Step 3: Rinse with clean water and a sponge.

Step 4: Repeat if necessary.

Step 5: Launder the cloth normally.

Important to Remember!

Whatever method I choose to get dry erase marks off my clothes, I first do a test run. I make sure that the chemical compound I will use will not damage or discolor the fabric. How do I do this?
If I have a spare fabric the cloth is made of, that’s what I use for the test run. If I don’t have a spare fabric, I use a tiny portion of the cloth not easily visible. For shirts, this is usually around the armpits area. To be safer, I use the underside of the cloth. I just apply a very small amount of the chemical to the area. I let it settle to see if there will be adverse effects. If there are none, I proceed with the cleaning process.

Final Thoughts

I actually have a lot of effective methods on how to get dry erase marker off clothes. But they all have a similarity – they all use alcohol in some way. Each of my methods uses the dry erase ink’s chemical composition against it. Other options include acetone nail polish for sturdy fabrics or alcohol-based hairspray. As long as I’ve got alcohol, I don’t worry about how I’ll get dry erase markers off my favorite clothes.

Does rubbing alcohol remove dry erase marker?

Apply rubbing alcohol around the stained area that you see from the back of the clothing, using a sponge. Then dab alcohol straight onto the stain, again from the back of the garment, using a sponge. Continue rubbing the stain, changing the paper towels as they get wet. You will see the paper towels absorb the stain.

Will vinegar remove dry erase marker?

To remove the dry erase marker with this method, you will need not only baking soda but also vinegar. These two components must be mixed to get a thick paste. Apply it to the stains, let it soak for 60 minutes, then remove the remaining paste and wash the item in the machine.

How do you get dry erase marker off without eraser?

Rubbing alcohol, hand sanitizer, nail polish remover containing acetone, vinegar, and Windex are all safe to use on a whiteboard. To clean the whiteboard, dampen a cloth and use it to rub in the cleaning product of your choice. Rinse the cloth with cold water and use it to rinse off any remaining cleaning solution.


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